


1. 隐 [yǐn]2. 隐 [yìn]隐 [yǐn]藏匿,不显露:~藏。~匿。~居。~士。~讳。伤痛:~恻。怜悯:恻~之心。隐 [yìn]倚,靠:~几而卧(靠着几案睡眠)。……




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:yǐn sī








  1. 谓不愿暴露的私事。

    洪深 《少奶奶的扇子》第三幕:“等到有一天,你真做了坏事……心里刻刻担惊害怕,怕有人揭穿隐私,翻出底细。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部六:“现在 郭鹏 一提,仿佛给人揭露了隐私,怕有人说出来,对她不利。”



  1. He greatly resented the publication of this book, which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy.


  2. "She's just not that type of person where she's going to spill her guts about intimate stuff for the whole country to see, " he said.


  3. I would almost describe it as "coming out" , because a part of me that has been important, but always very private, is now out in the open.


  4. What is at the heart of this day is not public. Rather, it is a very private and profound loss.


  5. This annual list provides an uncompromising look into one of the most intimate issues in our daily lives- how much money we make.


  6. Several European governments were up in arms, and ordered the company to cease such wholesale invasion of their citizens' privacy.


  7. An American has no sense of privacy. He does not know what it means.


  8. It is as if speaking out is becoming a compulsory contribution to the cause, and intrusion into privacy not gossip but therapy.


  9. It was an intimate violation, this burrowing into themost private part of a woman's anatomy.


  1. 对隐私的侵犯

    an invasion of privacy

  2. 对隐私的侵犯

    an invasion of privacy.

  3. 干扰儿时隐私的父母

    parents who intrude on the secrecies of childhood

  4. 对个人隐私的非法侵犯

    an impermissible invasion of privacy

  5. 这是对隐私的公然侵犯。

    This was a shocking invasion of privacy.

  6. 这是对个人隐私的干预。

    This is an evasion of individual privacy.

  7. 侵犯的就要侵入或侵犯, 如隐私的。

    Tending to intrude or encroach, as upon privacy.

  8. 感觉上它是隐私的,但它不是。

    It feels intimate, but it is not.

  9. 加密是一种保护隐私的方法。

    Encryption is one way to guard privacy.

  10. 谁都有保护自己隐私的权利。

    Now we got a right to privacy the same as everybody else.

  11. 此外,还存在安全与隐私的问题。

    Security and privacy were also issues.

  12. 严重违法了宪法保护隐私的规定。

    An egregious violation of privacy.

  13. 我希望有一本隐私的规则手册。

    I wish there were a rulebook for intimacy.

  14. 这是一个尊重他人隐私的地方。

    This is a place that respects the privacy of others.

  15. 对旅程的回忆完全是个人的和隐私的。

    The recollection of the trip is entirely personal and private.

  16. 个人或者政府的对个人隐私的错误的干扰。

    the wrongful intrusion by individuals or the government into private affairs with which the public has no concern.

  17. 我说,噢,不,人类是很注重隐私的。

    And I said, Oh, no. Humans are so private.

  18. 出版是对我的隐私的一种严重侵犯。

    Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy.

  19. 新闻媒体常常不尊重个人隐私的权利。

    News media often don't respect the individual's right to privacy.

  20. 先生,这是对我的隐私的毫无根据的侵犯!

    Sir, this is an unwarranted invasion of my privacy!

  21. 许多调查不断显示出我们对隐私的担忧。

    Surveys consistently show concerns about privacy.

  22. 我知道日记的内容,但是它是非常非常隐私的。

    I knew about that journal, but it was very, very private.

  23. 只有那些想得到隐私的人 被定义为坏人

    the only people who will seek out privacy, are by definition bad people.

  24. 人们对隐私的兴趣其实是子虚乌有的。

    It's a myth that people are interested in privacy.

  25. 她反对用保护隐私的法律来束缚新闻界。

    She is opposed to shackling the press with privacy laws.

  26. 我们发布了隐私的条款他们也是非常的感兴趣。

    We released the privacy policy, and they were very interested in that.

  27. 每人都有隐私,我们应该惩罚侵犯他人隐私的人。

    Everybody have privacy, we should punish that infringe upon others' privacy.

  28. 不了解交友或者隐私的理念,你怎样来社交?

    How do you do social without the notions of friending or privacy

  29. 是指某人侵犯了你维护个人隐私的权利。

    An invasion of privacy is when someone violates your right to keep your personal information secret.

  30. 首先,隐私规定只是一个网站关于隐私的一些做法。

    First, a Privacy Policy is only the disclosure of a Websites privacy practices.

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