






1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:kē shuì








  1. 倦极思睡;打盹。

    后蜀 欧阳炯 《贯休应梦罗汉画歌》:“瞌睡山童疑有梦,不知夏腊几多年。”《京本通俗小说·拗相公》:“假若有名誉的时节,一个瞌睡死去了不醒,人还千惜万惜。”《警世通言·三现身包龙图断冤》:“三盃两盏,不觉吃得烂醉。只见 孙押司 在校椅上,朦朧着睡眼打瞌睡。” 杨朔 《海市》:“ 朱学安 是个结实精干的壮年人,眉毛漆黑,眼睛好像瞌睡无神,人却是像当地人说的:机灵的像海马一样。”



  1. Just as you are nodding off, you can feel as though you've fallen off a 10-storey building.

  2. After whispering "Be seated" , the minister shouted at the top of his voiced, "All those who want to be with the devil, please rise. "

  3. Drowsy I have had no way to have thought of again downward , have been engaged in singer one day megagame , have been tired to death!

  4. A pair of masked robbers. A window with a broken lock. A dozing night watchman.

  5. A pair of masked robbers. A window with a broken lock.

  6. EXCHANGES used to have lively trading floors and sleepy managers.

  7. Some say he is unable to work hard; he occasionally nods off while conducting important government business.

  8. I make my own necessities and reposing's never one, Most of those who doze pause in motion.

  9. She was a large image of a sweet sleepy child.


  1. 母亲为瞌睡的孩子铺床。

    The mother made the bed for the sleepy child.

  2. 她真是一个想瞌睡的甜密孩子的大型塑像。

    She was a large image of a sweet sleepy child.

  3. 瞌睡的我无法再往下想了,搞了一天的歌手大赛,累死了!

    Drowsy I have had no way to have thought of again downward, have been engaged in singer one day megagame, have been tired to death!

  4. 我在赶你的瞌睡虫。

    I was removing the sleep from your eyes.

  5. 睡一小觉轻微的瞌睡

    To take a short nap doze lightly.

  6. 虽然很难把他的瞌睡虫驱除, 但他已经逐渐醒来。

    He was waking up now although it was still hard for him to leave his sleep.

  7. 一看到糖果,小孩儿马上就来神了,刚才的瞌睡劲一下全没了。

    The minute the child sees candies, he becomes excited and no longer feels drowsy.

  8. 一看到糖果,小孩儿马上就来神了,刚才的瞌睡劲一下全没了。

    The minute the child sees candies, he becomes excited and no longer feels drowsy.

  9. 汽车驾驶员瞌睡状态脑电波特征的初步探索

    A Preliminary Investigation into the Brain Wave Characters of Car Drivers at Dozy State

  10. 由于瞌睡,我在观看的时候无法集中精神。

    Because of sleepy I couldn't concentrate myself while I watched it.

  11. 此药已经获准用于治疗因倒班产生的嗜睡和瞌睡症状。

    The medicine is already approved to fight narcolepsy and sleepiness related to shift work.

  12. 一下子惊醒了, 瞌睡也被这突如其来的喊叫声叫跑了。

    Suddenly awakened and doze also by the sudden shouts that ran away.

  13. 他经常用轻快的散步来消除瞌睡。

    He usually works off his drowsiness by taking a brisk walk.

  14. 他经常以轻快的散步来消除瞌睡。

    He usually works off his frowsiness by taking a brisk walk.

  15. 波莉姨妈怀里抱着一只呼呼大睡的猫打着瞌睡。

    She was half asleep, and she was holding the sleeping cat.

  16. 不久望风的也打起瞌睡,头越来越低,俩人呼呼打起鼾来。

    Presently the watcher began to nod his head drooped lower and lower, both men began to snore now.

  17. 他们给了我一些苯那君,为的是让我瞌睡,可是不起作用。

    They gave me some Benadryl to make me drowsy, but it didn't help.

  18. 我看电视的时候打起了瞌睡。

    I watch TV when playing a doze.

  19. 他在听那个冗长的演讲时打起瞌睡来了。

    He dozed off during the long lecture.

  20. 如果能不打瞌睡的话,沙狐球

    if you can stay awake. Shuffle.

  21. 刚开始看的时候我打了一会儿瞌睡。

    I felt sleepy while I saw the film at the beginning of it.

  22. 如果可能的话,我想闭上眼睛打打瞌睡。

    I just to close my eyes and to sleep as quickly as possible.

  23. 她的课太乏味以致我忍不住打起瞌睡来。

    Her class is so boring that I help off.

  24. 恰好当我学完的时候, 我感到有一点点瞌睡。

    And I felt a little sleepy just as I finished learning.

  25. 英语老师想把他的头砍了, 因为他总是瞌睡。

    Our English teacher want to cut off his head because he is always so sleepy.

  26. 有点遗憾的是, 我在看的中间, 有一会儿时间在瞌睡。

    But it was a little pity that I felt sleepy for a while during I watched it.

  27. 他喝了好几大口的酒,随即点头打起瞌睡。

    He t 23 several swigs of wine and soon nodded in sleep.

  28. 男孩的妈妈念书给他听时,他打起瞌睡来了。

    The boy dozed off while his mother was reading to him.

  29. 当我开始观看另外一部电影的时候,我感到有些瞌睡了。

    And when I began to watch another movie, I felt a little sleepy.

  30. 真糟糕,我打了半小时瞌睡,就接不上电影的情节了。

    Unfortunately, I slept for half an hour and lost the thread of the movie.


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