




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……





汉语拼音:wǎng shǎng shāng diàn



  1. Tiffany English, who runs an eBay shop, found a gift for her brother at Bed Bath & Beyond, then bought it on Amazon using her phone.


  2. Once installed from the Chrome Web store an easy-to-launch app icon is put into your 'app panel', easily accessible from the 'new tab' page.


  3. But their uptake seems to be pretty small for an online offer.


  4. Existing online offers were working well, he said, although it was "premature" to strip out exact sales figures.


  5. I'm going to use a simple e-commerce store application to help illustrate how the ASP. NET MVC Framework works.


  6. But as he marketed the idea to small retailers, he found that what they really needed was an easy way to create online stores.


  7. Uptown is proud to be the only online store selling the hottest authentic gino green global clothing! ! !


  8. For Australian retailers now is the time to think about investment in an online store and an invigorated channel strategy.


  9. I would like it to be an online store for accessories, apps, etc. but I don't have the time.


  1. 网上商店成功的三件法宝

    Three Key Factors to Successful Shop Online

  2. 你在国外的网上商店购物吗

    Would you purchase from a foreign shop online

  3. 这家网上商店卖真品香奈儿手包。

    This online shop sells authentic Chanel handbags.

  4. 这家网上商店卖真品香奈儿手包。

    This online shop sells authentic Chanel handbags.

  5. 上市一周后,网上商店就会降价出售。

    A week after release they will be going cheap in the online store.

  6. 沙阿说结果就是是网上商店可以自己推销。

    Shah says the result is an online store that promotes itself.

  7. 随着网络经济的发展, 各种网上商店出现在网络上。

    As the economy develops, the various online shops appeared on the Internet.

  8. 网上商店实现了基本的前台功能和后台管理功能。

    Online store to achieve the basic functions and the future of background management functions.

  9. 魔兽世界卡牌游戏现在已在暴雪网上商店出售。

    The World of Warcraft Trading Card Game is now available in the Blizzard Online Store.

  10. 但是他们的规模对于一个网上商店来说又小了点。

    But their uptake seems to be pretty small for an online offer.

  11. 您也可以购买食物, 是专门为锦鲤在宠物商店或网上商店。

    You can also buy food that is specially made for Koi in pet stores or from online stores.

  12. 文摘在网上或商店里出售。

    The digest will be available for sale online or in stores.

  13. 最后进行了网上服装商店系统开发后的回顾与总结。

    Finally conducted online clothing store systems development, review and summation.

  14. 最后进行了网上服装商店系统开发后得回顾与总结。

    Finally conducted online clothing store systems development, review and summation.

  15. 杰夫·贝索斯喜欢活动。他坐在一辆白色面包车后面,像往常一样脸上挂满微笑,身边围坐着一群亚马孙网上公司的助手。该网站是最大的网上零售商店。如果贝索斯说的没错的话,将来有一天它将发展成为地球上最大的商店。

    He sits in the back of a white van, beaming as usual, surrounded by a team of assistants from Amazon.com, the Web's biggest retail store and, someday, if Bezos gets it right, Earth's Biggest Store.

  16. 尽量在寄售商店或网上拍卖店购买小孩的衣服。

    Purchase childrens clothing at a consignment shop or on an online auction instead of buying these items new.

  17. 与传统商店报相比, 网上购物能够提供海量商品信息。

    With the traditional shops reported, the online shopping can provide Massive commodity information.

  18. 从网上购得的日常用品的价格要比商店里的低。

    Prices of daily goods bought through a computer can be lower than store prices.



网上商店又称“虚拟商店”、“网上商场”、“电子空间商店”或“电子商场”,是电子零售商业的典型组织形式,是建立在因特网上的商场。是开设在因特网上的店面,一个可以让顾客从家里的计算机购物、商人可以贩卖产品服务,又可以缩减维护实际店面管销成本的地方。虚拟商店存在于因特网中大家熟知的全球信息网,只要在浏览器(Web Browser)像是网景的领航员(Navigator)中输入网址(称为URL),便可以进入虚拟商店。


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