


1. 坊 [fāng]2. 坊 [fáng]坊 [fāng]里巷(多用于街巷的名称)。街市,市中店铺:~间。街~(邻居)。旧时标榜功德的建筑物:牌~。节义~。坊 [fáng]小手工业者的工作场所:作~。古同“防”,防范。……


1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:fāng jiān



街市上(旧时多 指书坊)。



  1. 街市上。多指书坊,书店。

    清 俞樾 《小浮梅闲话》:“坊间有《今古奇观》一书,襍取古事,敷衍成书。” 郑振铎 《论武侠小说》:“武侠小说的流行于复古时代的今日,又何足为奇呢!仅在这三四年中,不知坊间究竟出版了多少部这一类的小说。” 王西彦 《古屋》第三部七:“不是普通坊间出售的那种,而是祖传秘制的。”



  1. Anecdotal evidence from corporate treasurers suggests that perhaps a third of the bank loan explosion this year has ended up in stocks.


  2. A few years ago a striking Christmas card was published, with the title, "If Christ had not come. "


  3. The long rumored Disneyland theme park deal is said to be weeks away from being officially announced.


  4. "Our results also suggest that the supposed effect of moon phase on medical complications is merely an urban legend, " he said.


  5. This has been a rumor for sometime but E! could confirm the news, adding that the culprit in the split is Chuck.


  6. But anecdotal evidence suggests that this week's shiny prices have prompted some soul-searching among China's gold bugs.


  7. As she retires from her talk show after 25 years, there are rumours of senatorial ambitions.


  8. So far, barely two weeks into the year, anecdotal evidence suggests loan growth remains feeble.


  9. NPR reports that rumors had been circling, but most found out about the city's dissolution on the news the day it happened in August.


  1. 此书坊间少见。

    This book is rarely seen in the bookshops.

  2. 你可以在网上预定宾馆坊间。

    You can book your hotel online.

  3. 坊间的猜测从300万到1000万都有。

    Estimates skew wildly between three million and ten million.

  4. 坊间甚至还有更夸大的计划。

    There are yet more grandiose plans in the air.

  5. 在坊间,这早就是不争的事实。

    And by all accounts, this is the plain truth.

  6. 罗宾汉是一位英国坊间的英雄。

    Robin Hood is an English folk hero.

  7. 罗宾汉是一位英国坊间得英雄。

    Robin Hood is an English folk hero.

  8. 坊间传闻, 新东家就是上海复星集团。

    Hearsay of in the book shops, new boss is group of Shanghai answer star.

  9. 坊间传说也是学习英语的一个好途径。

    Urban legends also offer a great way to learn English.

  10. 关于他对细节的关注, 坊间有很多的传闻。

    Stories abound about his attention to detail.

  11. 坊间传闻空前多的人选择了提前投票。

    Anecdotal evidence around the country shows unprecedentedly big numbers of people taking advantage of the opportunity.

  12. 选购坊间的英文教材时,应选适合孩子看的。

    Choose English reading material that is suitable for your child's level and age.

  13. 许多令人担忧得数据为坊间传闻提供了支持。

    There are plenty of alarming statistics to back up the anecdotes.

  14. 坊间甚至一度猜测, 这家石油巨头可能将宣告破产。

    And there was even speculation that the oil giant would go bankrupt.

  15. 坊间流传有警匪一家的说法, 莫非真是这样的吗?

    There have been a cops and robbers to say, Is this really you?

  16. 坊间有很多论及祷告的书籍,我们读后必有俾益。

    There are a great many books which have been written on prayer and it would help us to read them.

  17. 不过, 近日坊间传闻, 中钢协的态度已经有所放松。

    However, recently market rumors, China Steel Association has relaxed attitude.

  18. 坊间证据显示, 南欧人热切地希望填补至少部分缺口。

    Anecdotal evidence suggests southern Europeans are keen to fill at least part of that demand.

  19. 对坊间所传奥巴马内阁提名人选你是否满意?

    Are you satisfied with the people said to be on trackfor Obama cabinet nominations ?

  20. 一个坊间流传的消息也折射了传统软件巨头的尴尬。

    A spread of the community news also reflects the traditional software giant's embarrassing.

  21. 有关盈利能力和资产负债状况的数据证实了坊间的看法。

    Profitability and balance sheet data support the anecdotal views.

  22. 这些日子以来, 国会和坊间对于外来人才的问题, 争论不休。

    The issue concerning foreign talent has been debated in Parliament and among ordinary people.

  23. 实际上,峨眉山索道提价的传闻,去年春天就已经在坊间流传。

    In fact, hearsay Mt. Emei Cableways price, last spring has been circulating in the market.

  24. 来自农民得坊间证据也表明,重建猪肉库存不会那么快。

    Anecdotal evidence from farmers also suggests that restocking will not be fast.

  25. 来自农民的坊间证据也表明,重建猪肉库存不会那么快。

    Anecdotal evidence from farmers also suggests that restocking will not be fast.

  26. 我们得娶会主要用粤语, 间中有英语工作坊或讲座。

    We use Cantonese as our primary language, with some workshops given in English.

  27. 我们的娶会主要用粤语,间中有英语工作坊或讲座。

    We use Cantonese as our primary language, with some workshops given in English.

  28. 该坊形制为四柱三门三重檐, 三开间牌楼坊。

    There are four column, three gates, three brims, three openings in the archway.

  29. 庙门口原有五间大牌坊, 斗拱飞檐, 气宇非凡, 蔚为壮观。

    Temple in front of the original five large arches, cornices brackets, bearing extraordinary, magnificent.


  1. 问:坊间拼音怎么拼?坊间的读音是什么?坊间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坊间的读音是fāngjiān,坊间翻译成英文是 on the street stalls; in the bookshops




【注音】:fāng jiān



现在的某个“圈子”、“界”也可以叫做“坊间”,比如某某演员有绯闻了,媒体就会报料:坊间传闻...... 这里的坊间该是指的“娱乐圈”,再比如某某运动员有花边新闻了,媒体也会说:坊间消息......,这里的坊间该是指的“运动界”。(文创公)

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