




1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……







汉语拼音:yī bǎ zhuā zhù



  1. Aladdin was very afraid. He began to run away, but Abanazar took his arm and hit him on the head.

  2. She looked like she was about to lose her balance and fall when I caught her and led her to the sofa to lay down.

  3. he put out his hands to save her , and she seized him , feeling for comfort , cold now from the shock.

  4. My teacher came up to me a powerful d grabpossiblyd my penis. She thought it was my phone.

  5. At the last possible instant, he leaped from the train. He took two giant strides and grabbed the children.

  6. "I don't know if I ought to have come, " she said breathlessly, grasping Sandy's arm.

  7. When I got to the front of the line, a guy coming from the other end of the plane grabbed my shoulder and pushed me out of the way.

  8. and with that she took up the walnut-shell in which Thumbelina lay and hopped away through the broken pane out into the garden.

  9. As I turned the corner into the street, a man came out of a doorway and took my arm. It was one of the men from the hotel.


  1. 她一把抓住钱。

    She grabbed at the money.

  2. 劈胸一把抓住

    grasp sb. by the front of his coat.

  3. 小猫一把抓住蝴蝶。

    The cat snatched at the butterflies.

  4. 他一把抓住了我的胳臂。

    He snatched at my arm.

  5. 警察一把抓住扒手的手。

    The policeman caught hold of the pickpocket by the hand.

  6. 那人一把抓住我的衣襟。

    The man grabbed ahold of my lapel.

  7. 警察一把抓住了小偷的衣领。

    The policeman seized a thief by the collar.

  8. 我一把抓住他,他大叫一声。

    I grabbed him and he let out a holler.

  9. 他突然一把抓住乔的衣领。

    He grabbed Joe suddenly by the lapels.

  10. 她爸爸飞身去救她,把她一把抓住。

    Dad flew over to save her and grabbed her.

  11. 他一把抓住歹徒,把他扔出门外。

    He grabbed the hooligan and shot him out of the door.

  12. 她大发脾气一把抓住我的衬衫。

    She clawed at my shirt in her temper.

  13. 我想一把抓住莫利就跑掉。

    I wanted to grab Molly and run.

  14. 因为害怕,她一把抓住了他的胳膊。

    In fright she seized his arm.

  15. 这贼猛地一把抓住钱包逃跑了。

    The thief grabbed the purse and ran away with it.

  16. 她在偷钱包时被警察一把抓住了。

    She got snagged by the police while stealing the purse.

  17. 她向后边跌去, 但是他一把抓住了她。

    She fell backwards but he caught up her with his arms.

  18. 她向后边跌去,但是他一把抓住了她。

    She fell backwards but he caught up her with his arms.

  19. 他在花瓶掉下来之前一把抓住了它。

    He snatched up the vase before it dropped.

  20. 快跑!那人手疾眼快,一把抓住了马笼头。

    With a sudden swift movement the man's hand was on the horse's bridle.

  21. 她踉跄着冲过来,一把抓住了他的手臂。

    Staggering, she rushed over and took hold of his arm.

  22. 莉,他说着一把抓住我的胳膊把我拉了回来。

    Leigh,'he said seizing my arm to hold me back.

  23. 她一把抓住她丈夫的手腕将他拖走了。

    She grabbed her husband by the wrist and dragged him away.

  24. 小偷一把抓住了我的手提包,但我把他推开了。

    The thief made a grab at my bag but I pushed him away.

  25. 她一把抓住他的手腕, 把他推开, 又是一阵笑。

    She caught at his wrist and pushed him away, laughing again.

  26. 他恶狠狠地一把抓住可怜的帕特里奇的衣领。

    He laid violent hands on the collar of poor Partridge.

  27. 她过去应门, 一个老邻居一把抓住了她的胳膊。

    When she answered, a longtime neighbor grabbed her arm.

  28. 说时迟那时快,跛足的老鼠一把抓住宝贵的法宝。

    Quick as a wink, the lamemouse snatched up the precious talisman.

  29. 说时迟那时快,跛足得老鼠一把抓住宝贵得法宝。

    Quick as a wink, the lame mouse snatched up the precious talisman.

  30. 她一把抓住了他的臂膀,不觉眼泪洒在他的手腕上。

    She grabbed his arm and felt her tears splash down on his wrist.


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