






天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……





汉语拼音:zhòu fú yè chū







  1. But It is unaccustomed to me to live with a person that like acting in night and sleeping in day!


  2. Vampires are cool, aloof, beautiful, brooding creatures of the night. Typical moody teenage boys, basically.


  3. Habitat saved under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) prevented these nocturnal mice from going the way of the dodo.


  4. These winged creatures are either active during the day, or nocturnal.


  5. Compared with other African game, leopards are famously shy and rarely seen, partially because of their largely nocturnal hunting habits.


  6. Kiwi is the symbol bird of the island country, which is a nocturnal bird and it has a long beak and wingless .


  7. The nocturnal bees, That quench the nectar blood.


  8. I learned that these birds are nocturnal .


  9. I lived by night and shunned the naked light of the day


  1. 昼伏夜出, 闪躲赤裸的日光

    I lived by night and shunned the naked light of the day

  2. 昼伏夜出, 闪躲赤裸得日光

    I lived by night and shunned the naked light of the day

  3. 昼伏夜出的蜜蜂, 解渴的甘露血液。

    The nocturnal bees, That quench the nectar blood.

  4. 昼伏夜出,以鼠类为主食。为农林益鸟。

    Hides by day and come out at night, take the mouse class as the staple food.

  5. 像电影里的蝙蝠侠一样,蝙蝠也是昼伏夜出,

    Bats spend most of the day sleeping.

  6. 这些飞行动物不是在日间活动就是昼伏夜出。

    These winged creatures are either active during the day, or nocturnal.

  7. 习惯了黑白颠倒,昼伏夜出,像个幽灵游荡或者短暂停留。

    Accustomed to black and white reversed, nocturnal, like a wandering ghost, or a short stay.

  8. 我喜欢酒吧和俱乐部, 我喜欢夜出, 我喜欢孩子。

    I enjoy pubs and clubs and I like nights and out and I like children.

  9. 几乎所有的蝙蝠均于白天憩息,夜出觅食。

    Nearly all species roost during the day and feed at night.

  10. 我要一个老婆,她要懂得我有时也需要自个儿夜出。

    And I want a wife who knows that sometimes I need a night out by myself.

  11. 他们二人因粗野喧嚷而被赶出夜总会。

    The two of them were cast out of the nightclub for rowdiness.

  12. 星光之夜投射出我的侧影

    Starlit night shadows in my silhouette

  13. 慢慢地,轻轻地,夜展现出了它的华丽。

    Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor.

  14. 她快步走出了夜总会。

    She stepped briskly out of the club.

  15. 我们大声喧哗着出了夜总会。

    We made a terrible racket as we came out of the club.

  16. 昨晚我和一姑娘一起走出一家夜总会。

    I walked out of a club with a girl last night.

  17. 夜出篱门,蟾光皎洁。

    I went out of the fence gate and saw the bright moonlight.

  18. 夜出篱门,蟾光皎洁。

    I went out of the fence gate and saw the bright moonlight.

  19. 群集于丝幕中,夜出食叶。

    Cluster in silk screen, night out food leaves.

  20. 仲夏夜之梦这出戏经受住了时间的考验。

    A Midsummer Night's Dream has stood the test of time.

  21. 经过几个不眠之夜, 他想出了一个好主意。

    After several sleepless nights, he came up with a good idea.

  22. 然而儿子不孝,在一个风雨之夜将他赶出了家门。

    However the son is disobedient, the door evicted him in a night of hardships.

  23. 部分工人有齿龈出血、夜盲、皮肤干燥等营养缺乏体征。

    Some of workers were ill with nutritional deficiency of gingiva hemorrhage、 night blindness、 skin dry.

  24. 没有什么能阻拦我们走出这漫漫长夜。

    Nothing can keep us from walking off the livelong night.

  25. 那出戏首次公演之夜观众达万人之多。

    The audience on the opening night of the play reached to ten thousand.

  26. 我们应该出去来个女人之夜

    We need a girls'night out.

  27. 一夜之间,树木长出了新叶。

    The trees grow leaves overnight.

  28. 你必须在今夜腾出你的办公室。

    You must vacate your office by tonight.

  29. 为什么他们在出除夕夜敲钟33次

    Why do they ring the bell 33 times on New Year s eve

  30. 今夜我可以写出最伤心的诗。

    I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.


  1. 问:昼伏夜出拼音怎么拼?昼伏夜出的读音是什么?昼伏夜出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昼伏夜出的读音是zhòufúyèchū,昼伏夜出翻译成英文是 to shelter in daytime and go out at night...



昼伏夜出(zhoù fú yè chū) 解释:昼,白天;伏,潜伏。白天潜伏,夜晚出来。(多用来形容动物习性,有时指人生活不规律,玩笑话中常见) 例句:腐食动物喜欢昼伏夜出,居住在洞穴内。

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