


1. 坏 [huài]2. 坏 [pēi]3. 坏 [pī]4. 坏 [péi]坏 [huài]品质恶劣,有害:~蛋。~人。~事。~水。人体、东西受了损伤,被 毁: 破~。败~。质量差,不完美:这所房子不~。表示程度深(用在动词后面):忙~……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……





汉语拼音:huài jiā huǒ



  1. Red-cap did not know what a wicked creature he was, and was not at all afraid of him.


  2. We couldn't make him a bad guy, but we've made him sort of amoral. ''


  3. We also continue to avoid confrontation with the dark Forces, who seek to cause an incident that can place us in a bad light.


  4. "One of the biggest enemies is complacency, " he said.


  5. persevere in what you think , and find more evidence to sentence those bad guy to death!


  6. So if I'm really in the skin of this person, I don't think of myself as a bad guy.


  7. If I had ever used my real strength, I could easily have dispatched the bullies with a single, well-placed blow.


  8. for if you don't repent, something bad might be permitted to come down the chimney and fetch you away .


  9. He is not such a bad guy as you (are).


  1. 我在找一个坏家伙。

    There's just one bad guy I'm after.

  2. 他们认为他是个坏家伙。

    They pegged him as a bed guy.

  3. 我认为他不是个坏家伙。

    I don't think he's a bad chap.

  4. 他们是祸国殃民的坏家伙。

    They are bad fellows who bring calamity to the country and the people.

  5. 杰克被认为是个坏家伙。

    Jack is regarded bad breath.

  6. 这四个坏家伙勾搭上了。

    The four scoundrels ganged up.

  7. 这三个坏家伙勾搭上了。

    The three scoundrels ganged up.

  8. 需要把这个坏家伙关押起来。

    This wicked fellow needs to be locked up.

  9. 那坏家伙偷了我的钱包。

    That bastard stole all my wallet.

  10. 这个坏家伙又在搞什么名堂?

    What's that villain up to now?

  11. 这个坏家伙完全被贪心所支配。

    The wretched man is the prisoner of his own greed.

  12. 铁证如山,那个坏家伙不得不低头认罪。

    Confronted with ironclad evidence the scoundrel had to plead guilty.

  13. 这里得职员总体上都是坏家伙。

    The staff here are generally bad eggs.

  14. 这里的职员总体上都是坏家伙。

    The staff here are generally bad eggs.

  15. 这里的职员总体上都是坏家伙。

    The staff here are generally bad eggs .

  16. 我们不要那些坏家伙追究这事情。

    We don't want those stinkers in on it.

  17. 看住他,别让这坏家伙跑了!

    Keep an eye on that rascal. Don't let him run away.

  18. 那个坏家伙扮成了警察到处行骗。

    The bad guy disguised as a policeman to swindle.

  19. 但是他又遇到了那两个坏家伙。

    However, he met the two bad men.

  20. 他不是那种和你一样的坏家伙。

    He is not such a bad guy as you.

  21. 坏蛋, 坏家伙一个粗鄙的, 声名狼藉的人

    A contemptible or disreputable person.

  22. 一些坏家伙正在捞取不正当的好处。

    A few bad characters were gaining an unfair advantage.

  23. 很多坏家伙都是油腔滑舌的。

    Most of the bad guys have silver tongues.

  24. 一位民兵偶然注意到了这个坏家伙。

    A militiaman happened to notice the rascal.

  25. 坏家伙们似乎对他们的恶行乐在其中。

    And the bad guys seem jazzed by their evildoing.

  26. 你怎麽能欺骗自己的孩子, 你这个坏家伙!

    How could you cheat your own children, you skunk!

  27. 你们两个坏家伙什么都不肯给我!

    You two crows don't let me have anything!

  28. 我后悔不该对那坏家伙如此宽宏大量。

    I repent having been so generous to that scoundrel.

  29. 你怎么能欺骗自己的孩子,你这个坏家伙!

    How could you cheat your own children, you skunk!

  30. 我后悔不该对那个坏家伙如此宽宏大量。

    I repent having been so generous to that scoundrel.



岂料执行任务期间,Tozzi情不自禁地爱上Bells的前恋人Gina(Dagmara Dominczyk饰),而这段三角关系令情况变得更复杂……一名卧底探员突遭枪杀,Tozzi的卧底身份亦告揭破,杀机顿时埋身……一场猫捉老鼠斗智斗力的警匪角力赛宣告展开。

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