


1. 洗 [xǐ]2. 洗 [xiǎn]洗 [xǐ]用水去掉污垢:~脸。~涮。~涤。~澡。~心革面(喻彻底悔改)。清除干净:清~。像水洗一样抢光,杀光:~劫。昭雪冤枉:~雪。~冤。照相的显影定影:冲~。~印。玩牌时把牌搀和整理:~牌。基督教……


1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……


1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……



汉语拼音:xǐ yī fú



  1. But then, if your lint were clean enough to see that effect clearly, you'd never need to wash your clothes.


  2. You: Hold on, being in a band isn't all fun and games though. Which one of you is going to be doing my laundry?


  3. STEVE EMBER: Bessie had to pick cotton and wash clothes to help earn money for her family.


  4. It was the same stream where, just meters ahead, a woman was washing clothes and a man was defecating .


  5. May I see? Hmm. I see what you mean. I'll have to check with the laundry service about this. Could you wait a moment, please?


  6. Much more previous six this morning got up to start doing laundry, wash now just good, very tired, the heads were all dizzy, ha ha.


  7. We were willing to do everything for her, washing clothes, preparing milk, replacing nappy etc.


  8. the morning rain, easy to stop. Old belief that the morning rain, female, stop, then roll afternoon easy sleeve washing clothes.


  9. Make it a habit so your weekends aren't spent doing tons of laundry. This takes self discipline.


  1. 她洗衣服。

    She washed the clothes.

  2. 我洗衣服了。

    I cleaned the room.

  3. 我要洗衣服。

    I will do some washing.

  4. 我得洗衣服。

    I have to do the laundry.

  5. 我去洗衣服

    I'm gonna get started on the laundry.

  6. 洗衣服的方法

    How to do laundry

  7. 她在洗衣服。

    She is washing clothes to obey.

  8. 我自己洗衣服

    I did my own laundry.

  9. 我必须洗衣服。

    I have to do some washing.

  10. 我健身,洗衣服。

    I work out.I do laundry.

  11. 我健身,洗衣服。

    I work out. I do laundry.

  12. 他假装洗衣服。

    He made believe to wash clothes.

  13. 用洗衣板洗衣服

    They did it on a scrub board.

  14. 妈妈正在洗衣服。

    Mother is washing the clothes.

  15. 我还要洗衣服。

    I have laundry to do.

  16. 我还要洗衣服。

    I have laundry to do.

  17. 你帮他洗衣服?

    You're doing his laundry?

  18. 我周末洗衣服。

    I wash clothes in weekends.

  19. 他帮我洗衣服。

    He helps me to wash clothes.

  20. 他给我洗衣服。

    He washed the clothes for me.

  21. 因为我在洗衣服

    'Cause I'm doing lonedree.

  22. 你喜欢洗衣服吗

    Do you like to do the laundry

  23. 你自己洗衣服吗?

    Do you wash your clothes by yourself?

  24. 她还没有洗衣服。

    She have not washed her clothes yet.

  25. 你们提供洗衣服吗?

    Do you have a laundry service?

  26. 我需要一套换洗衣服。

    I need a change of clothes.

  27. 我来帮你洗衣服。

    I'll do your laundry.

  28. 我通常星期天洗衣服。

    I usually do some washing on Sunday.

  29. 我不想再洗衣服。

    I can't stand doing the laundry.

  30. 你会洗衣服吗, 玲玲?

    Can you wash clothes, Lingling ?


  1. 问:洗衣服拼音怎么拼?洗衣服的读音是什么?洗衣服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗衣服的读音是xǐyīfú,洗衣服翻译成英文是 to wash clothes.




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