




有效验:~验。~丹妙药。聪明,不呆滞:~巧。机~。~慧。敏捷的心理活动:~机。~感。~性。精神:~魂。心~。英~。旧时称神或关于神仙的:神~。精~。反映敏捷,活动迅速:~活。~犀。~便(biàn )。关于死人的:幽~。~魂。~柩。……




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:sòng líng chè shàng rén



  1. 网络
  2. Seeing off a Recluse;Pic

  3. >

  1. 还把人送上了月球。

    It put a man on the moon.

  2. 美国人於1969年把人送上了月球。

    The Americans put a man on the moon in 1967.

  3. 他刚才送人上火车站去了。

    Ha has been seeing someone to the station.

  4. 我请来人送上包裹一件。

    I'm sending a parcel to you per bearer.

  5. 美国人于1969年把人送上了月球。

    The Americans put a man on the moon in 1969.

  6. 送人上月球是否浪费金钱, 是可以辩论的。

    It could be argued that sending men to the moon is a waste of money.

  7. 送人上月球是否浪费金钱,是可以辩论得。

    It could be argued that sending men to the moon is a waste of money.

  8. 就目前来说把人送上月球代价太高了。

    Concerning sending man to the Moon price very high at present.

  9. 我们把人送上月球,达成了许多不可思议的事

    We've put people on the moon. We've done all sorts of extraordinary things.

  10. 当美国人准备将人送上太空时,他们要保证安全。

    When Americans were getting ready to send men into space, they wanted to be sure that it would be safe.

  11. 世人对它大加嘲笑,有时甚至因它把人送上断头台。

    The world mocks at it, and sometimes puts one in the pillory of it.

  12. 若是你真的把一个无辜的人送上被告席了呢?

    What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?

  13. 那天有40个人被送上了断头台。

    Forty people were guillotined that day.

  14. 那个杀人凶手终于被送上了绞架。

    That murderer danced on a rope at last.

  15. 世人对它大加嘲笑, 有时甚至由于它还把人送上颈手枷。

    The world mocks at it and sometimes puts one in the pillory for it.

  16. 被他们送上绞架的并不是一个无辜的人。

    They did not send an innocent man to the gallows.

  17. 被他们送上绞架得并不是一个无辜得人。

    They did not send an innocent man to the gallows.

  18. 沙僧拿出一支枪听说这玩艺儿立马就送人上西天。

    Drifting out of a gun I heard that someday, people immediately send its demise.

  19. 有一个人非常成功, 然而几乎被送上绞刑架。

    One was so effective that he was almost hanged.

  20. 有人把吉普车上得冻肉, 黑面包和啤酒送上来。

    Someone brought cold cuts, dark bread, and beer from the jeep.

  21. 有人把吉普车上的冻肉,黑面包和啤酒送上来。

    Someone brought cold cuts, dark bread, and beer from the jeep.

  22. 也有人忍痛送上自己的给予,痛苦便是他们的洗礼。

    And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.

  23. 赞尽心机把别人送上法庭的人都没安好心。

    Anyone who spends so much time taking other people to court is up to no good.

  24. 几名太空人被送上太空。

    Some astronauts were put into space.

  25. 有得人是生来得伟大, 有得人是送上来得伟大。

    Some men are born great, Others have greatness thrust upon them.

  26. 在大恐怖时期,每天有几百人被送上断头台。

    During the Reign of Terror hundreds were daily dispatched by the guillotine.

  27. 在法国大革命中,数以千计的人被送上断头台处决。

    During the French Revolution, thousands of people were guillotined.

  28. 起初, 将被送上特别法庭的人就不到十来个。

    For starters, the tribunal will likely try fewer than a dozen defendants.

  29. 起初,将被送上特别法庭得人就不到十来个。

    For starters,the tribunal will likely try fewer than a dozen defendants.

  30. 他们在送年青人上战场。

    They were shipping young men off to the war.






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