










1. 知 [zhī]2. 知 [zhì]知 [zhī]晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。无~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~府。~州……



汉语拼音:jiù wǒ mén suǒ zhī



  1. The main internet is the only one of any significant size, as far as we know.


  2. Tom is a mere nobody . But he always thinks himself to be a somebody . As much as we know , he is only nobody posing as somebody.


  3. One person briefed on the U. S. Treasury's plan said, 'As far as we all know, we are going to move forward with a coordinated plan.


  4. To the best of our knowledge, brain capillary telangiectasia rarely has been previously reported by SWI.


  5. 'To our knowledge, there has never been any classified information breach, ' the statement said.


  6. As far as we know he was the only one who ever went away sad from the presence of Christ.


  7. And the Universe, all that we know, is abundant with only that.


  8. In 1982 we started; as far as we know we were the only all-African performing group based in the United States.


  9. Haldeman's words showed astonishing foresight, since the Internet as we know it today lay a decade or two in the future.


  1. 就我们所知

    as far as our knowledge goes.

  2. 就我们所知的证据来说。

    From the evidence we have heard so far.

  3. 就我们所知,还有原子武器呢。

    As far as we know, there are atomic weapons.

  4. 就我们所知, 没有什么须要担心的。

    As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern.

  5. 就我们所知蜜蜂好像是得了一场流感。

    And what we know is that it's as if the bees have caught a flu.

  6. 就我们所知,地球是唯一的有生命的行星。

    As far as we know, the earth is the only planet with life on it.

  7. 就我们所知,进化是触及它们的唯一途径。

    As far as we know, evolution is the only way to reach them.

  8. 就我们所知,水是生命的一个关键元素。

    Water is a key ingredient for life as we know it.

  9. 就我们所知来说, 这是台湾的第一个报告。

    To our knowledge, this is the first report of choroid plexus carcinoma in Taiwan.

  10. 就我们所知国内外对这一问题尚未着手研究。

    As far as we know, the problem has not been attacked at home and abroad.

  11. 但就我们所知,主要的互联网就只基于一种模式。

    The main internet is the only one of any significant size, as far as we know.

  12. 就我们所知,驱动它们两者的神经过程是一样的。

    As far as we know, the neural processes driving them both are the same.

  13. 就我们所知他们使用的一种树脂只在缅甸存在。

    One resin they used we know only existed in Burma.

  14. 其实就我们所知,他只是个冒充大人物的小人物而已。

    As much as we know, he is only nobody posing as somebody.

  15. 现在,就我们所知,在世界上 还有很多石油资源。

    Now, as far as it goes, there's a lot of oil out there in the world.

  16. 就我们所知,还没有这个幼仔的产品进入食物循环。

    As far as we know, no products from the offspring hae entered the food cycle.

  17. 就我们所知,他花费了一年多的时间来写这本书。

    As as we know, it took him more than a year to write the book.

  18. 就我们所知,他就是保罗第一位带领信主的外邦人。

    He was Paul's first Gentile convert that we know about.

  19. 就我们所知,化合物是由两种或两种以上的元素化合而成的。

    A compound, as we know it,results from the chemical union of two or more elements.

  20. 就我们所知, 文献记载中只有两个纯粹囊状异位性脑组织。

    To the best of our knowledge, there are only 2 case reports of pure cystic heterotopic brain tissues in the literature.

  21. 然后就如我们所知, 他说, 嫌疑人并没有要求聘请律师。

    And he said, in effect, To our knowledge, the subject has not requested counsel.

  22. 这个动脉就是我们所知好像是油汇集到人的表皮下面一样。

    This aorta is what we know as oil reservoirs on the human surface.

  23. 这就是现在我们所知的达到惊人品质的东西。

    Here's now something we know in spectacular quality.

  24. 就我所知,他不会对我们造成任何威胁,但是他很脆弱。

    He's no threat to us, as far as I'm abIe to teII, but he's pretty weak.

  25. 基本上就我所知, 那是一场离我们很远的小战斗。

    In the main, it a small battle in a distant land, as far as I'm concerned.

  26. 就你所知把有关读过的这篇文章内容给我们讲一下。

    Tell us what you know about the content of the text you have read.

  27. 据我所知, 那年轻的女士就是我们的新班主任。

    As far as I know, the young lady is our new teacher.

  28. 据我所知,那年轻得女士就是我们得新班主任。

    As far as I know, the young lady is our new teacher.

  29. 就我所知,我们的足球队比他们的有实力。

    So far as I know, our football team is more advanced than theirs.

  30. 不可能!没有金钱, 我们所知的生活就不会存在了。

    Impossible!Life as we know it would not exist without money.

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