


查究,处治:检~。征伐,发动攻击:~伐。声~(宣布罪行而加以抨击)。研究,推求:研~。探~。索取:~还(huán)。求,请求:~教(jiào )。~饶。惹:~厌。~人喜欢。娶:~老婆。……


把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……



汉语拼音:tǎo chī







  1. 亦作“ 讨喫 ”。向人要饭食吃;讨饭。

    明 徐渭 《四声猿·渔阳三弄》:“他若讨喫么,你与他几块歪剌。”《锺馗捉鬼传》第五回:“一日,正在街上讨吃,只听得一声高叫,两个鬼定睛一看,乃是 叫街鬼 。”《儿女英雄传》第三回:“为的是有一等人往往的就扮作讨吃的花子,串店的妓女,乔妆打扮的来给强盗作眼线。”

  2. 见“ 讨吃 ”。



  1. so that after my Enclosure was finished, and I let them loose, they would follow me up and down, bleating after me for a handful of Corn.


  2. My kids absolutely love this stuff! They actually beg for it! I've also seen results myself when I have a soar throat.


  3. He went away a beggar but retumed a millionaire.


  4. A big brown bear begged bread.


  1. 办个宝宝送礼派对都要讨吃的

    having to beg food for a baby shower.

  2. 他在学校会向其他孩子讨吃的。

    He would beg food from other children at school.

  3. 走开,别再装穷来我饭店里讨吃的!

    Go away and don't come the old soldier in my restaurant again.

  4. 她孑然一身,向邻居们讨饭吃。

    She was living alone, begging food from neighbors.

  5. 一个流浪汉来到门前讨饭吃。

    A tramp came to the door and asked for food.

  6. 小孩子们讨东西吃的情景实在令人心疼。

    The sight of the small children asking for food was enough to wring your withers.

  7. 于是他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。

    He were hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the beside abode.

  8. 饥寒交迫之下, 他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。

    He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.

  9. 叫化子只讨到什么吃什么,点菜是轮不着的。

    A beggar has to take what he gets; it's not up to him to choose the dishes.

  10. 他向鲁比姑妈讨得一顿饭吃。

    He cadged a meal fromauntie Ruby

  11. 男孩向老妇人讨了一顿饭吃。

    The boy cadged a meal form the old lady.

  12. 整月没肉吃,面包讨人嫌。

    And went without the meat, and cursed the bread.

  13. 一只大棕熊讨吃面包。

    A big brown bear begged bread.

  14. 他令人厌恶的吃相使我们觉得他是讨人厌的。

    His disgusting table manners made him obnoxious to us.

  15. 希望下次他不自讨苦吃。

    Let's hope he gets it right next time.

  16. 我们的穷邻居有时向我们讨些吃的东西。

    Our poor neighbours sometimes cadged food from us.

  17. 他吃了一片从警官那儿讨来的面包。

    He ate a piece of bread, which he begged from the police officer.

  18. 他吃了一片从警官那儿讨来的面包。

    He ate a piece of bread,which he begged from the police officer.

  19. 你在他面前硬充好汉不是自讨苦头吃吗?

    Aren't you asking for trouble by prentending to be someone else in front of him?

  20. 你在他面前硬充好汉不是自讨苦头吃吗?

    Aren't you asking for trouble by pretending to be someone else in front of him?

  21. 他敲开了一个富人家的门,想跟他讨点儿吃的。

    He knocked at the door of a rich man to beg for food.

  22. 可是儿媳妇虐待她, 吃不饱饭, 只能再讨些吃的。

    So she begged to supplement what she received at home.

  23. 现在我真想拿着心爱的吉他去讨碗粥吃啊。

    By now I would have swapped my favourite guitar for a bowl of porridge with cream.

  24. 今天,我看到一个流浪汉在讨钱,说是要买吃的。

    Today, I saw a homeless man asking for money for food.

  25. 一天,他化装成乞丐,来到一个穷农夫的茅舍前讨点吃的。

    One day, when he was travelling the country disguised as a beggar, he stopped at the cottage of a poor ploughman to ask for food.



tǎo chī ㄊㄠˇ ㄔㄧ讨吃(讨喫)

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