


事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……







汉语拼音:jī guān qiāng






  1. 利用机械装置自动连续发射子弹的武器。

    茅盾 《过封锁线》:“门楼顶上居然雉堞式,而且是平顶,必要时这就是机关枪阵地。” 杨朔 《铁骑兵》:“忽然开来几辆装甲车,把队伍切断,打起机关枪来。”亦省称“ 机枪 ”。 刘白羽 《一个战斗英雄的传记》二:“ 曹纬 和战士们一齐冲下去,亲手打死一个扛机枪的,他夺得机枪,敌人溃退了。”



  1. If conventional marketing could be compared to a shotgun approach, one company official said, Rolls-Royce's was more like a sniper rifle.


  2. When he reached the top, one of the target bunkers opened fire on him with machine guns.


  3. Zhou usually liked to use my camera as a machine gun. He said he would like to capture every beautiful moment.


  4. within 72 hours after their surrender, they were killed in groups by machine gun fire along the bank of the Yangtze River.


  5. He had a personal escort known as the Amazonian guard, young women said to be martial-arts experts who often carried machine guns.


  6. Because you do not know your customers where they put on while machine-gun fire, the so-called "rather victimizes an 1000, released a not. "


  7. "If you storm out of the trenches with your sword drawn while machine guns fire at you, it's not bold, it's dumb. Times have changed. "


  8. An animation of a War Machine suit can also be seen in the closing credits with a Gatling gun attached on a shoulder.


  9. But both sides have hundreds of well-armed troops and heavy machine guns in place in case fighting does break out.


  1. 中部机关枪

    waist gun.

  2. 机关枪掩体

    machine gun shelter.

  3. 固定式机关枪

    fixed gun.

  4. 哒哒作响的机关枪

    stuttering machine guns

  5. 机关枪杀手

    With a machine gun?

  6. 汤普生机关枪

    Thompson submachine gun

  7. 水手服与机关枪

    Sailor Suit and Machine Gun

  8. 机关枪,为他工作。

    Remington, to work for him.

  9. 一阵的机关枪扫射

    spasmodic rifle fire.

  10. 红吉他当作机关枪

    Red guitar as my machine gun

  11. 他们装备了机关枪。

    They armed themselves with machine guns.

  12. 机关枪快速连发射击

    The machine gunner fired a quick burst.

  13. 然后机关枪开始扫射。

    Then that is when machine guns started.

  14. 这是机关枪的声音

    It was machine gun fire.

  15. 用机关枪射你

    Shoot you with a machine gun

  16. 这些机关枪都动用了。

    The machine guns were brought into play.

  17. 他们面对一排机关枪

    They came around a corner faced with a row of machine guns.

  18. 卫兵把机关枪准备就绪。

    The guards broke out the machine guns

  19. 机关枪接着响起来。

    The chatter of machineguns joined the fray, and it was soon impossible to distinguish this sound from the rapid popping of rifles.

  20. 机关枪子弹的尖啸声。

    The zing of the passing bullet.

  21. 机关枪在不停地射击。

    The machine gun is banging away.

  22. 战士们用机关枪痛击敌人。

    The soldiers severely punished the enemy by machine guns.

  23. 这种玩具机关枪很容易拆卸。

    This toy machine gun dismantles easily.

  24. 我祖母可以机关枪似的说话。

    My grandmother could talk a blue streak when she wanted to.

  25. 她亲手使用过一挺机关枪。

    She had handled a machine gun herself.

  26. 机关枪在远处不停地射击。

    In the distance machine guns were blazing.

  27. 我现在已经习惯了我的机关枪。

    Finally I've got used to my machine gun.

  28. 黎明时,我们的机关枪开火了。

    At daybreak our machine guns opened fire.

  29. 黎明时,我们得机关枪开火了。

    At daybreak our machine guns opened fire.

  30. 他模仿着机关枪发射的动作。

    He was mimicking the motion of a machine gun firing.


  1. 问:机关枪拼音怎么拼?机关枪的读音是什么?机关枪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机关枪的读音是jīguānqiāng,机关枪翻译成英文是 machine gun

  2. 问:机关枪的拼音怎么拼?机关枪的的读音是什么?机关枪的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机关枪的的读音是,机关枪的翻译成英文是 machine-gun

  3. 问:机关枪少女拼音怎么拼?机关枪少女的读音是什么?机关枪少女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机关枪少女的读音是Jīguānqiāng Shàonǚ,机关枪少女翻译成英文是 The Machine Girl, a Japanese action horror film w...

  4. 问:机关枪组合拼音怎么拼?机关枪组合的读音是什么?机关枪组合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机关枪组合的读音是jī guān qiāng zǔ hé,机关枪组合翻译成英文是 Machine-Gun Combination



机枪拼音Jīqiāng;机枪泛指身管内径在20毫米以下(不含20毫米)的可自动连续发射枪弹的枪械。 在一般的法律和口语中,机枪泛指可连发枪械。[1] 机枪为了满足连续射击的稳定需要,通常备有两脚架及可安装在三脚架或固定枪座上,主要发射步枪或更大口径(12.7mm/14.5mm)的子弹,能快速连续射击,以扫射为主要攻击方式,透过绵密火网压制对方火力点或掩护己方进攻。除了攻击有生目标之外,也可以射击其他无装甲防护或薄装甲防护的目标。

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