


1. 娜 [nà]2. 娜 [nuó]娜 [nà]女子人名用字及译音字。娜 [nuó]〔婀~〕见“婀”。〔袅~〕见“袅”。〔~~〕轻柔的样子。……


较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……



汉语拼音:nà bǐ



  1. But, Luna is a lot more scary than Voldemort, I think [laughs].


  1. 比娜,跟我们一起来吧。

    Bina, come and join us.

  2. 别忘了跟比娜讲我们的那次家宴。

    And don't forget to tell Bina about our dinner.

  3. 比娜,你什么时候乘船到维多利亚?

    Bina, when are you going to take the ferry to Victoria ?

  4. 她的身段比较苗条,因此比娜塔丽更加诱人。

    Her figure was slighter and therefore more seductive than Natalie.

  5. 比娜,你还没有见到过我们的朋友大山呢。

    Bina, you haven't met our friend Dashan yet.

  6. 艾尔尼刚把他的商业计划书交给风险资本家萨比娜。

    Arnie has just presented his business plan to Sabine, a venture capitalist.

  7. 两个孩子都很像罗比娜,但头发颜色比她浅得多。

    Both children were very like Robina, but were much fairer than she was.

  8. 如梅比娜, 你还没有见到过我们的朋友大山呢。

    Rumei Bina, you haven t met our friend Dashan yet.

  9. 比娜喜欢。但是我最喜欢西安。那里的兵马俑真是令人惊奇。

    Bina Yes, I did. But I liked visiting Xi an best. Those terra cotta figures were amazing.

  10. 罗比娜划着一根火柴去点壁炉里揉皱的报纸。

    Robina struck a match and held it to the crumpled newspaper in the grate.

  11. 第三题蒂娜比我更活跃一点。

    Tina is a little more active than me.

  12. 艾伦暗想戴安娜比凯特长得漂亮。

    Ellen said to herself that Diana was prettier than Kate.

  13. 墨西哥啤酒,与科罗娜比色深及风味多些。

    It is a mexican beer, darker than Corona with more flavour.

  14. 来自吉尔福德,萨里的凯琳娜,比平均人口的智商高出60分。

    Karina, from Guildford, Surrey, has an IQ 58 points above the mean for the population.

  15. 你气色比拉娜还差。

    You look worse than lana.

  16. 让拉娜怀上艾比

    Was getting Lana pregnant, with Abby.

  17. 比利今天带着夏娜回家。

    Billy came home with a shiner today.

  18. 蒂娜有一只宠物狗,叫比特。

    Tina has a pet dog, Bit.

  19. 明娜六岁那年, 比尔病了。

    Minna was six when Bill fell ill.

  20. 第一盘麦娜母女胜,六比一领先

    First set Miner and Miner. Six games to one.

  21. 蒂娜和比特是很好得朋友。

    Tina and Bit are very good friends.

  22. 蒂娜和比特是很好的朋友。

    Tina and Bit are very good friends.

  23. 蒂娜和比尔正从电影院走出来。

    Tina and Bill are leaving a movie theater.

  24. 安娜在学校里的学习比她姐姐强。

    Anna surpassed her sister in schoolwork.

  25. 比起可爱的安娜,我更喜欢率直的。

    I like the blunt Ana more than the cute Ana.

  26. 杰尔比昂再没有把故事告诉古娜。

    KjeII Bjarne never shared another story with Gunn.

  27. 还有托比,还有试着和芮佳娜愉快相处

    And Toby and trying to figure out how to make it work with Regina.

  28. 歌剧界新的后起之秀,安娜雷崔比克。

    Opera's new rising star, Anna netrebko.

  29. 爸妈,托比,这是娜塔莉和希拉里

    Mom, dad, Toby, this is Natalie and Hilary.

  30. 蒂娜博士说, 观叶植物比显花植物更佳。

    Dr Tina says that foliage plants may be better than flowering plants.



娜比 《星刻的龙骑士》人物之一。

CV:榊原由依 艾可体内的艾瓦隆龙种记忆的化身,样貌为五年后的艾可,是个巨乳御姐,角则是十分尖锐的成年状态。在小说开头时出现,在第一天时已经收集完毕亚修的数据,但因为好玩而戏弄亚修长达7天。主要任务为训练艾可。



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