







汉语拼音:chéng tuán



  1. Or, if you want to be destructive, you can just crumple it up, and you know, toss it to the corner.


  2. Normally, I wouldn't make such a fuss over a sixth man, but Childress was the glue that held the team together -- he was very underrated .


  3. Write them down on a piece of paper, crumple it and throw it out.


  4. you have no mercy on any one , said julie drubetskoy , gathering up a pinch of scraped lint in her slender fingers covered with rings.


  5. Set up plastic cups at the end of a hallway and using a soft ball or rolled up sock try and knock them all over.


  6. Formed into a compact, rounded mass; tightly clustered; conglomerate.


  7. Spriggans can heal themselves after you think they are dead (fetal position).


  8. Cook the rice and knead the rice into a ball, put it on your face and knead it until it is dirty.


  9. Dark matter's gravitational pull bends light, so clumps of dark matter distort the appearance of galaxies in the background.


  1. 成团的烟雾

    volumed smoke.

  2. 把棉纱绕成团

    to ball cotton

  3. 头状花序皱缩成团。

    Capitate shrinkage becomes a group.

  4. 混合成团混杂物的堆积

    An accumulation of miscellaneous things.

  5. 喷水使尘埃不再成团飞扬

    The clouds of dust with a spray of water

  6. 成团的。结块的。聚结的聚集成圆形团块的

    Gathered into a rounded mass.

  7. 我把卷成团的袜子拾掇起来。

    I picked up the balled socks.

  8. 这些细胞成团形成一个个的岛。

    These cells group to form'islets'.

  9. 让我们大家抱成团,人多势众嘛。

    Let's try to stay together as a group; there's safety in numbers.

  10. 搅拌混合后, 筛入粉类揉成团。

    Sift the flour mixture in and mix to a dough ball.

  11. 我把便条揉成团扔进火里了。

    I screwed up the note and threw it on the fire.

  12. 成团的由不同特质经松散粘和而成的

    Made up of loosely cemented heterogeneous material.

  13. 使成团,使结块,使聚结使形成或聚集成圆的团块

    To form or collect into a rounded mass.

  14. 混合南瓜泥, 面粉和枫糖浆成团状。

    Mix pumpkin puree with flour and maple syrup to make a soft ball.

  15. 它们也不能用成团的烟尘污染空气。

    They also cannot pollute the air with clouds of smoke and dirt.

  16. 他们将手中绕成团的线放了出去。

    They let out the string from the ball in their hands.

  17. 那就是我们所谓讲得独立成团自助旅游。

    That is what we speak of independent travel groups.

  18. 那就是我们所谓讲的独立成团自助旅游。

    That is what we speak of independent travel groups.

  19. 她把每张纸搓成团后就扔掉了。

    After balling each sheet of paper into a wad, she threw it away.

  20. 用面团搅拌钩将材料用低速搅拌成团,大约3分钟。

    Knead on lowest speed until a rough dough is formed, about 3 minutes.

  21. 用台式搅拌机低速将所有材料混合拌成团。

    Using a stand mixer blend all the ingredients at slow speed until a dough forms.

  22. 将它们写在一张纸上, 揉成团, 扔掉。

    Write them down on a piece of paper, crumple it and throw it out.

  23. 达多耸耸肩, 把土块捏成团, 抛了出去。

    Dardo shrugged, formed the clot into a dirtball, and heaved it.

  24. 然后加入糯米粉、细砂糖、菠菜汁搅拌成团。

    Add in glutinous rice powder, sugar and spinach juice to form a smooth dough.

  25. 成团的年轻蓝星围绕一个环形的轨迹旋转。

    Clusters of young, blue stars trace a ring around a center that is rotating with the galaxy.

  26. 拌入胡萝卜丝, 椰丝和核桃碎混合成团即可。

    Blend in grated carrots, coconut shreds and chopped walnuts. Mix until the dough just combined.

  27. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。

    Let's collect the sap Before its consolidation into a hard mass.

  28. 我们煮了米饭, 把饭揉成团, 用香蕉叶包起来。

    We cooked rice, rolled it into balls, and wrapped the balls in banana leaves.

  29. 将碎鱼块,蛋,鱼露和柠檬叶和在一起揉成团。

    Mixed minced fish with red curry paste, egg, fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves and long bean, knead for a while and string.

  30. 银河系除了场星外,还有非常多成团的恒星系统。

    In addiction to the field stars, there are many star clusters in the Milky Way.


  1. 问:成团拼音怎么拼?成团的读音是什么?成团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成团的读音是,成团翻译成英文是 conglobation



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