







汉语拼音:rǔ xiāng








  1. 本名薰陆,为橄榄科常绿乔木的凝固树脂。因其滴下成乳头状,故亦称乳头香。为薰香原料,又供药用。

    唐 无名氏 《香品一》:“ 南海 波斯国 松树脂,有紫赤如樱桃者,名乳香,盖薰陆之类也。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·药议》:“薰陆,即乳香也,以其滴下如乳头者,谓之乳头香,鎔塌在地上者,谓之塌香。”《警世通言·福禄寿三星度世》:“妹妹安排乳香一块,煖一碗热酒来与我吃,且定我脊背上疼。”《老残游记》第二十回:“ 老残 倾出来看看,有点像乳香的样子。”



  1. Babylon will suddenly fall and be broken. Wail over her! Get balm for her pain; perhaps she can be healed.


  2. take sweet oil for her pain, if it is possible for her to be made well.


  3. Suddenly Babylon has fallen and become broken; Howl over her; Take balm for her pain, If perhaps she may be healed.


  4. Whereof the priest shall burn for a memorial of the gift, part of the corn broken small and of the oil, and all the frankincense.


  5. Along each row put some pure incense as a memorial portion to represent the bread and to be an offering made to the Lord by fire.


  6. Jamieson, Fausset, Brown The combination of myrrh and frankincense found in the Temple represents the bittersweet nature of repentance.


  7. They brought gold, along with gifts of frankincense and myrrh, to the child they believed was the King of the Jews.


  8. It might not be your first choice for a present today, but at the time Jesus was born, it was a valuable gift.


  9. Other scents that are supposed to have libido-boosting qualities include frankincense, ginger, lavender, lime, orange, patchouli, and rose.


  1. 尼禄大量地燃烧乳香。

    Nero burned it by the ton.

  2. 薰衣草,乳香,橙花。

    Lavender, Frankincense and Neroli.

  3. 新、老乳香的化学鉴定

    Chemical Identification of New and Old Resina Boswelliae Carterii

  4. 烧乳香的好像颂赞偶像的。

    He who burns incense is like him who blesses an idol.

  5. 植物胶阿拉伯树胶,蓍胶,乳香,乳香。

    Gum Plants Gum Arabic, Tragacanth, Olibanum, Mastic.

  6. 仿佛龙涎香、麝香、安息香和乳香。

    Like amber and incense, musk, benzoin.

  7. 成份乳香,鼠尾草,橙花等。

    Frankincense, sage grass, Neroli, etc.

  8. 可如今,乳香何在?高贵的黄金何在?

    Where now the incense? Where the kingly gold?

  9. 乳香, 没药引起过敏反应的报道

    A Report of Allergic Reaction Caused by Chinese herbs of Olibanum and Myrrha

  10. 过生日那天送你点乳香如何?

    How about a little frankincense 3 for your birthday ?

  11. 这两种物质是乳香和没药树。

    They are frenchans and mem frankincense and myrrh.

  12. 罗马人在祭坛和火葬上燃烧乳香。

    The Romans burned frankincense on their altars and at cremations.

  13. 主要成份杜松, 薰衣草, 檀香, 乳香。

    Ingredient Hackmatack and lavender etc.

  14. 他们送的礼物,是黄金乳香和没药。

    The gifts were of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

  15. 为止他的疼痛, 拿乳香或者可以治好。

    take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed.

  16. 圣经上有五十二处提到过乳香。

    There are over 52 references to Frankincense in the Bible.

  17. 于阗与北宋王朝的乳香贸易及其影响

    Frankincense Trade between Yutian and North Song Dynasty and Its Influences

  18. 给小耶稣送去了黄金,乳香和没药。

    Presented the Baby Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

  19. 乳香挥发油脂质体的制备及质量评价

    Formulation and quality evaluation of Boswellia carterii Birdwood volatile oil liposomes

  20. 他们是乳香和没药,都具有浓郁的气味。

    They are frankincense and myrrh. Both have powerful, pleasant smells.

  21. 巴尔萨扎带来了装有乳香的黄金盒子。

    Balthazar brought a gold box of frankincense.

  22. 用商人贩卖的乳香和没药熏染的, 是什么?

    Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all the fragrant powders of the merchant

  23. 方法采用薄层色谱法鉴别血竭、乳香、当归。

    METHODS Identifying the Sanguis Draconis, Frankincense Carterii, Angelicasinensis by TLC.

  24. 改进乳香等含挥发油树脂类中药的炮制方法。

    To improve the processing method for olibanum containing volatile oils and resins.

  25. 用商人贩卖得乳香和没药熏染得, 是什么 呢

    Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all the fragrant powders of the merchant

  26. 乳香是从树上提炼的一种有甜味的树脂。

    Frankincense is a type of sweetsmelling gum from a tree.

  27. 天然植物乳香胶体外抗幽门螺杆菌有效成分筛选

    Selection of Effective Composition of Mastic Gum against Helicobacter Pylori in vitro

  28. 气相色谱法测定乳香挥发油中乙酸辛酯的含量

    Quantitative Measurement of Octyl Acetate in Olibanum Volatile Oil by GC

  29. 芦荟精华、乳香、透明质酸及高效保湿润肤剂。

    Aloe essence of frankincense, hyaluronic acid and efficient moisturizing emollients agent.

  30. 乳香是一种香料,在圣殿里敬拜神的时候使用。

    Frankincense was a kind of incense, used to worship God in the temple.


  1. 问:乳香拼音怎么拼?乳香的读音是什么?乳香翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香的读音是,乳香翻译成英文是 Frankincense

  2. 问:乳香树拼音怎么拼?乳香树的读音是什么?乳香树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香树的读音是rǔxiāngshù,乳香树翻译成英文是 Mastic Tree; Pistacia lentiscus

  3. 问:乳香脂拼音怎么拼?乳香脂的读音是什么?乳香脂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香脂的读音是,乳香脂翻译成英文是 Mastic

  4. 问:乳香酸拼音怎么拼?乳香酸的读音是什么?乳香酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香酸的读音是rǔ xiāng suān,乳香酸翻译成英文是 boswellic acid

  5. 问:乳香鱼拼音怎么拼?乳香鱼的读音是什么?乳香鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香鱼的读音是rǔxiāngyú,乳香鱼翻译成英文是 silver lactarid; lactarid

  6. 问:乳香脂酸拼音怎么拼?乳香脂酸的读音是什么?乳香脂酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香脂酸的读音是rǔ xiāng zhī suān,乳香脂酸翻译成英文是 baswellic acid

  7. 问:乳香黄连木拼音怎么拼?乳香黄连木的读音是什么?乳香黄连木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香黄连木的读音是,乳香黄连木翻译成英文是 Pistacia lentiscus

  8. 问:乳香二烯酮酸拼音怎么拼?乳香二烯酮酸的读音是什么?乳香二烯酮酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香二烯酮酸的读音是rǔ xiāng èr xī tóng suān,乳香二烯酮酸翻译成英文是 masticadienonic acid

  9. 问:乳香平翅绵蚜拼音怎么拼?乳香平翅绵蚜的读音是什么?乳香平翅绵蚜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳香平翅绵蚜的读音是rǔxiāngpíngchìmiányá,乳香平翅绵蚜翻译成英文是 Aploneura lentisci



乳香,本名薰陆,别名熏陆香、马尾香、乳头香、塌香、天泽香、摩勒香、多伽罗香等,拉丁文名Boswellia carteri.为橄榄科常绿乔木的凝固树脂。因其滴下成乳头状,故亦称乳头香。为薰香原料,又供药用阿拉伯语luban的汉译。

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