




1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……


1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:màn cháng








  1. 绵延得很长。

    曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“间或也有女人或者小孩的声音,这是在远远寥落的长街上凄凉地喊着的漫长的叫卖声。” 艾青 《双尖山》诗:“接着它的是 离别山 ,一条漫长的窄谷,和麻密的原始森林。”



  1. After waiting for so long, all he got was an empty stomach and a huge disappointment.

  2. For thousands of years, Neanderthals were the only hominids living in Europe and parts of Asia.

  3. International students can spend the long winter holiday with families in other parts of the United States.

  4. Gone with the vicissitudes of the years is still bleak, but I was in the long years changed its appearance.

  5. The next step was the lengthy process of turning parts of the system off and on to see what made a difference.

  6. His eyes were closed, as if the king of this domain were taking a nap, stretched in the sun to soak up the long-awaited warmth of spring.

  7. Dr Hughes did what he could to fend off the illness. He took to wintering in New Zealand to escape the long Alaskan nights.

  8. It really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.

  9. As I had no idea how much I should pay for such a long ride, I asked an attendant in the ticket office.


  1. 漫长的航行

    a lengthy voyage.

  2. 漫长的封锁线

    a long distance blockade.

  3. 漫长的激烈争论

    a long and bitter dispute

  4. 漫长的一天重复

    Been a Long Day Reprise.

  5. 漫长的等待开始了。

    A long wait began.

  6. 漫长的暑假结束了。

    The long summer vacation is over.

  7. 经过漫长的修复过程

    undergo a lengthy process of restoration

  8. 还有漫长的36小时啊

    Only 36 hours to go.

  9. 这是很漫长的过程

    It's a very slow process.

  10. 还有漫长的36小时啊。

    Only 36 hours to go.

  11. 度过这漫长的一天。

    It's gonna be a long day.

  12. 爱的过程是很漫长的。

    Love was a very lengthy process.

  13. 漫长的, 胜负不分的战争。

    a long and indecisive war.

  14. 在漫长的夏季,束束阳光

    Through the slow summer, when the sun

  15. 为漫长的旅途储备给养

    Lay up supplies for a long journey.

  16. 这是一个漫长的过程。

    It was a long process.

  17. 这漫长的旅途要怎么走?

    The endless in between?

  18. 度过漫长的一天刚到家。

    Just got home from a long day of work.

  19. 一种漫长的语言变化过程。

    a process of linguistic change over a period of time.

  20. 我们国家漫长的噩梦结束了。

    Our long national nightmare is over.

  21. 征途是漫长的,但尚未结束。

    The journey has been long, but it is not over yet.

  22. 这将是一个漫长的旅程。

    This will be a long journey.

  23. 九年是个很漫长的时间。

    I mean, nine years is a long time.

  24. 错过了!剩下的只有漫长的等待。

    Miss! Leave of only wait for endlessly.

  25. 我在漫长的一生中饱经沧桑。

    In the course of my long life I've known many changes.

  26. 这常常是一个漫长的征途。

    Oftentimes, it is a very long journey.

  27. 漫长的人生未必是好的人生,而好的人生是漫长的。

    A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.

  28. 被漫长的炎炎夏季烤焦的土地。

    The land scorched by a long, hot summer.

  29. 人生是慢慢累下去的漫长的过程。

    Life is one long process of getting tired.

  30. 我藉着音乐来排遣漫长的旅途。

    I beguiled my long journey by listening music.


  1. 问:漫长的拼音怎么拼?漫长的的读音是什么?漫长的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫长的的读音是,漫长的翻译成英文是 lengthy

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