


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……





汉语拼音:hǎo téng



  1. Dad, I am in so much pain! Mom said you were too busy to take care of me.


  2. As my foot hit the pavement, a sharp pain ran through the left side of my body.


  3. "Really? " The belly of river's vegetable still muggy ache jot, oneself just actually made an effort of, very painful.


  4. A man goes to the doctor and says: "Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts. "


  5. "I'm doomed, " he sobbed. "They came for me again last night. It hurts! I can't stand this much longer. "


  6. Then he would tell me: "Tommy I feel pain in my shoulder. I am sure you are going to win today. "


  7. Paulo: I cut my finger while slicing these onions. It really hurts. Ow!


  8. Heart aches. I can't recall and your good time, cannot forget your smile.


  9. That gum bloat came on the side of big front tooth, good ache, how should I do?


  1. 喔唷,好疼!

    Ouch, it hurts!

  2. 我的头好疼!

    My head aches so!

  3. 我得头好疼!

    My head aches so!

  4. 给我过来,好疼!

    Come on.Ow!ow!ow,that hurts!

  5. 给我过来,好疼!

    Come on. Ow! ow! ow, that hurts!

  6. 哎呀!我的头好疼啊。

    Oh dear! my head aches.

  7. 我扭伤了脚踝,好疼啊。

    I sprained my ankle. Its killing me.

  8. 我头好疼,肚子也不舒服。

    I've got a really bad headache and my stomach hurts.

  9. 我现在牙好疼,我应该怎么办?

    I the tooth is good now ache, how should I do ?

  10. 我的脚起泡了, 好疼啊!怎么办?

    My foot bubbled, good ache! How to do

  11. 想象一下不能说出我饿了,我好疼

    Imagine being unable to say, I am hungry, I am in pain.

  12. 我的身体好疼, 我想好好洗个热水澡。

    My body aches. I'd like to take hot bath.

  13. 我得身体好疼,我想好好洗个热水澡。

    My body aches. I'd like to take hot bath.

  14. 啊,它好像移了位置,戳的我好疼呀。

    Ahh, I think it just moved. it's really poking me.

  15. 最近颈部好疼啊, 难道是游戏玩多拉

    Cervical recently good ache, be game plays Dora

  16. 我切洋葱的时候切到自己的手了。好疼, 哎哟!

    I cut my finger while slicing these onions. It really hurts. Ow!

  17. 大板牙旁边那个牙龈肿起来了, 好疼啊, 我应该怎么办?

    That gum bloat came on the side of big tooth, good ache, how should I do ?

  18. 她的胃疼好一阵,坏一阵。

    She has an off and on pain in the stomach.

  19. 伙计,别站着说话不腰疼好吗

    Dude, you weren't there.

  20. 音乐治疗不好牙疼。

    Music helps not the toothache.

  21. 还好不疼难道这只刺猬是白垩纪来的?

    But I surprised. Is this hedgehog from the Cretaceous period !

  22. 治疗扁桃体发炎, 喉咙疼最好得办法是 什么

    Treat tonsil inflammation, what is throat is fond of best method

  23. 治疗扁桃体发炎,喉咙疼最好的办法是 什么

    Treat tonsil inflammation, what is throat is fond of best method.

  24. 如果我不把这个取下来就会很疼。好了。

    It's going to really hurt if I don't take that off. Okay.

  25. 好了 嗷 开始疼了。

    Okay.Ow,ow.That's actually starting to be painful.

  26. 好了 嗷 开始疼了。

    Okay. Ow, ow. That's actually starting to be painful.

  27. 昨晚没睡好,背特别疼。

    I couldn’t sleep well last night because of a sharp pain in my back.

  28. 我希望医生能治好我肩上的疼痛。

    I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder.

  29. 老师你好,我肚子疼想请假一天可以吗?

    Hello teacher, I would like to leave one day a stomach ache it.

  30. 我的左腿有肤色胎记,去除的方法哪种最好,还不疼呢?

    My left leg has birthmark of color of skin, the method of purify which kinds are best, still do not ache?

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