


1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……



汉语拼音:fú cóng








  1. 《礼记·内则》:“四十始仕,方物出谋发虑,道合则服从,不可则去。” 孙希旦 集解:“服从,谓服其事而从君也。”后谓顺服、遵从为服从。

    《商君书·画策》:“是以兵出而无敌,令行而天下服从。” 汉 刘向 《新序·杂事一》:“是以七十二子自远方至,服从其德。” 宋 曾巩 《熙宁转对疏》:“近者使之亲附,远者使之服从。” 清 唐甄 《潜书·任相》:“奸乱不作,海内服从。” 王力 《龙虫并雕斋文集·略论语言形式美》:“诗的语言形式美始终应该服从于诗的意境。”



  1. Joseph heavy hearted , grins and bears it from small character, he disobeys the will being ready to have obeyed father.

  2. He suddenly came into prominence as a result of his refusal to obey the party-line on the nationalization of steel.

  3. He had willed the blow higher, but the tired muscles had not been able to obey.

  4. Three are from his wife to go out to follow his wife to obey orders, the wife must follow the wrong.

  5. 5 To be of a sober mind, pure, workers at home, good, subject to their own husbands, that the word of God would not be blasphemed.

  6. Part of that celebration included the exchanging of places, the slaves would become the masters and the masters were to obey.

  7. Each of these, he claimed, can generate obedience, but each is suitable for a different stage in an organisation's development.

  8. What is the solution to this game of subordination to creators who do not know enough to guide any creation home and are really false gods?

  9. It uses a silver background, with the Snickers logo subordinated to the word "Charged, " and a frontal image of a rhinoceros head.


  1. 我服从了。

    I obeyed.

  2. 迷惑,使服从

    enthral v.

  3. 被动地服从

    passively obedient.

  4. 沉默或服从

    To silence or subdue.

  5. 他只好服从。

    He was fain to submit.

  6. 使默认使服从。

    To cause to acquiesce submit.

  7. 服从举止顺从

    To behave obediently.

  8. 军人必须服从。

    Soldiers must never disobey.

  9. 局部服从全局。

    The part must be subordinated to the whole.

  10. 少数服从多数。

    The minority is subordinate to the majority.

  11. 强制使之服从

    compel obedience.

  12. 服从你得渴望。

    Obey your thirst.

  13. 服从你的渴望。

    Obey your thirst.

  14. 避罚服从取向

    punishment and obedience orientation

  15. 我只好服从他。

    I have no choice but to obey him.

  16. 强迫服从的弊端

    abuse of being forced to obey

  17. 服从上帝的意旨

    in submission to the will of God

  18. 规定服从各条款。

    To comply with the terms of.

  19. 服从国家或皇室

    obedience to the state or the crown

  20. 你必须服从纪律。

    You must obey the disciplines.

  21. 使某人服从长官

    subordinate a person to his superiors

  22. 他强迫部下服从。

    He enforced obedience on his men.

  23. 不服从, 不顺从, 违抗

    Refusal or failure to obey.

  24. 他命令士兵服从。

    He enjoined obedience on the soldiers.

  25. 不服从,不顺从,违抗

    Refusal or failure to obey.

  26. 他强迫随从服从。

    He enjoined obedience on his followers.

  27. 我们必须服从命令。

    We must obey orders.

  28. 下级服从上级。

    The lower level is subordinate to the higher level.; The lower level subordinates itself to the higher level.

  29. 少数应服从多数。

    The minority should submit to the majority.

  30. 服从者的德性

    morality of obedience.


  1. 问:服从拼音怎么拼?服从的读音是什么?服从翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服从的读音是fúcóng,服从翻译成英文是 obey

  2. 问:服从…拼音怎么拼?服从…的读音是什么?服从…翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服从…的读音是Fúcóng …,服从…翻译成英文是 in compliance with...

  3. 问:服从刑拼音怎么拼?服从刑的读音是什么?服从刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服从刑的读音是fúcóngxíng,服从刑翻译成英文是 serve an accessory punishment

  4. 问:服从地拼音怎么拼?服从地的读音是什么?服从地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服从地的读音是,服从地翻译成英文是 resignedly

  5. 问:服从权威拼音怎么拼?服从权威的读音是什么?服从权威翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服从权威的读音是fù cóng quán wēi,服从权威翻译成英文是 obedience to authority

  6. 问:服从管辖拼音怎么拼?服从管辖的读音是什么?服从管辖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服从管辖的读音是fú cóng guǎn xiá,服从管辖翻译成英文是 Obedientia est legis essentia.

  7. 问:服从阶级拼音怎么拼?服从阶级的读音是什么?服从阶级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服从阶级的读音是fù cóng jiē jí,服从阶级翻译成英文是 obey class

  8. 问:服从型犯罪拼音怎么拼?服从型犯罪的读音是什么?服从型犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服从型犯罪的读音是fù cóng xíng fàn zuì,服从型犯罪翻译成英文是 crime of obedience




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