




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:yóu shuì







  1. 指 战国 时代策士们周游列国、劝说君主采纳其政治主张的一种活动。

    《韩非子·五蠹》:“事败而弗诛,则游説之士孰不为用矰缴之説而徼倖其后?”《史记·张仪列传》:“ 张仪 已学而游説诸侯。” 晋 左思 《咏史》之八:“ 苏秦 北游説, 李斯 西上书。” 刘师培 《论近世文学之变迁》:“降及 战国 ,士工游説,纵横家流,列於九家之一。”

  2. 泛指劝说别人采纳其意见、主张。

    汉 司马迁 《报任少卿书》:“明主不深晓,以为僕沮贰师,而为 李陵 游説。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·截矶》:“事已至此,欲罢不能,快快遣人游説便了。”《辛亥革命前十年间时论选集·中国灭亡论》:“ 板垣退助 忧之,乃大倡自由平等之説,奔走游説遍于国内,卒成大党,名曰‘自由’。” 茅盾 《腐蚀·十月二日》:“ 舜英 轻轻叹了口气,似乎放弃了游说我的意思了。”

  3. 指说客。

    《汉书·孔光传》:“﹝ 孔光 ﹞不结党友、养游説、有求於人。”

  4. 谓古代叫做“说客”的政客,奔走各国,凭着口才劝说君主采纳他的政治主张。

    《尉缭子·原官》:“游説间谍无自入,正议之术也。” 晋 左思 《咏史》之八:“ 苏秦 北游説, 李斯 西上书。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·古今史阙》:“ 周 末自《麟经》絶笔后,至 苏 张 ,中间一百四十四年,史简遗闕,无以详其梗概。”

  5. 泛指以言语劝说。

    汉 司马迁 《报任少卿书》:“明主不晓,以为僕沮贰师,而为 李陵 游説,遂下於理。”



  1. For the future, it is not clear how much access Brussels lobbyists will enjoy.


  2. "One of the ways the PBOC has gained leverage over the export lobby is to be able to point at currency legislation, " Mr Scissors says.


  3. Lobby politics is now at least as important in shaping policy in Beijing as in Washington, which is why it is often hard to read.


  4. Lord Patten, now chancellor of Oxford University, said he would not lobby for the post but would be "very positive" if asked.


  5. Washington is still trying to steer a careful line between populist politicians who can sense public anger and the powerful financial lobby.


  6. Growing up in Prague, Mr Hodac did not set out to become a lobbyist.


  7. Alone, Mandy's mother let him in, and within an hour agreed to assist him in his campaign.


  8. One of the most notorious was when Kennedy was observed in sexual intercourse with a woman lobbyist in the booth of a Washington restaurant.


  9. He says none of the barnstorming for the poor and the sick has taken time away from his music.


  1. 劳工游说团

    the laBor loBBy.

  2. 游说式纪录片

    persuasive documentary

  3. 游说否决提案

    LoBBied the Bill to a negative vote.

  4. 欧洲商业游说

    TAWNEY The European Business Lobby David Coen.

  5. 院外游说机制

    lobbying machine

  6. 他为商人们游说。

    He lobbied on behalf of businessmen.

  7. 激情游说着臣服

    Passion to lobbying the submission

  8. 联邦游说管理法

    Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act

  9. 代表商业利益游说

    loBBy on Behalf of Business interests

  10. 美国犹太游说集团

    American Jewish Lobby

  11. 游说组织及抗议者

    lobbyist groups and protestors

  12. 游说以提高农业补贴。

    Lobby for higher farm subsidies.

  13. 为加强环境保护而游说

    LoBBying for stronger environmental safeguards

  14. 她的游说能力极强。

    She has great powers of persuasion.

  15. 国会山的职业游说家

    Professional Lobbyist On Capitol Hill

  16. 鲁博特姆立即四处游说。

    Rubottom immediately began lobbying.

  17. 他用了1小时左右奔走游说。

    He put in an hour or so campaigning.

  18. 烟草公司的游说太强了

    The tobacco lobby, it's too strong.

  19. 许多游说费用由纳税人出钱。

    Many lobbying expenses are deductible by a taxpayer.

  20. 许多游说费用由纳税人出钱。

    Many lobbying expenses are deductible by a taxpayer.

  21. 公共事务及游说理学硕士

    Public Affairs and Lobbying MSc

  22. 你可以游说我,只要你想要。

    You can canvass me as long as you want.

  23. 游说者对参议员有影响力

    The lobbyist has pull with the senator.

  24. 庄辰超四处游说,处处碰壁。

    Zhuang Chen exceeds everywhere go canvassing, everywhere be rebuffed.

  25. 总统为共和党候选人进行游说。

    The president stumped for Republican candidates.

  26. 他们在游说议员赞成增加补助金。

    They are lobbying for higher subsidies.

  27. 游说未作出决定的选民的努力

    attempts to woo undecided voters

  28. 我们对国会议员进行了游说。

    We lobbied the members of parliament.

  29. 我这就去游说吴越之王

    I will go and persuade King of Wu yue

  30. 游说议员使议院通过一项议案

    lobby a bill through the senate


  1. 问:游说拼音怎么拼?游说的读音是什么?游说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游说的读音是yóushuì,游说翻译成英文是 lobby

  2. 问:游说者拼音怎么拼?游说者的读音是什么?游说者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游说者的读音是yóu shuì zhě,游说者翻译成英文是 canvasser

  3. 问:游说拉票拼音怎么拼?游说拉票的读音是什么?游说拉票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游说拉票的读音是yóu shuì lā piào,游说拉票翻译成英文是 lobbying

  4. 问:游说集团拼音怎么拼?游说集团的读音是什么?游说集团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游说集团的读音是,游说集团翻译成英文是 Lobbying




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