


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……





汉语拼音:jiǎ shǒu






  1. 借他人之手来达到自己的目的。

    《书·伊训》:“皇天降灾,假手于我有命。”《左传·隐公十一年》:“鬼神实不逞于 许 君,而假手于我寡人。”《三国志·魏志·张邈传》:“诸将谓 布 曰:‘将军常欲杀 备 ,今可假手於 术 。’” 宋 秦观 《王导论》:“ 灵公 之死,虽假手於 穿 ,实 盾 志也。” 清 戴名世 《老子论上》:“呜呼! 孔子 之道不能以教天下,而必假手於佛,吾嘆之久矣。” 柳青 《创业史》第二部第十三章:“ 姚士杰 是傻瓜吗?他喜欢新社会吗?他想破坏灯塔社,他能直接上手吗?他当然要假手别人。”

  2. 特指请人代笔。

    《后汉书·阳球传》:“亦有笔不点牘,辞不辩心,假手请字,妖伪百品。”《隋书·儒林传·刘炫》:“至於公私文翰,未尝假手。”《说唐》第十二回:“原来 杨公 的一应书札,都假手於 李靖 。” 毛泽东 《反对本本主义》:“要自己做记录,把调查的结果记下来,假手于人是不行的。”

  3. 称科举考试中代人作文的人。

    唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷一:“选司考练,总是假手冒名,势家嘱请。” 宋 洪迈 《夷坚甲志·沉持要登科》:“时挟书假手之禁甚严。”



  1. He took a final puff at the clipped stub, and ground it out in practiced motions of the lifeless hand.


  2. The patient can then open and close his prosthetic hand simply by trying to move the fingers that are no longer there.


  3. The tactile sensor applying PVDF as a sensitive material, has a complaisance surface and a minimal size, very suitable for the bionic hand.


  4. Prosthesis: Artificial substitute for a missing part of the body, usually an ARM or leg.


  5. The best advice he could give to other leaders, Lula told The Economist last September, was not to outsource politics.


  6. At hand uses Electromechanical hand, use what flesh report signal controls make use of sb to leave shut.


  7. Furthermore, the experimental results show that the classifier presents a new method for the EMG control of the multi-DOF prosthetic hand.


  8. The invention relates to a technology using the electromyography information to control the artificial hand.


  9. This artificial hand has self-adaptability on the grabbing of different objects, and could conduct both force grabbing and p.


  1. 假手控制器

    Prosthetic hand eontroUer.

  2. 一种人造假手

    Boston arm

  3. 基于思维脑电信号的假手的研究

    Study on Artificial Hand Based on Mental Tasks

  4. 假手的压力与冷热感觉的实现

    Realization of pressure and temperature sense in prosthetic arms

  5. 代表假手握力的电刺激脉冲模式。

    The mode of stimulus representing the gripping force of the artificial hand.

  6. 采用肌电信号控制残疾人假手的研究

    Research on Control of Prosthetic Hand with EMG

  7. 电子假手控制信息源的研究进展

    The research development of controlled information source of electronic hand prosthesis

  8. 我再次订制了一条假手臂

    Again, a prosthetic arm was built.

  9. 假手术组、模型对照组未作处理。

    The sham operated and model groups were not given any treatment.

  10. 假手电机控制器及其控制软件的设计

    Design of Prosthetic Hand Controller and its Software

  11. 可用于残肢者的前臂假手控制系统

    Artificial forearm controlling system for amputees

  12. 假手术组均未检测到以上现象。

    BrdU staining was present at donor nuclei with MCAO.

  13. 基于触滑觉反馈的假手控制系统研究

    Study of Artificial Hand Control Based on Tactile and Slip Feedback

  14. 他们成功地给她装上一双假手。

    She was successfully fitted with a pair of artificial hands.

  15. 假手术对照组在穿线后不结扎。

    Coronary artery was not ligatured in the sham operated group.

  16. 模型对照组和假手术组术前不给药。

    Those in model control group and sham group were exposed to nothing.

