




1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……



汉语拼音:xiāo hóng



  1. Then I have had a deeper understanding and comprehending to the Xiao Hong's life in her childhood and all her life.

  2. Indeed, "Hulan River" has become Xiao Hong never be able to reunification and will never conflict with the symbol of female space.

  3. Xiao Hong's former residence was situated at the South Second Street located on the secluded corner of this county town.

  4. Xiao hong discontented with left wing "s creation idea of literature and introspected national charters; "

  5. Xiao Hong as if a flower blooms in the Northeast .

  6. First and foremost, Xiao Hong is a poet. Though small in quantities, her poems are also worth researching.

  7. XIAO Hong inherited LU Xun s writing method to expose the national character thoroughly.

  8. Introduction introduce Xiao hong and Chi zijian "s writing intention, the theory that can be compared on the basis of feminist. "

  9. The biography is so hulan with distinct xiaohong style of the works.


  1. 丁玲与萧红

    Ding Ling and Xiao Hong.

  2. 萧红短篇小说论

    Comment on the Short Stories of XIAO Hong

  3. 论萧红小说中的景物描写

    On the Scenery Depiction In the Novels of Xiao Hong

  4. 庐隐和萧红抒情小说比较论

    Comparison between Luyin and Xiaohong about Their Lyric Novels

  5. 寂寞情结与萧红的生活和创作

    Lonesome complex and the life and creation of Xiao Hong

  6. 略论萧红呼兰河传的语言风格

    A Brief Comment on the Language Style of The Story of Hulan River Written by XIAO Hong

  7. 萧红的主要成就在散文和小说创作方面。

    Xiao Hongs main achievements are her prose and novels.

  8. 萧红得主要成就在散文和小说创作方面。

    Xiao Hongs main achievements are her prose and novels.

  9. 萧红对宇宙、人生的认识是从空间开始的。

    Xiaohong started understanding the universe and humane life with the space.

  10. 第二部分论述萧红小说的悲剧审美风格。

    The second part discusses the style of tragedy aesthetics of Xiao Hong's fictions.

  11. 论女性文学视野中的萧红与林白的创作

    Linking Xiao Hong and Lin Bai from a Female Angle of View

  12. 自我形象是萧红作品中的一个重要的形象系列。

    The self images in Xiao Hong's works is an important series of images.

  13. 从呼兰河传看萧红作品对温暖人生的向往

    Xiao Hong's works'pursuit of warmth of life as viewed from Hulan River

  14. 萧红的人生是无法用某种单一的范式来描绘的。

    The life of Xiao Hong could not be described according to single style.

  15. 萧红得人生是无法用某种单一得范式来描绘得。

    The life of Xiao Hong could not be described according to single style.

  16. 萧红一生命途多舛,受尽磨难,31岁就在香港病故。

    Xiao Hong was full of setbacks and frustrations in her life, suffering from all kinds of tribulation. She died in Hong Kong for illness only at 31 years old.

  17. 因此,萧红的悲剧意识,体现了一种博爱、忧患的胸襟。

    Accordingly, the tragic consciousness of Xiao Hong embodies her love and her anxiety for the sufferings of the human being.

  18. 萧红小说的语言艺术体现了她作为一名作家的语言智慧。

    The language art of Xiao hong's novels embody her lingual wisdom.

  19. 萧红是一位体验型,情绪型的极富才华的现代女作家。

    Xiaohong is a authoress who rightfuland emotions.

  20. 对萧红的童年生活和生平,有了更加深切的了解和领悟。

    Then I have had a deeper understanding and comprehending to the Xiao Hongs life in her childhood and all her life.

  21. 我将萧红小说的悲剧审美风格分为悲壮之美和中和之美。

    I divide it into the aesthetics of moving and tragic and the aesthetics of neutral and harmonious.

  22. 刘震云说她之于雪地与荒原的书写已超过了萧红。

    Liu Zhenyun said she has been surpassed Xiao Hong in writing the snow and the wilderness.

  23. 萧红,是现代文学史上极具特色,颇有成就的一位女作家。

    Hong Xiao is a rather characterized and accomplished female writer.


  1. 问:萧红拼音怎么拼?萧红的读音是什么?萧红翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萧红的读音是,萧红翻译成英文是 Xiao Hong

  2. 问:萧红故居拼音怎么拼?萧红故居的读音是什么?萧红故居翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萧红故居的读音是xiāohóng gùjū,萧红故居翻译成英文是 Xiaohong's Former Residence



“萧红”是个多义词,它可以指萧红(民国时期女作家), 萧红(广东外语外贸大学教授), 萧红(武汉大学文学院教授)。

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