


去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……









汉语拼音:wǎng shì rú yān







  1. The past was more like smoke and dream, had gone with the wind. Expect tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day!


  2. The past, I inhaled the taste of his heart, choking, forced out of tears, but still reluctant to let go.


  3. Forget about love, hate all right, past Ruyan, eventually to the wind.


  4. Past tobacco and curl on the blue sky turn into clouds, so as to form rain, spraying tear drop of love turn into a rainbow, overflow glory.


  5. Cigarettes back when I was feeling the changes of the motherland with each passing day, the little girl want to turn left.


  6. Once upon a time is a video series that are inspired by a big collection of my family photo album.


  7. Past events, such as seen in smoke a film, and heard of a song, go over the places of interest in the past is the past, there questions.


  8. Widows and orphans of the text to read the past, can't spell you handsome youth face.


  9. Yan had fall to the past, the moonlight, he tears flow, double temples, speechless for my sorrow.


  1. 现在泪水已干, 往事如烟。

    And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.

  2. 有什么好谈的,往事如烟。

    What's the point? The past is the past.

  3. 有什么好谈的,往事如烟。

    What's the point? The past is the past.

  4. 往事如烟, 袭上他那郁闷的心头。

    Memories beset his brooding brain.

  5. 往事如烟, 它经历了痛苦与曲折, 也包含了喜悦与成功。

    The past things are include painful, joyful and successful.

  6. 往事如风。

    The past has vanished like wind.

  7. 走吧, 如烟的往日

    Burn out ends of smoky days

  8. 梨花似雪草如烟。

    Pear blossoms like snowflakes, the sprouting blades of grass like mist.

  9. 春风如酒,夏风如茗,秋风如烟,冬风如姜芥。

    Spring wind is like wine, summer wind is like tea, autumn wind is like smoke, and winter wind is like ginger or mustard.

  10. 你为何向你草场的羊发怒如烟冒出呢?

    Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture?

  11. 一缕薄或微弱的条纹或碎片, 如烟, 云等。

    A thin or faint streakor fragment, as of smoke or clouds.

  12. 前方灰暗,往事如风。残缺花瓣,夹于日记嵌于心。

    The front is gloomy, the past has vanished from memory like wind. The defective petal, clip embed Yu Xin in the diary.

  13. 往事如海浪一般在我的脑海里翻滚, 我感到了心潮澎湃。

    In a flash, waves of past memories were flooding over my mind and my heart was like a drum being beaten wildly.

  14. 你令我心上的花儿绽放, 你最后一缕银辉却消逝如烟。

    Thou least abloom my heart until the very last of thy ray.

  15. 往事如烟正静候你。

    Old sparky waiting for you.

  16. 往事如烟正静候你。

    Old sparky waiting for you.

  17. 优秀的历史小说能使往事历历如绘。

    The best historical novels make the past come alive.

  18. 凄惨的往事汹涌如潮,时时涌上我的心头。

    I am haunted with sad memories.

  19. 薇薇泪似泉涌, 往事回忆如潮, 连一半的话也没有听懂。

    Vivi's tears and memories, spilling so fast, half the words not understood.

  20. 印度出口烟叶以及成品如卷烟、雪茄、比迪烟和水烟。

    India exports tobacco leaf as well as ready products such as cigarette, cigars, bidi and hookah.

  21. 如今泪水已干, 往事如烟所以, 彩虹要快乐哦捏捏笑一个

    And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.

  22. 我的思绪还纠缠着如烟往事。

    My thought still cling to the moldering past.

  23. 我得思绪还纠缠着如烟往事。

    My thought still cling to the moldering past.

  24. 如烟往事俱忘却, 心底无私天地宽。

    10 and the oblivion of the past all forgotten, heart selfless world wide.

  25. 走吧, 如烟得往日

    Burn out ends of smoky days

  26. 往事如风, 不如让爱随风去。

    Events such as wind, it is better to love the wind.

  27. 你只能看到如烟一般的蓝色薄雾。

    You see only the thin blue haze, like smoke.

  28. 今日府河与南河春树碧如烟春水绿如蓝。

    In spring both the trees and the river present a hue of green jade.

  29. 懒惰人叫差他的人, 如醋倒牙, 如烟薰目。

    As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is a sluggard to those who send him.

  30. 柳枝吐出如烟的思绪, 擎住蔚蓝色的梦境。

    Switchgrass cigarettes out of the thoughts, the blue engine to live a dream.



基本信息Audrey和Brian结婚11年,有一对儿女,生活幸福平静。某天,Brian因介入陌生家庭的纠纷而丧生,Audrey的生活突然风云突变。Audrey遂邀请丈夫死党Jerry Sunborne搬进自家,希望他可以帮助自家渡过难关。为此,穷困潦倒的瘾君子Jerry,帮助Audrey的同时重建自身。渐渐地,Jerry成功远离毒品,有了新的工作,两个孩子也把他当成自己的“新爸爸”,二人的生活开始活色生香。但是,两人的摩擦也慢慢开始,原来寂寞并不能成为爱情的理由。往事在火中是如烟消散还是涅槃重生?两个伤痕累累的人相拥,是更加寂寞还是互相温暖?影片试图找到答案。

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