



  1. 把握事物的关键。

    宋 曾巩 《请令长贰自举属官札子》:“分别淑慝,以执中主要,信行其赏罚。”

  2. 指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。

    吴晗 《古代的农书--<齐民要术>》:“ 明 徐光启 的《农政全书》和 清 朝的《授时通考》都引用了这书的主要部分。” 刘宾雁 《在桥梁工地上》:“不管缺点怎么多,成绩还是主要的。”



  1. "My ambitions are principally for you" , said Madame Merle, looking up at him with a certain courage.

  2. I can sleep in such a way the hair, the main problem is the point of view. Elsewhere Motti more chaotic. Whining.

  3. Nineteen Eighty-Four is often described, mainly by conservatives, as an attack against socialism.

  4. Surface resistivity: leakage across the surface, a function primarily of surface contaminants.

  5. Chinese people often struggle with this because, in Chinese, it is often unacceptable to give a short, one-word answer.

  6. My main responsibilities included drawing up the Company's business contracts and cooperative agreements and training employees.

  7. As later with civil servants, government did not extensively use its own facilities but bought this service in from the private sector.

  8. 'So far, official policy measures are mainly palliatives, but do not address the underlying problems, ' he said.

  9. Noah Smith seems to imply that critics of a "get tough" approach mainly think there would be no benefit to a yuan appreciation.


  1. 但主要是。

    But mostly .

  2. 主要是绘画

    Uh, painting mostly.

  3. 主要是两方面

    to the foreground for me.

  4. 主要是利用病毒

    The virus is what matters.

  5. 观众主要是妇女。

    The audience consisted mostly of women.

  6. 牛主要是吃草。

    Cattle chiefly feed on grass.

  7. 主要是两件事。

    So there are two things going on.

  8. 郡法庭主要是民事法庭。

    County courts are primarily civil law courts.

  9. 主要是插图换了。

    In most cases, the pictures have been changed.

  10. 他主要是从事写作。

    He is largely engaged in writing.

  11. 而主要是促进生长。

    but primarily for growth promotion.

  12. 它主要是分享资料。

    But what's it's doing is sharing data.

  13. 病人主要是本土的。

    The patients are predominantly indigenous.

  14. 民乐主要是指民歌。

    In large part, folk music is folk singing.

  15. 这个国家主要是沙漠。

    This country is largely desert land.

  16. 這個問題主要是出自顯微鏡本身

    The problem lies with the microscope itself.

  17. 主要是浅表淋巴结肿大。

    Is mainly superficial lymph nodes.

  18. 这沙司主要是奶油。

    The sauce is mostly cream.

  19. 纵隔内主要是脂肪。

    The mediastinum contains mostly fat.

  20. 拿破仑主要是个军人。

    Napoleon was primarily a soldier.

  21. 奶牛吃的主要是青草。

    Cows eat mostly grass.

  22. 我们主要是去访学。

    We mainly went there for academic purpose.

  23. 主要是淡水原生动物。

    mostly freshwater protozoa.

  24. 主要是看他们怎么判!

    Basically be to see them how be sentenced!

  25. 连词主要是引导从句。

    Conjunction The main clause is a guide.

  26. 学开车主要是靠协调。

    Learning to drive is all a matter of coordination.

  27. 主要是大型的欧洲白鹤。

    large mostly white Australian stork.

  28. 主要是一些常量的声明!

    ADO constants include file for VBScript.

  29. 教育主要是家庭的事务。

    Education was mainly a household matter.

  30. 主要是内容,其次才是形式。

    Content comes first, form second.

