




1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……



汉语拼音:mó dū



  1. Not all trolls practice voodoo, but it is certainly at least as widespread as cannibalism .


  2. "One does not simply Telnet into Mordor. " in white ink on a black, 100% cotton t-shirt.


  3. Lily's sacrifice of herself for Harry created a protection Voldemort could not break through.


  4. One does not simply Telnet into Mordor.


  5. Orcs and Trolls both get wolves.


  1. 笼罩在魔都黑暗中得幻想和怪异得世界。

    Are shrouded in dark magic and strange fantasy world.

  2. 笼罩在魔都黑暗中的幻想和怪异的世界。

    Are shrouded in dark magic and strange fantasy world.

  3. 伏地魔和哈利都严正以待,准备战斗。

    Lord Voldemort is preparing for battle and so must Harry.

  4. 兽人和巨魔都骑狼。

    Orcs and Trolls both get wolves.

  5. 正常得眼魔都可以成为法师或术士。

    A normal beholder can become a wizard or sorcerer.

  6. 正常的眼魔都可以成为法师或术士。

    A normal beholder can become a wizard or sorcerer.

  7. 阿拉伯故事中得神魔都有神奇得魔力。

    Genies in Arabic stories all have strange powers.

  8. 阿拉伯故事中的神魔都有神奇的魔力。

    Genies in Arabic stories all have strange powers.

  9. 每个人都会遇到魔, 所以我们有一种品质叫做勇敢!

    Each of us will meet the devils, so we have an quality called BRAVE.

  10. 洋基队现在整队都像著了魔。

    The New York Yankees are a team possessed.

  11. 虽然哈利和邓不利多教授都告诉世人佛地魔已经回来了。

    Although both Harry and Dumbledore have told the world that Lord Voldemort has returned, no one believes them.

  12. 人类都被战争弄得着魔了。

    Man devilized by war.

  13. 还都是月魔挖出来得。

    Also were dug up on magic.

  14. 还都是月魔挖出来的。

    Also were dug up on magic.

  15. 人们都听说过魔毯的事。

    All the people heard of the magic carpet.

  16. 生活中得魔难,都是人生得财富。

    Hardships in life are all matters of fortune.

  17. 每个入口都有催狂魔守着。

    The Dementors are at every entrance.

  18. 生活中的魔难, 都是人生的财富。

    Hardships in life are all matters of fortune.

  19. 生活中的魔难,都是人生的财富。

    Hardships in life are all matters of fortune.

  20. 在一阵魔咒声中,一切都沉睡了。

    Everything is asleep, under a spell of enchantment.

  21. 在一阵魔咒声中,一切都沉睡了。

    Everything is asleep, under a spell of enchantment.

  22. 许多儿童书都描述施用魔法得魔女。

    Many children's'books describe witches who cast a spell.

  23. 许多儿童书都描述施用魔法的魔女。

    Many children's'books describe witches who cast a spell.

  24. 这些词都来源于古代老巨魔的语言。

    But some words are even older.

  25. 这些词都来源于古代老巨魔得语言。

    But some words are even older.

  26. 全王国的人都已听说关于魔布的事。

    All the people in the kingdom had heard of the magic cloth.

  27. 在魔兽世界里人人都有自己的职位

    But there is no unemployment in World of Warcraft.

  28. 赤月老魔地点就不用说了, 基本都知道。

    Chek on location, needless to say, the basic all know.

  29. 红魔和曼城城队都是世界顶级得球队。

    The Red Devils and The Citizens are the best in the world!

  30. 红魔和曼城城队都是世界顶级的球队。

    The Red Devils and The Citizens are the best in the world!



“魔都”是个多义词,它可以指魔都(久生十兰所著推理小说), 魔都(丁振波所著小说), 魔都(萌萌哒天团演唱歌曲), 魔都(上海的别称), 魔都(2013年大陆电影)。

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