


1. 压 [yā]2. 压 [yà]压 [yā]从上面加力:~住。~碎。~缩。泰山~顶。用威力制服、镇服:镇~。~服。~迫。控制,使稳定,使平静:~价。~住阵脚。搁置:积~。逼近:大兵~境。赌博时在某一门上下注:~宝(亦作“押宝”)。压 [……


1. 扁 [biǎn]2. 扁 [piān]扁 [biǎn]物体平而薄:~豆。~担。~圆。~铲。古同“匾”,匾额。扁 [piān]小:~舟。……



汉语拼音:yā biǎn



  1. But, you know, an ellipse is just a squished circle.


  2. If the trauma of being pulled to the surface from the deep is not fatal, the fish are usually crushed in the net by other fish.


  3. Also, you can modify the objects in other ways, the next example scales the ball so that it looks squashed at the bottom of each bounce.


  4. Nearby, an old man with a black beret selects two mangoes from the bottom of a battered cardboard box.


  5. The chunks of brick and concrete that had buried him and his wife were pressing tighter by the hour, crushing them.


  6. So what if we somehow flatten our cone, push it a bit up so that it becomes completely flat?


  7. Kevin: The dog was dead on the scene and it was flattened. . . I saw the bloody organs burst out in front of me. . .


  8. Easy to imagine, the fool but rather bold mantis was crushed by the rolling wheels.


  9. It had been flattened into an oblong shape, a kind of thick cigar held between the bucket's teeth.


  1. 压扁吸血鬼?

    Vampire squished

  2. 将某物压扁

    to squash something flat

  3. 纸箱子压扁了。

    The cardboard box was crushed.

  4. 那个箱子被压扁。

    The box was crushed flat.

  5. 手都被压扁了

    Oh, this hand's hamburger.

  6. 把它水平地压扁。

    Lets squish it horizontally.

  7. 我们会压扁敌人的!

    Go tramp around the world and you will find one who wants to understand you somewhere.

  8. 什么叫腰锥体压扁骨折?

    What calls lumbar cone squash fracture ?

  9. 花柱丝状柱头舌状, 压扁。

    Style filiformstigma lingulate, compressed.

  10. 每个孩子都被压扁了。

    Every child was crushed to the thickness of their bones.

  11. 这样不是把宝宝压扁了吗

    Aren't we squishing the baby?

  12. 但我是不会被压扁的。

    But I will not flatten.

  13. 胞果球状或者长圆形, 压扁,

    Utricles globose or oblong, compressed, indehiscent.

  14. 今天早上你差点把我压扁

    You did almost flatten me this morning.

  15. 有人把我得几十压扁了。

    Somebody has squashed my hat flat.

  16. 有人把我的几十压扁了。

    Somebody has squashed my hat flat.

  17. 我压扁手中的空啤酒罐。

    I crushed the empty beer can in my hand.

  18. 篮子打翻了,草莓也都被压扁了。

    The basket is overturned and the strawberries are all squashed.

  19. 我坐在了西红柿上,把它压扁了。

    I sat on the tomato and squashed it.

  20. 水果如果包装不好会被压扁的。

    The fruit will squash if it is badly packed.

  21. 水果如果包装不好会被压扁得。

    The fruit will squash if it is badly packed.

  22. 那些瓶子被压扁, 之后会送回工厂。

    The bottles are pressed flat and send back to factory.

  23. 因为马儿甩下我时压扁了它

    Thats cause it got kind of flattened when that mare threw me.

  24. 你能挪动一下吗?你快把我压扁了。

    Can you move, you're squashing me?

  25. 取笑我,我会把你像小虫一样压扁。

    Make fun of me and I'll squash you like a slug.

  26. 他们的车被一辆军用坦克压扁了。

    Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank.

  27. 它的力气可以压扁一个空可乐罐。

    And it can actually crush an empty soda can.

  28. 内果皮卵圆形的但是侧面压扁,光滑。

    endocarp ovoid but laterally compressed, smooth. Fl. May, fr. Jul.

  29. 她捏了些泥塑,又将它们再次压扁。

    She made clay models and squashed them flat again.

  30. 那激光非常强,将那乒乓球在瞬间压扁。

    The lasers are very strong, and it squashes the ping pong ball really, really quick.


  1. 问:压扁酌拼音怎么拼?压扁酌的读音是什么?压扁酌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:压扁酌的读音是,压扁酌翻译成英文是 flattening

  2. 问:压扁面拼音怎么拼?压扁面的读音是什么?压扁面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:压扁面的读音是,压扁面翻译成英文是 flattening plane

  3. 问:压扁构造拼音怎么拼?压扁构造的读音是什么?压扁构造翻译成英文是什么?

    答:压扁构造的读音是,压扁构造翻译成英文是 flaser structure

  4. 问:压扁状的拼音怎么拼?压扁状的的读音是什么?压扁状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:压扁状的的读音是,压扁状的翻译成英文是 flaser

  5. 问:压扁试验拼音怎么拼?压扁试验的读音是什么?压扁试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:压扁试验的读音是yā biǎn shì yàn,压扁试验翻译成英文是 flattening test

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