


满、足:~足。~实。~分(fèn )(a.足够;b.尽量)。~沛。~裕。填满,装满:填~。~满(a.填满,布满;b.充分具有)。~耳不闻。~电。汗牛~栋。当,担任:~当。~军。假装:冒~。~数(shù)。姓。……


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……







汉语拼音:chōng fēn lì yòng



  1. I took advantage of all his knowledge and asked him everything, even "How did you know when the right time was to propose to your wife? "

  2. 'This is an opportunity, ' he said. 'Make the most of it. ' It ended up being one of the best years of my life.

  3. Having cut costs aggressively, their operations are poised to take full advantage of any further pick-up in trade.

  4. Moreover, hard work is often an essential ingredient of luck because it enables one to take advantage of a lucky encounter.

  5. To be full of use land as possible , two or more types of crops can be planted in the planting areas.

  6. sales department decided to take full advantage of this year's Fair to increase sales on the U. S. market.

  7. To get the position of general manager of the company he made full use of his talents.

  8. She was glad to have finally won a measure of freedom and was determined to make the best of it.

  9. I even took advantage of his condescension to the extent of getting a contribution, Yama's Dog, from him for the Bharabi.


  1. 充分利用资源

    to optimize the use of resources.

  2. 充分利用某物

    to make the most of something

  3. 充分利用新学年

    Making the Most of the New School Year

  4. 充分利用, 尽情享用

    make the best of sth.

  5. 充分利用自然资源

    to optimize natural resources

  6. 充分利用尽力而为

    make the best of

  7. 对资源的充分利用

    the optimum use of resources

  8. 他能充分利用时间。

    He makes good use of his time.

  9. 她充分利用她的机会。

    She was making full use of her opportunity.

  10. 固定资本没有充分利用

    capital underutilization

  11. 他没有充分利用时间。

    He is not doing full justice to his time.

  12. 鼓励充分利用森林资源

    To encourage full utilization of forest resources.

  13. 充分利用网状激活系统

    Use your reticular activation system to your advantage.

  14. 目的充分利用鳗鱼资源。

    OBJECTIVETo make full use of the resourus of eel.

  15. 时间宝贵, 应该充分利用。

    Time is precious and should be made full use of.

  16. 他想充分利用他的机会。

    He wished to make the most of his opportunity.

  17. 她没有充分利用她的材料。

    She is not doing ample justice to her material.

  18. 你应该充分利用这些材料。

    You should fully make use of these materials.

  19. 他们充分利用旅馆的设备。

    They took full advantage of the hotels facilities.

  20. 我们必须充分利用我们的知识。

    We must turn our knowledge to advantage.

  21. 是充分利用或尽力而为。

    To make the best of something.

  22. 这些森林充分利用垂直空间。

    These forests utilize 98 percent vertical space.

  23. 不,我只想充分利用生命

    No, I just want to live life to its full.

  24. 要因地制宜充分利用当地资源。

    Make full use of the local food resources.

  25. 我们将充分利用他的才华。

    We will make good use of his talents.

  26. 他充分利用被给予的东西。

    He makes the best of what he's been given.

  27. 我们应充分利用这一机遇。

    We should make the most of the opportunity.

  28. 严格现金管理, 充分利用多余现金。

    Ensure excess cash is managed to maximize earning potential.

  29. 我充分利用给我的有利条件。

    I availed myself fully of the advantages offered me.

  30. 我们必须充分利用这块宝地。

    We must turn this precious plot to good account.


  1. 问:充分利用拼音怎么拼?充分利用的读音是什么?充分利用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分利用的读音是,充分利用翻译成英文是 leverage

  2. 问:充分利用点拼音怎么拼?充分利用点的读音是什么?充分利用点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:充分利用点的读音是chōng fēn lì yòng diǎn,充分利用点翻译成英文是 fully usable point of bar

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