


1. 嚼 [jiáo]2. 嚼 [jué]3. 嚼 [jiào]嚼 [jiáo]用牙齿咬碎:细~慢咽。味同~蜡。嚼 [jué]义同(一),用于某些复合词:咀~。嚼 [jiào]〔倒(dǎo)~〕反刍,牛等动物把粗粗咀嚼后咽下去的食物再反回到……





汉语拼音:jiáo suì



  1. Listen rotation, all the features of the murmur ceased, the wind was the one finally chew rain, also made the bride leaves.


  2. Mother usually grinds down the food for her baby .


  3. But wisdom teeth weren't always a cash crop for oral surgeons. Long ago, they served as a useful third set of meat-mashing molars.


  4. The unit emits a thin scream as steel teeth slash laminated plastic and the rose is shredded into a thousand fragments.


  5. Predators or scavengers can eat the body and chew up the bones.


  6. Aspinall plucked a leaf and had a bite before Quabe took it over, chew it up and swallowed it.


  7. You murdered your husband, dragged him out of the house and then made the dog bite and chew him after the fact.


  8. Mandel explains teeth grinding, which many women do, as "chewing over the day's stressors. "


  9. Put fried fish and shrimp into the bone soup and cook it together. Chew the meat and bones, this may supply calcium.


  1. 食物嚼碎后再咽下。

    Chew your food properly before swallowing it.

  2. 黑胡椒炒山羊肉。不易嚼碎。

    Black pepper mountain goat meat. Very tough.

  3. 没有嚼碎就很快地吞下。

    eat hastily without proper chewing.

  4. 什么食物都要先嚼碎再吞咽。

    Always chew food well before swallowing it.

  5. 象用其强有力的臼齿嚼碎食物。

    The elephant grinds its food with its powerful molars.

  6. 我拿起一粒药丸,把它嚼碎。

    I took one of the pills and chewed it up.

  7. 母亲一般要把食物嚼碎再给婴儿。

    Mother usually grinds down the food for her baby.

  8. 母亲一般要把食物嚼碎再喂给婴儿。

    Mother usually grinds down the food for the baby.

  9. 小女孩自己嚼碎食物, 一点儿一点儿地喂它们。

    The little girl chew their food, to feed them a little bit.

  10. 拉丽把它放在口中, 快活地把它嚼碎。

    Lally put it into her mouth and chewed it up happily.

  11. 吃东西不要狼吞虎咽,要嚼碎了再咽下去。

    Don't gulp your food, chew it before you swallow it.

  12. 如果我把某物嚼碎了,那么所有碎片都是我的。

    If I'm chewing something up, all the pieces are mine.

  13. 我的牙齿完好无缺,嚼碎最硬的石头也不成问题。

    My teeth are absolutely fine. I can bite into the hardest stone without a problem.'

  14. 这口气他咽不下去。吃东西不要狼吞虎咽,要嚼碎了再咽下去。

    This gave him no balm. Don't gulp your food, chew it before you swallow it.

  15. 咽下这些药片之前不可嚼碎, 否则你会把它们吐出来的。

    Don't chew the tablets before swallowing, or you may throw them up.

  16. 食物嚼碎後再咽下。

    Chew your food properly before swallowing it.

  17. 用牙齿作咬破及嚼碎的动作

    to make a crushing and grinding motion with the teeth

  18. 咀嚼用牙齿作咬破及嚼碎的动作

    To make a crushing and grinding motion with the teeth.


  1. 问:嚼碎拼音怎么拼?嚼碎的读音是什么?嚼碎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嚼碎的读音是,嚼碎翻译成英文是 chew

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