


1. 曲 [qū]2. 曲 [qǔ]曲 [qū]弯转,与“直”相对:弯~。~折(zhé)。~笔(a.古代史官不按事实、有意掩盖真相的记载;b.写文章时故意离题而不直书其事的笔法)。~肱而枕。~尽其妙。不公正,不合理:~说。~解(jiě)。委……


1. 奇 [qí]2. 奇 [jī]奇 [qí]特殊的,稀罕,不常见的:~闻。~迹。~志。~观。~妙。~巧。~耻大辱。出人意料的,令人不测的:~兵。~计。~袭。出~制胜。惊异,引以为奇:~怪。惊~。不足为~。奇 [jī]数目不成双的,与“偶……



汉语拼音:qū qí






  1. When you're in that state it's easy to succumb to chips, cookies, pretzels or other highly refined carbohydrate snacks.


  2. Personal Data collected by means of cookies will not be disclosed to any third parties except to those parties within our Group.


  3. She included two coupons for a free burger and a handwritten note on her business card for me to get two free cookies.


  4. "There must be something wrong with that recipe, " thought Fox as he dumped the cookies into the garbage can.


  5. With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered her half, as he ate the other.


  6. Share with me a glass of milk and a couple of chocolate chip cookies as we help preserve the fleeting illusions of childhood.


  7. She felt so ashamed! ! She realized that she was wrong. . . She had forgotten that her cookies were kept in her purse.


  8. as HAROLD took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be okey.


  9. The message says, "I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if Ilet you. "


  1. 巧克力曲奇

    Chocolate Cookies.

  2. 吃块曲奇。

    Have a cookie.

  3. 吃块曲奇。

    Have a cookie.

  4. 吃曲奇吗?

    Would you like a cookie?

  5. 奶油曲奇饼

    butter cookie.

  6. 香草曲奇饼干

    vanilla butter cookie

  7. 能吃到曲奇

    at Gamblers Anonymous.

  8. 我带了曲奇饼干

    I brought cookies.

  9. 那是曲奇怪物吗?

    Is that the Cookie Monster?

  10. 论斤卖的曲奇饼

    loose cookie

  11. 只剩下五块曲奇了。

    There are only five cookies left.

  12. 磁致伸缩曲奇切割器

    magneto striction cookie cutter

  13. 他爱吃巧克力块曲奇

    He loves chocolate chip cookies

  14. 曲奇饼干的罐子有多满?

    How full is the cookie jar?

  15. 曲奇烤时会略微变平。

    The cookies will flatten slightly while cooking.

  16. 这些曲奇饼吃起来很松脆。

    The cookies eat short.

  17. 如梅,这是你的曲奇饼。

    And here are your cookies, Rumei.

  18. 这是一块曲奇饼干。我爱好曲奇饼干。

    It's a cookie. I like cookies.

  19. 这是一块曲奇饼干。我喜欢曲奇饼干。

    It's a cookie. I like cookies.

  20. 曲奇中可以找到抽奖邮件,例如。

    Cookies can be found in sweepstakes mailings, for example.

  21. 将曲奇饼干存放于密封罐中。

    Store the cookies in an airtight tin.

  22. 朱古力曲奇不是她爱吃的。

    Chocolate cookies are not her favor.

  23. 你真贴心,还为他做这些曲奇。

    So sweet of you to make these cookies for him.

  24. 你真贴心,还为他做这些曲奇。

    So sweet of you to make these cookies for him.

  25. 你真贴心,还为他做这些曲奇。

    So sweet of you to make these cookies for him.

  26. 奶妈把曲奇饼在火上搅拌一下!

    Mammy Cookie, stir up the fire!

  27. 一个优秀的厨师做了美味的曲奇。

    A good cook cooks good cookies.

  28. 外面涂有厚厚一层巧克力的曲奇

    cookies thickly coated with chocolate

  29. 他们想打破巴甫洛最大的曲奇的纪录。

    They want to set a record by making Buffalo's largest cookie.

  30. 因此许多家里的厨房会有曲奇罐头。

    Many kitchens have a cookie jar for that purpose.


  1. 问:曲奇拼音怎么拼?曲奇的读音是什么?曲奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:曲奇的读音是,曲奇翻译成英文是 Cookie

  2. 问:曲奇饼干拼音怎么拼?曲奇饼干的读音是什么?曲奇饼干翻译成英文是什么?

    答:曲奇饼干的读音是qū qí bǐng gān,曲奇饼干翻译成英文是 Korean Crackers



材料    用量 中粉 190克 杏仁粉 150克 糖 100克 肉桂粉 1.5小勺 盐 0.25小勺 丁香粉 0.25小勺 蛋 一个 水 2小勺 黄油 113克,室温软化 果酱 适量 巧克力臻子酱 适量 糖粉 适量

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