









汉语拼音:mián huā táng



  1. She said he might come up to people if they give him bananas, marshmallows or grapes.


  2. A great percentage of the kids that ate the marshmallow, they were in trouble. They did not make it to university. They had bad grades.


  3. Instead of giving it a firm yank, she waggled it inside my body as if she were whipping up cotton candy.


  4. She always called herself Marshmallow. She was the softest person in the world and could never yell at me without laughing.


  5. Men in the other half of him before like a good friend, and she will stay with her and her gas sitting rotating Trojan eat Cotton Candy.


  6. Firing one regular sized marshmallow (not included) at a time, the Marshmallow Blaster has the power to hit targets up to 40 feet away.


  7. Close your eyes for a moment. Try to think of yourself as something light and fluffy - like a cloud or a stick of candy-floss.


  8. I glared at him the best I could with half of my face puffed up and purple like a marshmallow.


  9. That may be true, but all too many daft policies rely on the collective reluctance of the voters to leave marshmallows uneaten on the table.


  1. 香蕉棉花糖

    banana marshmallow

  2. 比如棉花糖。

    Like that cotton candy.

  3. 比如棉花糖。

    Like that cotton candy.

  4. 一块棉花糖

    and a marshmallow.

  5. 你们有棉花糖吗?

    Do you have any cotton candy?

  6. 你要不要吃棉花糖?

    Would you like some cotton candy?

  7. 口感有点像棉花糖。

    Sort of like the texture of cotton candy.

  8. 我喜欢这些小棉花糖。

    I love these little marshmallow things.

  9. 他喜欢烤过的棉花糖。

    He liked toasted marshmallows.

  10. 棉花糖必须放在最上面

    The marshmallow has to be on top.

  11. 她下面就像棉花糖一样

    It looked like cotton candy down there.

  12. 她把棉花糖的芯吃了。

    She ate the inside of the marshmallow.

  13. 差不多一个迷你棉花糖大小

    It's about the size of a mini marshmallow.

  14. 棉花糖推销员学会软性推销。

    Marshmallow salesmen learn the soft sell.

  15. 我们围在火炉旁边吃棉花糖。

    We around the fireplace and ate marshmallows.

  16. 嘿, 爱丽, 想不想要些棉花糖?

    Hey Allie, you want some cotton candy ?

  17. 这个推销员当初一定吃了棉花糖。

    That person ate the marshmallow.

  18. 我们吃的棉花糖要比我们生产的多。

    We are eating more marshmallows than we are producing.

  19. 那直接就够做一团棉花糖了。

    I think it's a recipe for cotton candy.

  20. 我们会玩化妆,还会现场做棉花糖。

    We're gonna have face painting and a cotton candy machine.

  21. 法兰克今天就像是棉花糖一样。

    Frank was like a marshmallow, today.

  22. 不,是你要把棉花糖排成同心圆

    No, you want to put them in concentric circles.

  23. 你把一个棉花糖放在乒乓球中。

    You put a marshmallow inside the pingpong ball.

  24. 这个像棒槌一样得棉花糖做好了。

    The wooden club as well as cotton candy.

  25. 这个像棒槌一样的棉花糖做好了。

    The wooden club as well as cotton candy.

  26. 我不希望一个棉花糖一样的男人。

    I don't want the Stay Puft Marshmallow man.

  27. 你就是我心中的棉花糖, 甜蜜的梦想。

    You are my heart's cotton candy, sweet dreams.

  28. 苏正在吃洋芋片, 棉花糖和巧克力棒。

    Sue is eating chips, cotton candy and chocolate bar.

  29. 这些小孩,三分之二吃了棉花糖。

    Hispanic kids, two out of three ate the marshmallow.

  30. 三分之二的小孩把棉花糖吃了。

    two out of three ate the marshmallow.


  1. 问:棉花糖拼音怎么拼?棉花糖的读音是什么?棉花糖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棉花糖的读音是,棉花糖翻译成英文是 candyfloss

  2. 问:棉花糖实验拼音怎么拼?棉花糖实验的读音是什么?棉花糖实验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棉花糖实验的读音是,棉花糖实验翻译成英文是 Stanford marshmallow experiment

  3. 问:棉花糖 (棉絮状)拼音怎么拼?棉花糖 (棉絮状)的读音是什么?棉花糖 (棉絮状)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棉花糖 (棉絮状)的读音是,棉花糖 (棉絮状)翻译成英文是 Cotton candy

  4. 问:棉花糖 (颗粒状)拼音怎么拼?棉花糖 (颗粒状)的读音是什么?棉花糖 (颗粒状)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棉花糖 (颗粒状)的读音是,棉花糖 (颗粒状)翻译成英文是 Marshmallow



“棉花糖”是个多义词,它可以指棉花糖(网络作家), 棉花糖(台湾著名乐队棉花糖), 棉花糖(七朵花演唱歌曲), 棉花糖(《魔法小公主》中龙沫沫的精灵), 棉花糖(网游《跑跑卡丁车》中赛车系列), 棉花糖(李智恩演唱歌曲), 棉花糖(日本小说家江国香织小说), 棉花糖(至上励合演唱歌曲), 棉花糖(游戏王卡片名称), 棉花糖(台湾独立流行音乐双人组合), 棉花糖(糖果)。

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