




兄弟排行次序最小的:~弟(小弟)。~父(小叔叔)。末了:~世。~春(春季末一月)。明~(明代末年)。~军(体育运动竞赛的第三名)。一年的四分之一:一年分春夏秋冬四~。~度。~风。一段时间:~节。~候。~相(xiàng )(某个地区在某个季节……





汉语拼音:sì jì dòu






  1. 菜豆。通称芸豆。豆科。一年生草本。蔓生或矮生。叶为具有三片小叶的复叶,小叶菱形。花白色、黄色或带紫色,荚果较长,种子白色、褐色、蓝黑色或绛红色,有花斑。嫩荚作蔬菜。种子可作粮食,又可入药,有利尿、消肿等作用。亦专指这种植物的荚果或种子。



  1. Mix diced carrots, celery, green beans, fresh broccoli, and cauliflower with your favorite greens and store in an airtight container.

  2. Lentils from region to region known as kidney beans different angle, bean, concanavalin , Si Jidou is widespread consumption of vegetables.

  3. The residue decline and pre-harvest interval of chlorpyrifos mixed with organosilicon surfactants in kidney beans have been studied.

  4. She is now about three-quarters of an inch long and about the size of a kidney bean.

  5. Note: Green beans must be cooked through. Raw green beans actually is slightly poisonous.

  6. I watched the "bean, " as it is sometimes lovingly called by transplant surgeons, go from brother to sister.

  7. Season Vegetables in Oyster Sauce, Mustard Greens with Scallop, Fried String beans, Shark's Fin Soup and Mushroom Soup.

  8. Laurie: Yes, please. I'll have roast beef, French fried potatoes and green beans. Noodle soup first, they say it's extra good here.

  9. Stir in the carrot, celery, zucchini, green beans, leek, salt, and pepper and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes.


  1. 干烧四季豆

    Braised Green Bean.

  2. 秋冬四季豆

    snap beanin autumn and winter season.

  3. 酱焖四季豆

    Stewed String Beans with Special Sauce

  4. 金枪鱼,四季豆色拉

    Tuna fish with string bean salad

  5. 四季豆细菌性疫病

    common baterial blight of bean

  6. 四季豆炒红辣椒

    Fried green beans with red pepper sijidou chao hong lajiao

  7. 我说的是四季豆

    I said haricots verts.

  8. 四季豆俗称刀豆,芸豆。

    Si Jidou commonly known as concanavalin, kidney beans.

  9. 四季豆好吃须做好

    Scientific Cooking Way Making String Bean be more Delicious

  10. 达芙妮,四季豆在冰箱里

    Daphne. They're in the refrigerator.

  11. 这四季豆看起来像不像胡子?

    Does the green bean look like mustache?

  12. 我们也种了四季豆和蕃茄。

    We planted green beans and tomatoes.

  13. 烤四季豆意粉沙拉。

    Pasta salad with green beans, roasted.

  14. 广西四季豆枯萎病病原的研究

    A study of the bean wilt pathogen in Guangxi

  15. 煮熟的红芸豆可以代替四季豆。

    Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans.

  16. 四季豆中粗筋组织估量的仪器检测

    Instrument Analysis of Coarsefiber Texture Evaluation in Green French Bean

  17. 四季豆种子和豆夹中凝集素的制备

    Preparation of Lectin from Kidney Bean

  18. 我喜欢核桃、烤四季豆和杏仁奶油和水果。

    I'm a fan of walnuts, baked green beans, and fruit with almond butter.

  19. 我们要蚝油菜心,干煸四季豆和蘑菇汤。

    We'll take the Season Vegetable in Oyster Sauce, the string Beans and the Mushroom Soup.

  20. 施入磷肥可加重砷对四季豆的毒害作用。

    Application of available phosphor into soil exacerbated the toxic action of arsenic on the plant.

  21. 施入磷肥可加重砷对四季豆得毒害作用。

    Application of available phosphor into soil exacerbated the toxic action of arsenic on the plant.

  22. 烫漂条件对脱水四季豆护绿效果的影响

    Effect of Scalding Condition on Keeping Green of Dehydrated String Bean

  23. 四季豆幼苗中尿囊酸酰胺水解酶的一些特性

    Some Properties of the Allantoate Amidohydrolase from French Bean Seedlings

  24. 以盐水浸四季豆30分钟,以洗去残余农药

    Soak string beans in salted water for at least 30 minutes to dilute any residual pesticides

  25. 不是洋蓟花头,你连四季豆是什么都不知道吗

    Not artichokes. You do know what haricots verts are, don't you?

  26. 四季豆现在还没下市,我逛了几天都没买到。

    Kidney beans didn't go out of season yet, but I wasn't able to buy it several times.

  27. 趁热和意大利面或米饭以及四季豆一起端上桌。

    Serve hot, with pasta or rice and French beans.

  28. 电镜观察镰刀菌在四季豆植株体内侵染过程

    Observations on green beans infected by Fusarium using scanning electron microscope

  29. 四季豆根边缘细胞特性及铝对其活性的影响

    Characteristics of Border Cell of Green Bean and Effect of Aluminum Toxicity on it

  30. 对影响脱水四季豆护绿效果的烫漂条件进行了试验。

    In this paper, the effect of the scalding conditions on keeping the dehydrated string bean green was studied in detail.


  1. 问:四季豆拼音怎么拼?四季豆的读音是什么?四季豆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四季豆的读音是sìjìdòu,四季豆翻译成英文是 green bean

  2. 问:四季豆切条拼音怎么拼?四季豆切条的读音是什么?四季豆切条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四季豆切条的读音是sìjìdòuqiētiáo,四季豆切条翻译成英文是 green bean julienne



四季豆是菜豆的别名,菜豆是豆科菜豆种的栽培品种,学名:Phaseolus vulgaris L.又名:芸豆,芸扁豆、豆角等,为一年生草本植物。在浙江衢州叫做清明豆,在中国北方叫眉豆,在四川等一些华中地区叫做四季豆,是餐桌上的常见蔬菜之一。无论单独清炒,还是和肉类同炖,亦或是焯熟凉拌,都很符合人们的口味。但是有小毒,应用清水(或加盐水)浸泡二十分钟后再烹调食用。烹调时须熟透再食用。

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