






1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:zài lù shǎng



  1. They stop for a rest break, and to let the kids work off some energy with a little impromptu practice in a nearby pasture.


  2. First he lost his car and had to walk to his office, next it rained on his way home and he was wet to his skin.


  3. On the way we met Mrs. Patric, laughing guiltily as if she were doing something wrong, together with her girls.


  4. Remember that life is a journey written home as a transit station that you are always on the road, never stop, never to leave.


  5. I think it was the year I saw two costumed schoolchildren being chased down the road by a grown man armed with a stick.


  6. Despite his protestations that travel is not the crucial part of his work, being on the road seems to remain central to his life.


  7. One day, a year before the Party, I happened to be walking along the road, when I saw Bilbo ahead.


  8. This was no longer the flaunting hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman.


  9. Apply that to the jerk-in-traffic example, and it's easy to see how you can start rewriting the scenario to a happier outcome.


  1. 在路上缓慢行驶

    to cruise up/ along a road

  2. 我在路上溜走了。

    I skipped out of the way.

  3. 汽车在路上颠簸而行。

    The car was bumping along on the road.

  4. 我们在路上已经一个月了。

    We've been on the road for one month.

  5. 一位高级官员在路上掉头返回。

    One senior officer swung his car around on the road.

  6. 我在路上看到了一路倒儿。

    I saw the body of a person who had dropped dead by the roadside on my way here.

  7. 我在路上遇到她了,但她没有认出我。

    She was walking when I met her, but she didn't recognize me.

  8. 在路上,有些人跌倒了,不过他们没事。

    On the way, some people fell over but they were all right.

  9. 他背着沉重的包笨重地在路上行走。

    He lumped along the road with a heavy bag.

  10. 卡车司机把大部分生命都花在路上了。

    Truckers spend most of their life on the road.

  11. 在路上,一头巨型大象挡住了我们的去路。

    On the way a huge bull elephant crosses the road in front of us.

  12. 我那辆开了20年的老爷车终于在路上熄火了。

    My 20 year old car finally died out on the highway.

  13. 今天早上我看见她的时候,她正徒步走在路上。

    She was afoot when I saw her this morning.

  14. 真讨厌在路上摁很长时间喇叭的人,真的很烦神。

    I hate people who hold down the horn in traffic. It really gets on my nerves.

  15. 他带着几个家丁在路上横冲直撞,简直目中无人。

    He led his retainers to dash around madly on the road, regardless of others.

  16. 在路上,她讲述了她的家乡阿维拉发生革命的经过。

    On the way she tells the American how the revolution came to her hometown of Avila.

  17. 在路上碰到熟人,见礼后我继续骑车赶往天津。

    On my way to Tianjin, I came across an acquaintance. We greeted each other, and then I went on riding.

  18. 她推着自行车,在路上薄薄的尘土上留下了细细的车印。

    The bicycle she wheeled left thin tracks in the pale dust that covered the road.

  19. 如果你去非洲,在路上你可能会遇到狮子或者其它吓人的动物。

    If you go to Africa, you will probably meet lions or other scary animals on your way.

  20. 我喜爱非洲。在那儿看到吓人的大狮子走在路上根本不足为奇。

    I love Africa. There, it's not strange seeing big scaring lions walking all along the road.

  21. 你可能没有意识到,在家中发生的意外死亡事件要比在路上发生的更多。

    Though you probably wouldn't realise it, more accidental deaths occur in the home than on the road.

  22. 她开车技术很好,但是她在路上不计后果地超车行为可把我吓坏了。

    She drove well but her reckless passing of every car on the road frightened me.

  23. 很多时间都被花费在了路上。

    A lot of time is spent on the road.

  24. 我们在上学路上路过了几只狗。

    We passed by a few dogs on the way to school.

  25. 他俩走在林荫路上,畅想着未来。

    Walking on the avenue, they think freely about their future.

  26. 汽车走在盘陀路上,转弯处需要格外小心。

    You are driving on a winding path, take care when you are passing through the turns.

  27. 她走在水泥路上,脚步落在地面上发出噼啪声。

    She walked on the concrete pavement, her footsteps clacking on the ground.

  28. 昨天我看到他在四环路上飞驶,全然不顾路上的其他车辆。

    Yesterday I saw him belting through the fourth ring road without any thought to the other motorists.

  29. 孩子们在上学的路上。

    The children are on their way to school.

  30. 我在上班的路上和他打照面儿了。

    I encountered him on my way to work.


  1. 问:在路上拼音怎么拼?在路上的读音是什么?在路上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在路上的读音是zàilùshàng,在路上翻译成英文是 On the Track, written by Henry Lawson; On t...



“在路上”是个多义词,它可以指在路上(2004年蒋恺阎勤主演电影), 在路上(安徽广播电视台节目), 在路上(iOS平台应用), 在路上(高晓松音乐作品), 在路上(20集电视连续剧《陈赓大将》片尾曲), 在路上(旅游卫视节目), 在路上(美国杰克凯鲁亚克著小说作品), 在路上(痛仰乐队单曲), 在路上(铁道出版社出版刊物), 在路上(中韩合拍3D文艺电影), 在路上(东方骏演唱歌曲), 在路上(赖晓生刘唱主演微电影在路上), 在路上(佟宇演唱歌曲), 在路上(宝鸡市姜城中学学生自编自导自演励志微电影), 在路上(花粥演唱歌曲), 在路上(群星演唱歌曲), 在路上(谷锦云执导电视剧), 在路上(崔永元公益基金主题曲), 在路上(2013年中国电影), 在路上(《赢在中国》主题曲)。

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