




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……







汉语拼音:wǎng shǎng liáo tiān



  1. If she happens to come home to see her son chatting online, we have no idea about what response she would make to it.

  2. It was really a different experience that I chatted with my husband online even though we communicated with a few icons.

  3. They began to talk online , but she didn't know him at the beginning .

  4. People chat on-line friends, to ask the question on the Internet, access to information also play games online.

  5. You chat several times a day with a stranger from South Africa, but you haven't spoken with your next-door neighbor yet this year.

  6. He told me that he loves chatting with his friends as well as playing games via internet on Sunday.

  7. The wave of complaints reached such a crescendo that city police this week held a web chat to discuss the problem with concerned netizens.

  8. In the picture, the boy is so addicted to chatting online that he is unwilling to talk to his mother.

  9. My computer broke down again , but maybe it was a blessing in disguise ; I've been wasting too much time online chatting anyway .


  1. 我对网上聊天感兴趣。

    I'm interested in chatting online.

  2. 你和谁在网上聊天

    Who did you chat with on the Internet.

  3. 你是否喜欢在网上聊天

    Would you like a chat on the Internet

  4. 我认为网上聊天是浪费时间。

    I think chatting online is a waste of time.

  5. 一边和朋友在脸谱网上聊天。

    at the same time as they're chatting on Facebook with their friends.

  6. 是不是和朋友在网上聊天呀

    Were you chatting with your friend online.

  7. 我也喜欢和朋友在网上聊天。

    And I also like to chat with my friends online.

  8. 你告诉我怎么才能进入网上聊天

    Can you tell me how to enter chat on line

  9. 他通过网上聊天结识了他的女朋友。

    He met his girlfriend through a computer net?chat.

  10. 我正通过网上聊天来提高我的英语。

    I'm trying to improve my English through chatting online in English.

  11. 网上聊天的时候,你要遵守网络礼节。

    You need to follow netiquette when chatting online.

  12. 网上聊天得时候,你要遵守网络礼节。

    You need to follow netiquette when chatting online.

  13. 海通常和世界各地得同伴在网上聊天。

    Helen often chats with friends the word.

  14. 我正通过网上聊天来提高我的英语水平。

    I hoop some day speaking English would just be a pice of cake for me.HA

  15. 网上聊天使我能尝到学英语得甜头。

    Online chatting made it possible for me to reap the benefits of English learning.

  16. 网上聊天使我能尝到学英语的甜头。

    Online chatting made it possible for me to reap the benefits of English learning.

  17. 要知道, 网上聊天的人有他们自己的速记语言

    You see, instant messengers have their own shorthand language.

  18. 冒充领导网上聊天, 骗子屡屡得逞, 骗财又骗色。

    Posing as the leading line chat, often succeed liar, fraud and Pianse.

  19. 网上聊天浪费我们本应用来学习的宝贵时间。

    Online chatting lavishes the precious time that should have been spent on study.

  20. 网上聊天浪费我们本应用来学习得宝贵时间。

    Online chatting lavishes the precious time that should have been spent on study.

  21. 我得打字技能应归功于很多很多小时得网上聊天。

    I credit my typing skills to many many hours of talking line.

  22. 我的打字技能应归功于很多很多小时的网上聊天。

    I credit my typing skills to many many hours of talking line.

  23. 下课后,我喜欢打电脑游戏和和朋友在网上聊天。

    I like playing and with friends on the internet.

  24. 一个朋友在网上聊天的时候给我讲了个故事。

    One of my friends told me a story while we chatted online.

  25. 课后,我也喜欢玩电子游戏和朋友们在网上聊天。

    After class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet.

  26. 他们开始在网上聊天, 但是一开始她还是没有发现是他。

    They began to talk online , but she didnt know him at the beginning.

  27. 发送和阅读信息都要付钱,网上聊天和虚拟礼物也要钱。

    Charges are payable for sending and reading messages, as well as online chatting and virtual gifting.

  28. 网上聊天时不要轻易把自己得真实名氏告诉别人。

    When chatting on the internet, we should not give out our true names lightly.

  29. 网上聊天时不要轻易把自己的真实名氏告诉别人。

    When chatting on the internet, we should not give out our true names lightly.

  30. 网上聊天时不要轻易把自己的真实名氏告诉别人。

    When chatting on the internet, we should not give out our true names lightly.


  1. 问:网上聊天室拼音怎么拼?网上聊天室的读音是什么?网上聊天室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:网上聊天室的读音是wǎng shàng liáo tiān shì,网上聊天室翻译成英文是 chat room





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