








1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:sī fǎ zhì dù



  1. She said that although in France things could take more time the system nevertheless protected people more.


  2. AFTER years of frustration over its rotten security forces and judiciary, Guatemala's government decided in 2006 to call for outside help.


  3. In the late Qing Dynasty a series of measures to reform the legal system, judicial system reform was one of the hot spots of social concern.


  4. Political leaders have said the creation of a parallel legal system is unacceptable and a violation of the peace agreement.


  5. Moreover, the lack of legal protections and a transparent justice system is an impediment to increased productivity down the line.


  6. China is a big shipping country, but it has not been a long time since this special maritime judicial system originated and then developed.


  7. Mr West presents a judiciary that is sometimes out of step with the "sense of society" on which it regularly bases its rulings.


  8. "Our government has been trying to strengthen the criminal justice system, " the prime minister noted.


  9. There is sympathy for a man some thought destined for the presidency being brought down by an aggressive American judicial system.


  1. 英国司法制度

    judicial system of Britain.

  2. 司法制度的公正性

    the fairness of the judicial system

  3. 法庭的审讯, 覆审, 司法制度

    a judicial inquiry, review, system

  4. 这是我们司法制度的座右铭。

    That is our judicial systems motto.

  5. 香港的司法制度得以延续。

    All judges who were in service immediately before the reunification were reappointed by the Chief Executive.

  6. 清代中朝关系中的司法制度

    The Judicative System which China and Korea Both Followed in Qing Dynasty

  7. 完善未成年人刑事司法制度的思考

    Thinking about Perfecting the Criminal System of Juvenile Delinquent

  8. 这次调查承认司法制度有缺陷。

    The inquiry acknowledges failings in the judicial system.

  9. 他不想全盘改革刑事司法制度。

    He did not want to reform the criminal justice system in its totality.

  10. 中日少年犯罪和少年司法制度比较。

    Acomparion of China's judicial system and juvenile delinquency Withthat of Japan.

  11. 两个共同倡议新的司法制度的议员

    Two senators who were cosponsors of new legislation.

  12. 我今天不会讨论关于司法制度改革。

    I won't talk today about reforming thelegal system.

  13. 独立得司法制度有没有受到任何干预?

    Has there been any interference in the independence of the Judiciary?

  14. 独立的司法制度有没有受到任何干预?

    Has there been any interference in the independence of the Judiciary?

  15. 司法制度建立在法官通情达理的基础之上。

    The judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges.

  16. 司法制度建立在法官通情达理的基础之上。

    The judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges.

  17. 我想,司法制度使他轻易地逃脱了处罚。

    I think the justice system is letting him off easy.

  18. 公证制度是国家设立的一种预防性司法制度。

    Notarial system is one of the preventive judicial systems in China.

  19. 这是对新司法制度较大的一个质疑。

    This is a major challenge to the new legal system.

  20. 孟加拉国的刑事司法制度含有关于死刑的规定。

    The criminal justice system of Bangladesh has provisions for the death penalty.

  21. 贫穷和文盲状态妨碍人们获得司法制度的帮助。

    Access to the judicial system is hampered by poverty and illiteracy.

  22. 这一切对刑事司法制度产生了极坏的影响。

    All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system.

  23. 澳大利亚新南威尔斯州未成年人司法制度与借鉴

    Youth justice in New South Welsh, Australia

  24. 试论旧桂系时期广西近代司法制度的执行

    How did the old clique of Guangxi warlords enforce laws

  25. 诉讼案件的消除是刑事司法制度的一个重要方面。

    Case attrition is a major factor in the criminal justice system.

  26. 波兰斯基先生弃保潜逃是无视美国司法制度。

    By jumping bail, Mr Polanski cocked a snook at American justice.

  27. 我被专制势力操纵和控制的司法制度无理关押。

    I was unjustly imprisoned under a judicial system manipulated and controlled by the forces of dictatorship.

  28. 改进内部司法制度是今后6个月中的另一项重点。

    Improvements in the internal justice system are another priority for the next six months.

  29. 改进内部司法制度是今后6个月中得另一项重点。

    Improvements in the internal justice system are another priority for the next six months.

  30. 社会主义司法制度必须保障在全社会实现公平和正义。

    A socialist judicial system must guarantee fairness and justice in the whole society.


  1. 问:司法制度拼音怎么拼?司法制度的读音是什么?司法制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:司法制度的读音是sī fǎ zhì dù,司法制度翻译成英文是 regime of justice




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