




1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……







汉语拼音:hàn yǔ






  1. 汉 朝人的文字语言。

    明 唐顺之 《答皇甫百泉郎中书》:“其於文也,大率所谓 宋 头巾气习,求一 秦 字 汉 语了不可得。”《说文·水部》“猎,逐禽也” 清 王筠 句读:“依《类篇》引改以校猎説猎者,以 汉 语释古语也。《孟子》‘猎较’即此。较、校通。”

  2. 汉族的语言。国际通用语言之一。是 中国 的主要语言,也是世界上最发达、最丰富的语言之一。历史悠久,使用的人数最多。在语言分类上属汉藏语系,同 中国 境内的藏语、壮语、傣语、侗语、黎语、彝语、苗语、瑶语等, 中国 境外的泰语、缅甸语等都是亲属语言。主要方言分北方话、吴语、湘语、赣语、客家话、闽北话、闽南话和粤语。现代 汉 民族共同语是以 北京 语音为标准音、以北方话为基础方言、以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的普通话。

    北周 庾信 《奉和法筵应诏》:“佛影胡人记,经文汉语翻。” 唐 元稹 《缚戎人》诗:“中有一人能汉语,自言家本 长安 窟。” 清 姚衡 《寒秀草堂笔记》卷三:“余於 道光 丙申六月,在 广州 遇 英吉利国 人 儒翰马礼逊 ,年廿二,能汉语。”



  1. To those without the benefit of formal study of it, hanyu pinyin seemed like an alphabetic train wreck.


  2. having said all that , I would like to offer some suggestions for the teaching of hanyu pinyin.


  3. Easy to confuse Pinyin with english studying both of them in childhood.


  4. I was deeply moved by the beautiful "foreign words" at once, and a thirst for mastering the Chinese phonetic alphabet came up in my mind.


  5. Hash Table question Enter the names of a total of 30, you take the average length of a maximum of two.


  6. China is a country of many dialects, and hanyu pinyin helps the realising of a common language for the entire nation.


  7. Compact and practical, running on the DOS environment and password, the password for the next Chinese pinyin name (all lowercase).


  8. The translation is faithful to the original version, and with emphasis on the rhymes, attached Chinese phonetic symbols.


  9. If there was hanyu pinyin in my time, I would have learnt so much from lao sh i.


  1. 汉语拼音方案。

    about the scheme of the Chinese phonetic alphabet first.

  2. 汉语拼音词汇

    Chinese Pinyin Glossary

  3. 制订汉语拼音方案

    work out The Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet

  4. 汉语拼音字母词

    Chinese phonetic alphabet word

  5. 照汉语拼音方案拼写汉字

    transliterate Chinese characters into the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet

  6. 汉语拼音方案修改意见综述

    A Review of Suggestions to Revise the Scheme of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet

  7. 用汉语拼音字母拼写汉字

    transliterate Chinese characters into the Chinese phonetic alphabet

  8. 汉语拼音和中小学课本

    PinYin and texts for primary and middle school students

  9. 关于汉语拼音方案设计的几点看法

    Some Advice on Chinese Pinyin

  10. 关于修订汉语拼音方案的若干意见

    Some Suggestions for the Revision of The Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet

  11. 都将汉语拼音标注得非常清楚。

    Clearly in the Pinyin spelling system.

  12. 汉语拼音字母名称的完善与推行

    Views on the Improvement and Implementation of the Names for Chinese Pinyin

  13. 我能用汉语拼音拼出我的名字。

    I can spell my name in Hanyu Pinyin, the Chinese phonetic alphabet.

  14. 我能用汉语拼音拼出我得名字。

    I can spell my name in Hanyu Pinyin, the Chinese phonetic alphabet.

  15. 谈谈汉语拼音方案的制订推行和扩大应用

    On the Mapping out and Practice of The Scheme For Chinese Phonetic Alphabet

  16. 汉语拼音缩略式读音的反思及对策

    Rumination on the Countermeasures Against CPA Abbreviation Pronunciation

  17. 汉语拼音输入法中拼音流的切分

    Syncopation of Chinese Phonetic String in Input Method of Syllable.

  18. 利用汉语拼音方案实现文本到声音的转换

    Transforming From Text Media to Wave Media by Using the Scheme For the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet

  19. 生字汉语拼音,配音动画笔顺,部首,例句。

    With Hanyu Pinyin, Stroke Illustrations, Radicals and Example Sentences.

  20. 我呢?我当然希望汉语拼音教学法能够成功。

    Me ? I hope that the hanyu pinyin pilot scheme proves successful.

  21. 基于汉语拼音的鲁棒性文本水印算法

    Robust text watermarking algorithm based on Chinese pinyin

  22. 使用简体字、汉语拼音进行教学占绝对比例。

    Most of them use Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin in teaching.

  23. 汉语拼音是学习或者使用汉语和汉字的工具。

    Pinyin is a tool for learning or using Hanyu and Hanzi.

  24. 学习汉语拼音一定要先学会区分声韵。

    In studying Chinese, one must first learn to distinguish between initial consonants and vowels.

  25. 申请人姓名汉语拼音应按正确拼读填写。

    The applicant name ChinesePinyin should according to correctly spell reads fills in.

  26. 您能用汉语拼音清楚地表达熟悉的意思。

    You did a very good job as a beginner!

  27. 国音符号在汉语拼音通行后被停用。

    Standard Chinese pronunciation was abandoned after the use of the Pinyin system.

  28. 国音符号在汉语拼音通行后被停用。

    Standard Chinese pronunciation was abandoned after the use of the Pinyin system.

  29. 少数民族语地名汉语拼音字母音译转写法

    In addition, in accordance to the Regulation of Phonetic Transcription in Hanyu Pinyin Letters of Place Names in Minority Nationality Languages

  30. 我在上小学时, 老师教我们学习汉语拼音。

    I was in primary school, the teachers teach us to learn Hanyu Pinyin.


  1. 问:汉语拼音方案拼音怎么拼?汉语拼音方案的读音是什么?汉语拼音方案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汉语拼音方案的读音是HànyǔPīnyīnFāng'àn,汉语拼音方案翻译成英文是 the Scheme for Pinyin, the most commonly used rom...

  2. 问:汉语拼音拼音怎么拼?汉语拼音的读音是什么?汉语拼音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汉语拼音的读音是,汉语拼音翻译成英文是 Pinyin



“汉语拼音”是个多义词,它可以指汉语拼音(湖南少年儿童出版社出版的图书), 汉语拼音(中华人民共和国的汉字注音拉丁化方案), 汉语拼音(上)。

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