


1. 蹲 [dūn]蹲 [dūn]两腿尽量弯曲,像坐的样子,但臀部不着地:~下。~伏。~踞。~腿。〔~苗〕在一定时期内控制施肥和灌水,进行中耕和镇压,使幼苗根部下扎,生长健壮,防止多余茎叶生长。喻呆着或闲居:~膘。~窝。~班房(坐牢)。……


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:dūn zhuó



  1. The other, unable to escape, squatted down in front of me.


  2. It so happened that Master had spotted a ragged vagabond squatting by the roadside and wanted to offer him some food and a pair of trousers.


  3. Stooping, butting his head through the weeds and against the wind, Mike got around in front of me, all the time holding on to my arm.


  4. SHOUT makes him LIFT his head to see: a LITTLE BLONDE BOY crouching, back towards us, watching the tide eat a SANDCASTLE.


  5. The squat deck permits you to vary the amount of weight that you press with your legs.


  6. If squatting does provide a health benefit, just as Michael Freilich stated in Time, it comes in the form of hemorrhoid prevention.


  7. Soon the soldiers began to squat when moving. The soldiers ceased to salute officers and no one was called by rank anymore.


  8. He was squatting in the moss, a bone in his mouth, sucking at the shreds of life that still dyed it faintly pink.


  9. He is squatting, still as a statue, holding what looks like a long spear, which stands upright against the sky.


  1. 那狗蹲着。

    The dog was sitting on its haunches.

  2. 在墙角蹲着

    to scrunch down at the corner.

  3. 埃德加蹲着。

    Edgar squatted on his haunches.

  4. 野人们围火蹲着。

    The savages squat around the fire.

  5. 费尔南多蹲着。

    Fernando was crouched on his haunches.

  6. 这只猫蹲着不动。

    The cat sat motionless.

  7. 战士们在田野里蹲着解手。

    Men squatted in the fields, relieving themselves.

  8. 在他的身旁蹲着他忠实的狗。

    By his side sat his faithful dog.

  9. 有几个煤矿工人靠着墙蹲着。

    Some colliers squatted upon their hunkers against the wall.

  10. 像狗一样蹲着。像兔子一样跑。像鹦鹉一样飞。

    Sit like a dog. Run like a rabbit. Fly like a budgie.

  11. 有工厂门口蹲着许多找工作的人

    There squat a lot of jobhunters at the gate of the factory.

  12. 因为山体的形状像一只蹲着的狼。

    As its shape resembles a wolf.

  13. 蹲着的甲板允许你改变腿压的重量。

    The squat deck permits you to vary the amount of weight that you press with your legs.

  14. 老虎却只能眼睁睁地在树下蹲着。

    The tiger was left squatting below and glaring upwards.

  15. 没钱的时候,墙角下蹲着打玻璃弹子。

    No money, squatting under a corner hit the glass marbles.

  16. 这时, 他看到木片旁边蹲着一只狼。

    Then he saw a wolf sitting near the bits of wood.

  17. 从法国到曼谷,这种蹲着的厕所很常见。

    From France to Bangkok, this kind of squat toilets are common.

  18. 修正了当你蹲着奔跑仍能够射击的毛病。

    Fixed glitch where you could run while crouching and still shoot.

  19. 它脚旁一只小小的猫纹丝不动地蹲着。

    There at his feet was a tiny kitten, sitting very still.

  20. 石柱上蹲着动物叫吼, 是一种传说中的动物。

    The beasts sitting on the columns are called hou, a legendary animal.

  21. 为什么长时间蹲着,再起来后会感到头晕呢?

    Why crouching for long, does the meeting after recrudesce comes feel giddy

  22. 石柱上蹲着动物叫吼,是一种传说中得动物。

    The beasts sitting on the columns are called hou, a legendary animal.

  23. 那就像个尿壶,人们蹲着就行了,不是很糟糕。

    They resemble urinals and you just squat over them, not too bad at all.

  24. 我远远蹲着, 拿一节小树棍在地上戳拨着。

    I'm far squatting, take a section sticks in the ground for a stamp.

  25. 有可能上厕所时蹲着看, 这是笔者的积累经验。

    Go to the stool probably squat down to see, this is the backlog experience of the writer.

  26. 不高兴呢,教她光眼子在家里蹲着,她也没什么办法。

    if not, he would leave her at home stark naked and there was nothing she could do.

  27. 在对着龙嘴的地上,蹲着八个仰着头,张着嘴的铜蟾蜍。

    On the ground below the dragons there were eight copper toads raising their heads and opening their mouths opposite the dragons'mouths.

  28. 一个小姑娘半蹲着,脚边几束沾满雨水的鲜花。

    A little girl squat forward, feet a few bundles of flowers covered with rain.

  29. 博伊斯在一边台阶上蹲着望着, 满脸鄙夷不屑的神气。

    Boise was sitting on the steps, watching them with contempt.

  30. 本舍卫生间全为坐式马桶。为了安全,使用时请别蹲着。

    We only have sitting toilets, for your own safety, please do not squat on them.


  1. 问:蹲着拼音怎么拼?蹲着的读音是什么?蹲着翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蹲着的读音是Dūnzhe,蹲着翻译成英文是 to be crouching

  2. 问:蹲着的拼音怎么拼?蹲着的的读音是什么?蹲着的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蹲着的的读音是,蹲着的翻译成英文是 couchant

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