  17. 含被动关节的仿人型塑料电子假手研究

    Study of Humanoid Plastic Electric Prosthetic Hand with Passive Joints

  18. 具有触觉和肌电控制功能的仿生假手研究

    Study of Myoelectric Bionic Artificial Hand with Tactile Sense

  19. 你不可以假手于人。你一定要自己亲自去做。

    No one can do it for you. You have to do it for yourself.

  20. 基于触觉和肌电信号的假手模糊控制方法研究

    Prosthetic Hand Fuzzy Control Based on Touch and Myoelectric Signal

  21. 假手术组,球囊损伤组用生理盐水灌胃。

    The sham operation group and vascular injury group was given intragastric administration of normal saline.

  22. 研制了一种可以感知触滑觉的智能假手。

    An intelligent prosthetic hand was developed with tactile and slip sensations.

  23. 另10只为假手术组,尾静脉注射生理盐水。

    The remaining 8 ones were taken as shamoperation group, injected with normal saline into caudal vein.

  24. 拟人全臂假手的机构模型及其运动位置的分析

    Investigation on the mechanism model for artificial upper limb and analysis of its moving position

  25. 患者随机接受经口胃间隔术或假手术。

    They are randomly selected to undergo either the operation or a sham procedure.

  26. 当他耸肩的时候, 假手可以机械地打开和关闭。

    When he shrugged his shoulders, the pincher hand mechanically opened and closed.

  27. 假手术组仅松套腹主动脉,不阻断血流。

    The aorta was not clamped sham operation group.

  28. 动力假手的自动增力机构企业危机管理机制探讨

    Automatic Force Booster Mechanism of Powered Artificial Hands

  29. 手头采用机电手,利用肌电信号控制假手的开闭。

    At hand uses Electromechanical hand, use what flesh report signal controls make use of sb to leave shut.

  30. 假手术组仅结扎颈外动脉,不栓塞大脑中动脉。

    The external carotid artery was ligated in the sham operation group.


  1. 问:假手拼音怎么拼?假手的读音是什么?假手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假手的读音是jiǎshǒu,假手翻译成英文是 to do something through somebody else; art...

  2. 问:假手性拼音怎么拼?假手性的读音是什么?假手性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假手性的读音是jiǎ shǒu xìng,假手性翻译成英文是 pseudochirality

  3. 问:假手术拼音怎么拼?假手术的读音是什么?假手术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假手术的读音是jiǎ shǒu shù,假手术翻译成英文是 sham operation

  4. 问:假手淫拼音怎么拼?假手淫的读音是什么?假手淫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假手淫的读音是jiǎ shǒu yín,假手淫翻译成英文是 pseudomasturbation



jiǎ shǒu 1.借他人之手来达到自己的目的。《书·伊训》:“皇天降灾,假手于我有命。”《左传·隐公十一年》:“鬼神实不逞于 许 君,而假手于我寡人。”《三国志·魏志·张邈传》:“诸将谓 布 曰:‘将军常欲杀 备 ,今可假手于 术 。’” 宋 秦观 《王导论》:“ 灵公 之死,虽假手于 穿 ,实 盾 志也。” 清 戴名世 《老子论上》:“呜呼! 孔子 之道不能以教天下,而必假手于佛,吾叹之久矣。” 柳青 《创业史》第二部第十三章:“ 姚士杰 是傻瓜吗?他喜欢新社会吗?他想破坏灯塔社,他能直接上手吗?他当然要假手别人。” 2.特指请人代笔。《后汉书·阳球传》:“亦有笔不点牍,辞不辩心,假手请字,妖伪百品。”《隋书·儒林传·刘炫》:“至于公私文翰,未尝假手。”《说唐》第十二回:“原来 杨公 的一应书札,都假手于 李靖 。” 毛泽东 《反对本本主义》:“要自己做记录,把调查的结果记下来,假手于人是不行的。” 3.称科举考试中代人作文的人。 唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷一:“选司考练,总是假手冒名,势家嘱请。” 宋 洪迈 《夷坚甲志·沉持要登科》:“时挟书假手之禁甚严。”

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