




1. 哪 [nǎ]2. 哪 [něi]3. 哪 [na]4. 哪 [né]哪 [nǎ]疑问词,后面跟名词或数量词,表示要求在所问范围中有所确定:~样。~里(a.什么地方。b.用于反问句,表示否定,如“我~~知道?”“他~~笨啊?”c.谦辞,……


居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……


游戏:~耍。~笑。~兴(xìng )。~具。~偶。戏弄,搬弄:~弄。~狎。~花招儿。观赏:~赏。~味。瞻~。~物丧志。可供观赏的东西:古~。轻视,忽视:~忽职守。~世不恭。……



汉语拼音:qù nǎ lǐ wán



  1. Establish boundaries like whether the child is allowed to play outdoors, where the child can go, etc.


  2. Mickey Kantor was talking me through it when Chelsea asked me where we were going for summer vacation.


  3. "Well, I should say, " said the other. "I've been just sitting here thinking where I'd go to-night. "


  4. I'm going to go out for fun, where to go to play, up to you now, I listen to you.


  5. People should always know where their kids are when not in school.


  6. You will be led to ask my students where to go, I can say is go to some cheap, fun place, because of my limited funds ah.


  7. My home town is in the Anhui, that very beauty, welcome you go where play.


  8. I have to make up my mind quickly over where to go for National Day.


  9. So we figure we've got summer vacation covered.


  1. 你去哪里玩呢

    Where do you go?

  2. 您会去哪里玩?

    Where will you travel to?

  3. 如果今年的假期能随便去玩的话,那将是哪里?

    If you could go anywhere on vacation this year, where would it be ?

  4. 哎,你国庆去哪里了,也出去玩了吧,给我讲讲!

    Ah, your great occasion of nation go where, also went out to play, speak for me!

  5. 然而玩伴亦不知去了哪里。

    However, do not know the whereabouts of playmates.

  6. 走?去哪里?

    Go? Go where?

  7. 你们去哪里

    Where you headed?

  8. 去哪里,萨莉安?

    Where you goin',Sallyann?

  9. 去哪里,萨莉安?

    Where you goin', Sallyann?

  10. 她去哪里了

    Where is she?

  11. 你要去哪里

    Where you gonna be?

  12. 你去哪里了

    Hey, where you been?

  13. 您要去哪里?

    Where are you headed?

  14. 去玩泡泡足球

    bubble soccer with me?

  15. 无论你去哪里

    everywhere you go

  16. 要去哪里,先生?

    Where to, sir

  17. 你去哪里,妈妈?

    Where to mama

  18. 我们要去哪里?

    Where are we going?

  19. 你们要去哪里

    Where are you guys going?

  20. 他们要去哪里?

    Where are they going?

  21. 你去哪里,爸爸?。

    Where to papa.

  22. 大家都会去玩

    Everybody's gonna be there.

  23. 外婆,你去哪里

    Hey, Grandma, where you going?

  24. 去体育馆,去玩游戏。

    Go to the gym, play a game.

  25. 好了。去玩吧。

    Well.Run off and play.

  26. 达芙妮去哪里了

    Where's Daphne?

  27. 你想出去玩吗?

    Wanna go somewhere?

  28. 咱们去玩水吧。

    Let's go for a paddle.

  29. 我们去玩吧,好

    Let's do it. All right.

  30. 我儿子去哪里了

    Where's my son?

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