




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……





汉语拼音:guì zi shǒu






  1. 执行死刑的人。

    宋 严羽 《答吴景仙书》:“其间説 江西 诗病,真取心肝刽子手。”《武王伐纣平话》卷下:“监斩官并刽子手二人来见 太公 ,二人言奇怪事。”《儒林外史》第四四回:“带一个刽子手,一刀把这奴才的狗头斫下来。”

  2. 泛指以各种方式杀人的凶手。

    《醒世恒言·徐老仆义愤成家》:“那 李林甫 ……乃是杀人不见血的刽子手。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第九章三:“于是一时的‘抗战将军’显出了青年刽子手的本来面目。”



  1. The hangman cut the poor farmer's hands and legs, then cut the rest of his body into pieces, finally his head!


  2. The locality was spoken of as though it had been the dwelling of a hangman.


  3. she was brought out on the scaffold, and the hangman said, 'Now, lass, thou must hang by the neck till thou be'st dead.


  4. seems to me a very miserable title, I don't like things of this sort. " And yet my father was not a skin" .


  5. Was he planning to make a rush for the young woman at the very moment of the sacrifice, and boldly snatch her from her executioners?


  6. Now Chelsea seem to have inherited the mantle of late demolition experts - with Drogba inheriting the title of executioner in chief.


  7. However, disillusionment - Meilen his wife were killed when the executioner England, home of a Shashi Jian Qiu hate Chung and on.


  8. He looked like an executioner had cleaved his head.


  9. The King's argument was, that anything that had a head could be beheaded, and that you weren't to talk nonsense.


  1. 刽子手悖论

    Hangman paradox.

  2. 爱情降临刽子手

    Love Comes to the Executioner

  3. 为年轻刽子手的辩护

    A Case For A Young Hangman

  4. 我为何志愿做刽子手?

    Why would I volunteer to be her executioner?

  5. 刽子手们成立了特别小组。

    Special groups of slaughterers were being formed.

  6. 那刽子手向她走过来。

    The executioner came towards her.

  7. 刽子手是执行死刑的人。

    An executioner is a person who carries out the death sentence.

  8. 你听过刽子手得意的歌唱。

    You've heard the executioners sing joyfully.

  9. 我是科学家, 不是刽子手。

    I am grateful to you for freeing me from my.I am a scientist, not executioner.

  10. 一款现代风格的刽子手游戏。

    This is a modern style game of hangman.

  11. 他是恶名昭彰的刽子手。

    He was a notorious mass murderer.

  12. 双手沾满人民鲜血的刽子手

    a butcher stained with the blood of the people

  13. 我们是医生,格蕾,不是刽子手

    Because we're doctors, Grey. we're not executioners.

  14. 滥杀无辜毫无人性的刽子手。

    a mindless butcher of innocent people

  15. 滥杀无辜毫无人性得刽子手。

    a mindless butcher of innocent people.

  16. 穆尔走上断头台,和刽子手说话。

    Moore ascended the scaffold and addressed the executioner.

  17. 我真的觉得他是个刽子手坏蛋。

    I really saw him as a wicked murderer.

  18. 劝你放弃下嫁那个刽子手牙医怎么样。

    How about talking you out of marrying a homicidal dentist.

  19. 屠杀者, 刽子手残忍的或滥杀无辜的人

    One who kills brutally or indiscriminately.

  20. 刽子手砍掉死囚头颅的公开行刑者

    A public executioner who beheads condemned prisoners.

  21. 就让刽子手停止行刑,赦免了王延寿。

    They told the executioner to let him go, and pardoned him.

  22. 想找到一个刽子手执行死刑很困难。

    It had been difficult to find an executioner to carry out the sentence.

  23. 我们是控方, 法官, 证人及刽子手。

    We are the accusers, the judges, the witnesses, and the executioners.

  24. 刽子手一刀砍下那受害者的脑袋。

    The executioner struck off the victim's head with a blow of the sword.

  25. 希特勒是一个臭名昭著的刽子手。

    Hitler is a notorious killer.

  26. 世界上最忙刽子手的一个技术改变?

    A change in technique for the world's busiest executioners?

  27. 他看上去就像是被刽子手砍了头。

    He looked like an executioner had cleaved his head.

  28. 由充当刽子手的大象用巨大的脚掌踩碎。

    The elephant executioner crushes it beneath his enormous foot.

  29. 由充当刽子手得大象用巨大得脚掌踩碎。

    The elephant executioner crushes it beneath his enormous foot.

  30. 那么, 是什么家庭产生了杀人如麻的刽子手呢?

    So what kind of family produces a mass murderer?


  1. 问:刽子手拼音怎么拼?刽子手的读音是什么?刽子手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刽子手的读音是guìzishǒu,刽子手翻译成英文是 executioner; butcher



“刽子手”是个多义词,它可以指刽子手(巴尔扎克作品), 刽子手(1942年美国电影), 刽子手(汉语词语), 刽子手(iphone游戏)。

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