







汉语拼音:wèn xún






  1. 询问。

    赵树理 《李家庄的变迁》十一:“你把饭端来吧!我还想问询问询别的事。” 巴金 《军长的心》二:“我想起了那个少妇的话,便说了这样一句,也含有问询的意思。” 郭小川 《十月的诗》:“回答我这个年青人的问询吧,以你水兵的幻想和浪漫主义。”



  1. Or you can ask the public affairs office at a United States embassy to tell you where to find the nearest advising center.


  2. It seemed to me a fine thing that the pilot could do as he pleased, without asking so grand a captain's permission.


  3. Mr. Bolden said Mr. Allen has been interviewed by the authorities over the matter, and was cooperating with them on the investigation.


  4. Starr had agreed not to bring me down to the courthouse, probably because of the adverse reaction he got when he made Hillary do it.


  5. But he is often asked for advice because of his or her long experience in politics.


  6. For now, it seems as if the repatriates are in seclusion while intelligence officials question them.


  7. One thing he disliked even more was calling retailers to see if an item was in stock , only to be put on hold for what seemed an eternity .


  8. New Customs questions, he said, are usually related to proving quota allocation and price for the goods.


  9. The vote came a day after Geithner endured hours of grilling over his failure to pay thousands of dollars in back taxes.


  1. 真主问询 何以为此?

    And God will ask me why I did this.

  2. 世界各地的问询纷至沓来。

    Enquiries flooded in from all over the world.

  3. 附近有问询台吗

    Is there an information desk near here?

  4. 详情请到问询处查询。

    For particulars, please apply to the information desk.

  5. 他在问询中遇到了措辞问题。

    He had trouble phrasing his interrogations.

  6. 一大堆乱七八糟的批评问询信息

    a welter of criticismenquiriesinformation

  7. 申请费数额请向工作人员问询。

    Please check with our duty officer about the fee schedule.

  8. 我们问询的保镖都说他是先知。

    Bodyguards we interrogated said that he was a prophet.

  9. 他们不会首先问询这件事的。

    They would have never gone through this whole charade in the first place.

  10. 经营者随后会问询你的健康状况。

    The operator will enquire after your wellbeing later.

  11. 经营者随后会问询你的健康状况。

    The operator will enquire after your well-being later.

  12. 问询调查表怎样度过你的业余时间

    A Questionnaire How do you spend your free time.

  13. 接收问询并将其转送中央主管机关。

    Receiving queries and transmitting these to the central authority.

  14. 但是我会告诉您问询柜台在哪里的。

    But I will show you to the information desk.

  15. 如果您有事问询请拨打声讯电话。

    If you have any questions, dial the information service number.

  16. 晋宁看守所和当地警方没有回答问询。

    The detention center and local police in Puning did not answer questions.

  17. 在他那问询的目光下她垂下了眼睑。

    Her eyes dropped before his searching gaze.

  18. 我当时在州立监狱问询他一些细节问题。

    I was going over some details with him at county.

  19. 他一回到办公室,同事就都来问询了。

    He had no sooner been back to the office than the colleagues came to ask about the news.

  20. 初步问询之后,我请求做一个简短的陈述。

    After the preliminaries, I asked to make a brief statement.

  21. 机载防撞系统中问询发射功率的控制方法

    Transmit Power of Interrogations Controlling Method in TCAS

  22. 对酒店的情况了如指掌,随时能够回答客人的问询。

    Be knowledgeable about hotel information to answer guest inquiries.

  23. 昨日,该男子被问询,警方确认他是单独作案。

    Mustafa Ali was brought in for question yesterday and police say they believe he acted alone.

  24. 您好, 这里是问询台, 有什么可以帮忙的?

    Hi, here is the inquiry office, can I help you?

  25. 对于每台克令吊都要做重载问询功能试验。

    Heavy Load Star Request Function Test for each deck crane.

  26. 我们正在为我们的旅游问询处寻求有经验的人员。

    We are looking for experienced personnels for our tourist information office.

  27. 我们正在为我们得旅游问询处寻求有经验得人员。

    We are looking for experienced personnels for our tourist information office.

  28. 位于大堂总服务台, 为您提供问询, 留言及邮件服务。

    located at the front desk in the lobby , offers inquiry , message and mail service.

  29. 在警察来访后我见了她, 她告诉我警察问询了她数个小时。

    I saw her after the police visited and she told me they questioned her for hours.

  30. 感谢你方对我们十月二日问询函的回信。

    We thank you for your reply to our enquiry of October 2.


  1. 问:问询拼音怎么拼?问询的读音是什么?问询翻译成英文是什么?

    答:问询的读音是wènxún,问询翻译成英文是 To put forward a question to be resolved....

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