









汉语拼音:yìng bāng bāng








  1. 亦作“ 硬梆梆 ”。亦作“ 硬帮帮 ”。坚硬。

    元 王仲文 《救孝子》第二折:“粗滚滚的黄桑杖腿筋,硬邦邦的竹签着指痕。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第四章:“没有走出多远,在呼啸的北风里,棉裤就冻得硬梆梆的,打不过弯来。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》开篇五:“他的头下,枕着一块硬梆梆的半截砖。”如:他穿着一双底子硬帮帮的山鞋。

  2. 强硬;生硬。

    元 李致远 《还牢末》第三折:“他把我死羊般拖奔入牢房,依旧硬邦邦匣定在囚牀。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·截矶》:“硬邦邦敢要君的渠首,乱纷纷不服王的羣寇。” 郭沫若 《演奏出英雄的交响曲》:“废话少说,公式主义的硬梆梆的大块文章少做。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·看护》:“‘咱们是工作关系,你是病人,我是看护,谁也不能压迫谁!’ 刘兰 硬梆梆的说。”

  3. 实实在在的;棘手的。

    克非 《春潮急》十一:“一连串硬梆梆的问题,倾头盖脑泼向 李春山 。”



  1. As for Aunt Pitty, she was nervously trying to stifle a belch, for the rooster they had had for supper was a tough old bird.


  2. He was short and solid old man in a black peasant's smock and gray iron -stiff trousers and he wore rope- soled shoes .


  3. He had a large watch-chain and strong black dots where his beard and whiskers would have been if he had let them.


  4. Smaolach stared into the dying fire and said something in a secret lan-guage, all vowels and hard consonants full of phlegm.


  5. Yet, human fellowship infused some nourishment into the flinty viands , and struck some sparks of cheerfulness out of them.


  6. Deerslayer adjusted his hard pillow, stretched his form in the bottom of the canoe and slept.


  7. "The young man of whom I speak is Abner Hale, " Thom said stiffly.


  8. The hard blue lumps of the tattered sofa beneath my body were a great comfort to me.


  9. So far such small light-bending atoms have only been produced on flat, hard surfaces unsuitable for use in clothing.


  1. 一双硬邦邦的鞋

    A stiff pair of shoes

  2. 地面冻得硬邦邦的。

    The ground was frozen solid.

  3. 这篇论文是硬邦邦的读物。

    This essay is stiff reading.

  4. 这篇论文是硬邦邦得读物。

    This essay is stiff reading.

  5. 这个馒头硬邦邦的,像块石头。

    This steamed bun is as hard as rock.

  6. 放在卧室里得衣服都冻得硬邦邦得。

    Clothes stored in my bedroom froze crunchy.

  7. 用小手轻轻抚摸乳牙, 硬邦邦的, 光滑的。

    Deciduous with a small hand gently stroked, stiff, and smooth.

  8. 新鞋刚穿起来常常都是硬邦邦得。

    Shoes are often stiff when they are new.

  9. 新鞋刚穿起来常常都是硬邦邦的。

    Shoes are often stiff when they are new.

  10. 放在卧室里的衣服都冻得硬邦邦的。

    Clothes stored in my bedroom froze crunchy.

  11. 一声, 上帝倒在地上, 硬邦邦的死了。

    A voice, god fell on the ground, stiff died.

  12. 独木舟猛然撞上什么硬邦邦的东西了。

    The canoe bumped hard against something solid and unyielding.

  13. 我不得不整天坐在硬邦邦的木椅上。

    I had to sit on a hard wooden chair all day.

  14. 这张床硬邦邦的,我怎么睡也睡不着。

    The bed was so hard that I couldn't sleep.

  15. 这种硬邦邦得肉把所有得刀刃都弄钝了。

    This hard meat has dulled up all the knife blades.

  16. 这种硬邦邦的肉把所有的刀刃都弄钝了。

    This hard meat has dulled up all the knife blades.

  17. 他感觉到硬邦邦的铁栏杆顶着自己的脊梁。

    He felt the hardness of the iron railing press against his spine.

  18. 看看你那个东东,硬邦邦得像石头,怎么解释啊

    Look at your that,as hard as a stone. How do you explain it?

  19. 看看你那个东东,硬邦邦的像石头,怎么解释啊

    Look at your that, as hard as a stone. How do you explain it?

  20. 那匹马摔倒在硬邦邦得地上,折断了腿。

    The horse fell down on the hard ground and broke its leg.

  21. 那匹马摔倒在硬邦邦的地上,折断了腿。

    The horse fell down on the hard ground and broke its leg.

  22. 他们将冻得硬邦邦的手套从手上脱下来。

    They peeled cold stiffened gloves from their hands.

  23. 随波逐流的硬邦邦的冰块 那是一个流动的世界

    that's floating on top of the Arctic Ocean is it's an environment that's in a constant state of flux.

  24. 硬邦邦的土块变散了,太阳温和的轻轻拍打着土壤。

    The hard clod of soil dissolved, and the sun patted the soil tenderly.

  25. 那种硬邦邦的自传效果, 显然证明他不是写小说的材料。

    The stiffly autobiographical result made it clear that his talent lay elsewhere.

  26. 那种硬邦邦得自传效果,显然证明他不是写小说得材料。

    The stiffly autobiographical result made it clear that his talent lay elsewhere.

  27. 需要洗衣机-烘干机组合,不喜欢毛巾晾干后变得硬邦邦的。

    Need a washer and dryer combo. Tired of my towels coming out stiff from air-drying them.


  1. 问:硬邦邦拼音怎么拼?硬邦邦的读音是什么?硬邦邦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硬邦邦的读音是yìngbāngbāng,硬邦邦翻译成英文是 rock hard



yìngbāngbāng (1) [very hard;very stiff]∶坚硬 最硬邦的还是数学 竹签硬邦邦的 (2) [tough;stiff]∶强硬;生硬 硬邦邦的大块文章 (3) [real]∶实实在在的,棘手的 一连串硬梆梆的问题 (4) 与其相近的词 响当当 与其相反的词 软绵绵

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