


1. 硕 [shuò]2. 硕 [shí]硕 [shuò]〔~士〕学位名,高于“学士”。大:~老。~材。~学(博学,亦指博学的人)。~壮。~果累累(喻巨大的成绩)。~大无朋(形容无比的大)。硕 [shí]古同“石”,形容坚固。……




1. 累 [léi]2. 累 [lěi]3. 累 [lèi]累 [léi]〔~~〕a.连续成串,如“果实~~”;b.颓丧的样子,如“~~若丧家之犬”。〔~赘〕a.多余,不简洁,如“文字~~”;b.使人感到多余或麻烦的事物,如“负重登高,不胜……


1. 累 [léi]2. 累 [lěi]3. 累 [lèi]累 [léi]〔~~〕a.连续成串,如“果实~~”;b.颓丧的样子,如“~~若丧家之犬”。〔~赘〕a.多余,不简洁,如“文字~~”;b.使人感到多余或麻烦的事物,如“负重登高,不胜……



汉语拼音:shuò guǒ léi léi








  1. The full fruits of the civil rights and women's movements might have made some of her choices easier, but those would come only later.

  2. The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season.

  3. At the time art was no longer as dependent on politics as that of 1949 to 1976, but had its own truly independent life.

  4. Two years later she began to develop her own sound and style and embarked on a very fruitful solo career.

  5. The history in-and-coming "total history" study has famous men, fruitful as the world's history the turn of the century the best testimony.

  6. In search of excitement, joy, and satisfaction in life always promises you to end each YEAR. . . in a fruitful one.

  7. Early autumn, in my memory has always been mature harvest, colorful season, as in life prime of life, is the prime of life, fruitful age.

  8. In Chinese contemporary literary, Su xue lin is a Literary giants with a beautiful quantum of achievement, As well as Bing Xin.

  9. Mandarin tree is the most beautiful tree in the garden. There are many yellow mandarins inside of the green leaves.


  1. 硕果累累。

    And the orchard trees heavy.

  2. 硕果累累。层出不穷。

    Results are now coming in thick and fast.

  3. 果园里硕果累累。

    The orchard is full of rich fruits.

  4. 硕果累累回报社会。

    The Society Repaid By The Great Achievements.

  5. 无论蓓蕾, 无论硕果累累。

    Bud or bloom fruited sheaf.

  6. 硕果累累的研究领域。

    fruitful areas of research

  7. 硕果累累得研究领域。

    fruitful areas of research.

  8. 见证了您的硕果累累

    In witnessed of your fruitful career

  9. 我深信民主主义硕果累累。

    It is of the very essence of my belief that democracy is fruitful of leadership.

  10. 我们家的苹果树硕果累累。

    Our apple tree is covered with fruit.

  11. 他对星空的研究硕果累累。

    Many and great were his explorations of the starry universe.

  12. 这是一个硕果累累的时期。

    It was a productive and fertile period.

  13. 那是一个硕果累累的会议。

    It was a conference fruitful of results.

  14. 总的说来,这四部著作硕果累累。

    Taken all in all, these four volumes constitute a rich harvest.

  15. 天天平安快乐,月月硕果累累,新年快乐!

    Ping happy every day, month and has made great achievements, and a Happy New Year!

  16. 秋天是薄雾蔼蔼, 硕果累累的季节。

    Autumn is said to be the season of mist and mellow fruitfulness.

  17. 硕果累累的树枝总是低垂向土地。

    The branch that is laden with most fruits reaches lowest.

  18. 成绩多多,硕果累累,有耕耘就有收获。

    Many achievements, fruits, there are grounds.

  19. 那年夏天,奶奶的小花园硕果累累。

    That summer, Grandma's little garden grew and grew.

  20. 硕果累累的树枝垂得最低。富勒

    The bough that bears most, hangs lowest.

  21. 我衷心希望我们的合作能够硕果累累。

    I sincerely hope that our cooperation will bring good results.

  22. 我们2009年得辛勤劳动换来了硕果累累!

    Rich fruits in return for our hard work in the year of2009!

  23. 我们2009年的辛勤劳动换来了硕果累累!

    Rich fruits in return for our hard work in the year of2009!

  24. 我们期望这下一年会更加硕果累累。

    We hope that this coming year will be even more fruitful than the last.

  25. 我军需装备研究围绕打赢搞科研硕果累累

    Military quartermaster equipment research gets rich fruits

  26. 秋天是收获的季节, 繁花过后, 硕果累累。

    Autumn is the season for harvest. After the flowers wither, there come clusters of fruits.

  27. 秋天是收获得季节, 繁花过后, 硕果累累。

    Autumn is the season for harvest. After the flowers wither, there come clusters of fruits.

  28. 国家海洋局海洋生物工程重点实验室硕果累累

    Numerous Significant Achievements Made by the Key Laboratories of Marine Bioengineering of the State Oceanic Administration

  29. 秋天硕果累累五谷丰收,该地天然资源丰富。

    Autumn is rich with fruit and grain. The land is affluent in natural resources.

  30. 那棵苹果树硕果累累,在微风中轻轻摇曳。

    The apple tree, which was swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of fruit.







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