


1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……





汉语拼音:yuǎn qù



  1. I guess you think you'll go on forever, and when you find out it's being taken away from you, you'll do anything to stay in the game.


  2. It was also noted that rain did not drip, season will go a long way away from you, you see too much out of frustration.


  3. The flashing light dimmed into the distance as the police car rolled to a halt, much to the amazement of its occupants.


  4. And I told him about the Amerasians who got off welfare and are giving voice to the once-forgotten children of a distant war.


  5. "Keep your promise. " The voice was slipping away, as if the volume was being turned down on a radio.


  6. I stood there still, glanced at his stooping back and a warm feeling called respect came into being from the bottom of my heart.


  7. Then, like the long withdrawing sound of a receding wave, the sense of night and sea and warmth went from him.


  8. If you do so, the vanity shall be kept far from you and more people willing to share life together with you not like stupid he-dog! !


  9. Sotherton is the only place that could give her a _wish_ to go so far, but it cannot be, indeed.


  1. 火车已经远去。

    Bus is already far away gone by.

  2. 涌来又远去

    Drift away with dreams of youth.

  3. 青鸟已经远去

    Away flew the blue bird

  4. 你的心已远去

    Look into your mind away.

  5. 战舰起航慢慢远去

    Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn

  6. 当你离我远去

    And the moment that you wonder far from me.

  7. 我理应离你远去

    I should have steered away from you

  8. 他们的朋友离他们远去

    Their friends drifted away.

  9. 冰川正在离我们远去

    The glaciers are actually leaving us.

  10. 梦已远去, 亦是忆

    Lost my love then be come to recollect

  11. 我最远去过巴西。

    Err farthest place I ever went was Brazil.

  12. 梦已远去,亦是忆。

    Lost my love then be come to recollect.

  13. 我听列车声逐渐远去。

    I heard the sound of the car dying away.

  14. 但帝国时代已经远去了

    But the Age of Empires is gone.

  15. 您追求利润,利润却离您远去

    You strive for profit, but it is not there.

  16. 求求风, 求求雨, 快离我远去

    Begging wind begging rain get away from me

  17. 为何你要远去放遂自己

    Why you have to go so far drifting

  18. 飞机渐渐远去看不见了。

    The plane gradually out of sight.

  19. 寒冬已然远去, 然后春天到来。

    So the winter went by, and spring come along.

  20. 爱情即将启程离我远去了

    The god of love preparing to depart

  21. 她目送着他的背影远去。

    She gazed affectionately after his receding figure.

  22. 失败和痛苦从此离我远去。

    Failure, like pain, is alien to my life.

  23. 友人远去相将半月有余。

    It has been over half a month since my friend went far away.

  24. 帝国昔日的光辉远去已久。

    It was a far cry from the remembered glories of the Empire.

  25. 我们灯火通明的山脉逐渐远去。

    Our lamplit mountain retreat.

  26. 是的,我们正在见证繁荣的远去。

    We are now witnessing the end of prosperity.

  27. 她看着他的身影渐渐远去。

    She watched his receding figure.

  28. 他看着她的身影渐渐远去。

    He watched her retreating figure.

  29. 他站在城阙上看着队伍远去。

    He stands on the watch tower seeing the troops off.

  30. 他站在城阙上看着队伍远去。

    He stands on the watch tower seeing the troops off.

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