


1. 拆 [chāi]2. 拆 [cā]拆 [chāi]把合在一起的弄开:~信。~洗。~卸。~字。〔~白〕方言,流氓骗取财物。分散,毁掉:~散。~台。~迁。拆 [cā]方言,排泄(大小便):~烂污(喻不负责任)。……





汉语拼音:chāi chū



  1. The Bank made it clear that it was not aiming to bring down three-month lending rates, which are the markets' most acute pressure point.


  2. Demolition material are the advantages of pipe cleaner pipe cleaning, water flow rate can be relatively low, may be suspended.


  3. And then removed the pump shaft shell removed send impeller repair shop repair.


  4. We disassembled, cleaned and ground the high and low pressure valves.


  5. You unpack the orb from the heavy-duty insulation stuffed around it.


  6. On hrs 1800 the operations on this shift over, totally 626 pieces of cargos are stripped.


  7. On hrs 1830 the shift operation over, totally 671 pieces of cargos are stripped.


  8. To replace the screw has been broken, you must first removal with piozoelectric plate, and then remove it.


  9. The maximum amount of interbank borrowing or interbank lending for a securities company shall not be more than 80% of its net assets;


  1. 晚18点,本班拆箱工作结束,当日共计拆出626件货物。

    On hrs 1800 the operations on this shift over,totally 626 pieces of cargos are stripped.

  2. 国际邮袋出入境、开拆和封发,应当由海关监管。

    The Customs shall supervise the entry and exit, opening, sealing and dispatching of international mail bags.

  3. 在引擎盖上画出引擎盖铰链轮廓,拆下引擎盖。

    Scribe hood hinge outlines on hood and remove the hoo

  4. 拉出并从支架上拆下轮胎压力监测系统天线。

    Pull out and remove antenna of tyre pressure monitoring system from holder.

  5. 他拆开信封, 抽出信来。

    He slit open the envelope and took out the letter.

  6. 机械师拆开机器,看问题出在哪。

    The machinist dismantled the machine to see where the problem is.

  7. 她拆开信封, 取出信, 展开信纸。

    She opened the envelope, took out the letter, and unfolded it.

  8. 他们把机器拆开,分成零碎部件运出。

    They dismantled the machine and shipped it in pieces.

  9. 钉头卡钉,拆开钉头取出碎钉并清洁。

    Nail head clamp the unravelling of nail exteriorize broken nails and clean.

  10. 他把手表拆开, 看看出了什么毛病。

    He took the watch apart to see what was wrong with it.

  11. 逃出监狱的计划和如何拆开你的门。

    The plan for leaving the prison and how to dismantle your door.

  12. 那些房子准备拆掉, 好腾出地方修飞机场。

    Those houses are going to be pulled down to make room for an airfield.

  13. 你可以试着拆开接缝, 放出一些来。

    You can try unpicking the seams and letting out some of the material.

  14. 因房东要拆屋,这位老太太被赶出这栋房子。

    The old lady was thrown out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down.

  15. 他把离心机拆开, 但找不出毛病在哪里。

    He took the centrifuge apart, but failed to locate the trouble.

  16. 因此我们需要把这些信息拆分,找出相关的信息。

    And so we need to be able to pick that apart and find the information that's relevant.

  17. 我们得将整台引擎拆开以找出故障原因。

    We had to take the whole engine to bits to discover the cause of the trouble.

  18. 不同的是拆分不用抛股变现,而分红则要出货。

    The difference is not parabolic split shares realized, while dividends would shipments.

  19. 其缺点是出料口拆开后再次连接困难,费事费力。

    Its disadvantage is that I expected to open again after connecting difficult, cumbersome effort.

  20. 维修站把几辆撞?得车子拆了, 取出零件做为备用。

    The repair shop cannibalised several wrecks for spare parts.

  21. 维修站把几辆撞?的车子拆了,取出零件做为备用。

    The repair shop cannibalised several wrecks for spare parts.

  22. 用万能拉出器将圆头螺栓从车架横梁支架上拆下。

    Use a universal puller to separate the ball stud from the frame rail bracket.

  23. 制表匠拆开表 取出的零件中有一个平衡轮

    And the guy took it apart, and one of the things he pulled out was one of the balance wheels.

  24. 她将它拆开,拿出一张与第一封信一样大小的便条纸。

    She tore it open and fished out a note the same size as the first one.

  25. 钟停以后,他把它拆开,查出毛病所在,又把它重新组装了起来。

    When the clock stopped, he took it apart, found what was wrong, and put the whole thing together again.

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