




1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……



汉语拼音:ān dé







  1. 如何能得、怎能得。含有不可得的意思。


  2. 岂可。如:“安得无礼”、“安得如此”。



  1. When Anderson went upstairs to bed, he tried to unlock his door. It did not open.


  2. Mr Adelson had no rights to sell as he was already operating under a subconcession from his former local partner.


  3. It is suggested that this road, the cold can Andhra, heat can get along, the wind has come, the rain has to be.


  4. Schulze called in the cavalry--well, Andersen Consulting, anyway--and with help pulled off one of the fastest turnarounds in retail history.


  5. A misnomer if ever there was one, the rare earths may be strategic and in short supply but they are certainly not rare.


  6. Andriy Shevchenko's first goal in a Chelsea shirt could be viewed as the player formally introducing himself to British football.


  7. His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the water streams, washed with milk, and rightly placed.


  8. Seconds later, the car was totally engulfed in flames, but Anderson was miraculously able to pull the baby to safety.


  9. Jack Sparrow: . . . Yep! I'm good with it. Shall we seal it in blood? I mean, er. . . ink?


  1. 安得列置换

    andre permutation.

  2. 肯得书,安得球。

    Ken's book, Ann's ball.

  3. 安得广厦千万间

    for a great mansion with thousands of rooms

  4. 安得列多项式

    andre polynomial.

  5. 对不起, 安得逊先生。

    Oh! I'm sorry Mr. Anderson.

  6. 对不起,安得逊先生。

    Oh ! I'm sorry Mr.Anderson .

  7. 安得猛士兮守四方?

    Where will I find brave men to guard the four corners of my land ?

  8. 阿达是安得姐妹。

    Ada is Ann's sister .

  9. 对不起,你是安得逊先生吗

    Excuse me, are you Mr. Anderson

  10. 我看见你收到安得来信了。

    I see you receive the peaceful letter.

  11. 安得烈是耶稣第一个门徒。

    Andrew was the first disciple Jesus called.

  12. 安得鲁,17岁,心里正烦躁不安。

    Andrews is seventeen,and bored.

  13. 汤姆收到许多信, 但安得信不多。

    Tom gets lots of letters but Ann doesn't get many.

  14. 亚当耕种夏娃织, 安得绅士与庶人?

    When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?

  15. 这本小说吸引了密里安得注意力。

    The novel was taking up Mirian's attention.

  16. 安得森先生推开窗户, 伸出头去。

    Mr. Anderson pushed the window and stretched his head out of it.

  17. 执行主任参观安得拉邦创新住房项目

    Executive Director visits innovative housing projects in Andhra Pradesh

  18. 那时,耶罗波安得儿子亚比雅病了。

    At that time Abijah son of Jeroboam became ill.

  19. 简对安得舞蹈表演发表了很尖刻得评论。

    Jan made a very sharp remark about Ann's dancing act in the show.

  20. 安得与君相诀绝, 免教生死作相思。

    The security and the monarch despiseth, free taught in travelling death be missing.

  21. 他否认把他们的报告泄漏给了安得森。

    He denied that he had leaked their reports to Anderson.

  22. 见他安心了,密里安得心里也感到踏实。

    Miriam,thinking he had assured himself, felt strong in herself.

  23. 于是,安得森先生走到窗边,点燃一根雪茄。

    Anderson went to the window and lit a cigarette.

  24. 那些风中轻飘得飞蓬,是植物界随遇而安得典型。

    The bitter fleabane in the wind is a typical drifting plant.

  25. 我们得智力活动只需要大约一个毫微安得电流。

    Our brains work on currents near one nanoampere.

  26. 现在, 金牛斯国际有限公司得杰克?安得逊来到了

    Now, Jack Anderson from the Genius International Co. Ltd.

  27. 安得森先生正在写一本关于丹麦历史的书。

    Mr. Anderson was writing a book about Danmark history.

  28. 哦, 我们的安得鲁, 懂点空手道, 打过几次拳击。

    Knows some karate, once did a little boxing, he has no reason to be afraid.

  29. 行了,一切都办妥了,安得逊先生,我马上叫服务员。

    All right, fine. We're all set here, Mr. Anderson, and I'll get the bellman right away.

  30. 他的眼如溪水旁的鸽子眼,用奶洗净,安得合式。

    His eyes are like doves by the water streams, washed in milk, mounted like jewels.


  1. 问:安得思拼音怎么拼?安得思的读音是什么?安得思翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安得思的读音是Āndésī,安得思翻译成英文是 Andrews, Roy Chapman

  2. 问:安得烈拼音怎么拼?安得烈的读音是什么?安得烈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安得烈的读音是āndéliè,安得烈翻译成英文是 Andrew

  3. 问:安得生拼音怎么拼?安得生的读音是什么?安得生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安得生的读音是Āndéshēng,安得生翻译成英文是 Anderson, Adelaide Mary

  4. 问:安得拉邦拼音怎么拼?安得拉邦的读音是什么?安得拉邦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安得拉邦的读音是,安得拉邦翻译成英文是 Andhra Pradesh

  5. 问:安得森手法拼音怎么拼?安得森手法的读音是什么?安得森手法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安得森手法的读音是ān dé sēn shǒu fǎ,安得森手法翻译成英文是 Adson's maneuver

  6. 问:安得姬啄木鸟拼音怎么拼?安得姬啄木鸟的读音是什么?安得姬啄木鸟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安得姬啄木鸟的读音是āndéjīzhuómùniǎo,安得姬啄木鸟翻译成英文是 Antillean Piculet; Nesoctites micromegas

  7. 问:安得森取样器拼音怎么拼?安得森取样器的读音是什么?安得森取样器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安得森取样器的读音是ān de sēn qǔ yàng qì,安得森取样器翻译成英文是 Andersen sampler

  8. 问:安得森多级撞击取样器拼音怎么拼?安得森多级撞击取样器的读音是什么?安得森多级撞击取样器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安得森多级撞击取样器的读音是ān de sēn duō jí zhuàng jī qǔ yàng qì,安得森多级撞击取样器翻译成英文是 Andersen cascade impacter




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