


1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……


1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……



汉语拼音:bèi máo



  1. The Great Pyrenees is an elegant, well proportioned animal, that with its full winter coat, appears to be larger than it actually is.


  2. The skin is very thin with a fine, silky hair coat, and a hair shaft that reflects light, producing a metallic golden sheen to the coat.


  3. A grown dog is entirely covered with a heavy coat of these tassel-like cords, which form naturally.


  4. The tail is well feathered and carried over the back in a single curl falling over the loin, balancing the head.


  5. The Pyr has a heavy, primarily white double coat, that consists of a soft undercoat combined with a thicker outer coat.


  6. The mature coat consists of a dense, soft, woolly undercoat much like the puppy coat, and a coarser outer coat that is wavy or curly.


  7. Light eyes or pink eye rims to be considered a fault, except that where the coat surrounding the eye is white the eye rim may be pink.


  8. Scale pattern of Human hair is unitary and evenly arranged while that of mammals is varied and complicatedly arranged.


  9. Because of his quite long coat his colour looks a bit like a sable , but his hairs lack dark (eumelanin) tips.


  1. 貉被毛组织

    Nyetereutes fur tissue.

  2. 被毛有两种变化。

    No undercoat, mane or ruff.

  3. 中等长度, 丝质, 卷曲的被毛。

    Of moderate length, silky free from curl.

  4. 身躯的被毛浓密, 直, 且平坦。

    The body coat is dense, straight and flat.

  5. 新疆双峰驼被毛品质研究

    Researches on the Quality of Fleece of the xinjiang Asiatic camel

  6. 小羊驼被毛的物理性能

    The Physical Parameters of Alpaca Hair

  7. 虹膜的颜色应配合与被毛的颜色。

    Color of the iris should blend with the color of the coat.

  8. 明显很长的被毛属于失格。

    A distinctly long coat is a disqualification.

  9. 谈到不同的体型, 被毛和容貌!

    Talk about differences in size, coat, and visage!

  10. 缺陷卷曲的被毛,缺少底毛或短的被毛。

    Faults A curly coat, lack of undercoat and short coats.

  11. 通常,公犬被毛生长要多于母犬。

    In general, dogs carry noticeably more coat than bitches.

  12. 有双层被毛, 底毛柔软, 厚实且紧密。

    The coat is double with the undercoat soft, furry and close.

  13. 没有修剪或造型得被毛是允许得。

    No scissoring or shaping of the untrimmed coat is permitted.

  14. 没有修剪或造型的被毛是允许的。

    No scissoring or shaping of the untrimmed coat is permitted.

  15. 缺陷柔软的被毛,丝状毛或卷曲的毛发。

    Faults Soft coat.Any silkiness or tendency to curl.

  16. 被毛的质地和品质比长度更重要。

    Coat texture and quality are more important than the length.

  17. 被毛也是奥达猎犬得基本特征之一。

    The coat an essential feature of the Otterhound.

  18. 雄蕊管和花丝外面无毛,里面被毛。

    Outside of staminal tube and filaments glabrous, inside covered with trichomes.

  19. 被毛的质地, 品质和毛量是十分重要的。

    Quality, texture and quantity of coat are of prime importance.

  20. 波浪状或卷曲的被毛不符合要求。

    The undercoat is very dense, commensurate, however, with climatic conditions.

  21. 用电剪刨除背部的被毛是不合要求的。

    Use of electric clippers on the back coat is not desirable.

  22. 臀部被厚厚的被毛覆盖,形成裙裤,或短裤。

    The rump area is heavily coated and forms culottes or pants.

  23. 鼻子大, 根据被毛的颜色, 呈黑色或褐色。

    Nose should be large and black or brown, depending on the coat color.

  24. 这一品种的被毛应该尽可能显得自然。

    This breed should be shown as natural a coat as possible.

  25. 这一品种得被毛应该尽可能显得自然。

    This breed should be shown as natural a coat as possible.

  26. 用电剪刨除背部得被毛是不合要求得。

    Use of electric clippers on the back coat is not desirable.

  27. 粉扑型覆盖着双层柔软的丝质被毛。

    The Powderpuff variety is completely covered with a double soft and silky coat.

  28. 肩高超过15英寸。肘关节超过前腿。明显得长被毛。

    Height of more than 15 inches at the highest point of the shoulder blades.

  29. 肩高超过15英寸。肘关节超过前腿。明显的长被毛。

    Height of more than 15 inches at the highest point of the shoulder blades.

  30. 脸部,耳朵,前腿前面和飞节的被毛短

    it is medium length on the body, and longer in the ruff, cape, jabot and culottes.


  1. 问:被毛拼音怎么拼?被毛的读音是什么?被毛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被毛的读音是bèi máo,被毛翻译成英文是 clothing hair

  2. 问:被毛卵拼音怎么拼?被毛卵的读音是什么?被毛卵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被毛卵的读音是bèi máo luǎn,被毛卵翻译成英文是 ova pilosa

  3. 问:被毛的拼音怎么拼?被毛的的读音是什么?被毛的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被毛的的读音是bèi máo de,被毛的翻译成英文是 pilose

  4. 问:被毛轮藻拼音怎么拼?被毛轮藻的读音是什么?被毛轮藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:被毛轮藻的读音是bèimáolúnzǎo,被毛轮藻翻译成英文是 Chara tomentosa



被毛(hair),哺乳动物(包括人)特有的、由表皮角质化形成、 被毛覆于身体表面的一种结构。有保温、保护、感觉和形成第二性征作用。

被毛由毛干和毛根组成。毛根埋于皮肤深处的毛囊内 ,外被毛鞘,毛根末端膨大成毛球。毛球基部为真皮形成的毛乳头,内有丰富的血管,供应毛生长所需营养。毛囊内有皮肤腺开口,可分泌油脂滋润毛和皮肤。毛囊基部有起源于真皮平滑肌的竖毛肌附着,其收缩可使毛直竖。毛干伸出皮肤表面,由皮质部和髓质部构成。皮质部内有色素,髓质部内含空气间隙(气泡),髓质部愈发达,毛保温性愈佳,如北极熊的毛。皮质部中色素颗粒颜色和髓质部中气泡使毛呈现不同颜色。灰色毛是由少量黑色素颗粒和大量气泡产生的 ;白色毛没有色素, 被毛仅气泡反射光线形成;蓝色毛则由毛表面结构对光的干扰、散射的参与下形成。毛的颜色可形成动物的保护色和掩蔽色,利于避敌和捕食。有些动物的毛可形成第二性征,如雄狮的鬣毛。

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