







汉语拼音:shén tài







  1. 犹仙姿。神的容态。

    明 陈子龙 《巫山高》诗:“神态恍忽将安居?精魂徘徊不可治。”神态,指 巫山 女神的风姿形貌。

  2. 神情态度。

    瞿秋白 《赤都心史》二八:“小学生嬉笑天真,神态真使人神往。” 巴金 《灭亡》第八章:“可惜我不是画家,不能够把她那时的神态和那一对夺人魂魄的眸子画下来。”

  3. 神貌姿态。

    秦牧 《艺海拾贝·鲜花百态和艺术风格》:“试想一想吧,同一类菊花,有匙瓣的,有管瓣的,有针瓣的,神态更是变化万千。”



  1. I began to understand from their looks and vague answers to my tentative questions that they were suspicious of me, an American.


  2. Affect suggests an effort to give the appearance of something either out of personal preference or to make an impression.


  3. His eyes were closed, as if the king of this domain were taking a nap, stretched in the sun to soak up the long-awaited warmth of spring.


  4. "What's the matter, Carrie? " said Hurstwood after a time, noticing her quiet, almost moody state.


  5. Young to participate in the work of my colleagues is just near the veterans, the air of a vibrant young people.


  6. he thought he saw in her drooping eye , her unstable glance , her wavering manner , the symptoms of a budding passion.


  7. In exterior he resembled a butcher in a poor neighbourhood, and his eyes had a look of sleepy cunning.


  8. To see her thus, one would never have dreamed that she was an invalid whose life was almost despaired of.


  9. I secretly looked at the back door of her mother's unusual look, could not help but "Head-Hey" A smile Out.


  1. 他神态安祥。

    There is a tranquility about him.

  2. 以武断的神态

    in a pontificating manner

  3. 他神态威严凝重。

    He had an air of quiet authority.

  4. 多好的神态啊!

    It's a very fine head.

  5. 他有欢喜的神态。

    He has an air of cheerfulness.

  6. 神态猛虎闯金帮

    Expression fierce tiger the gold help

  7. 带着高贵的神态说

    speak with a noble mien.

  8. 意味深长的神态, 姿势等。

    a meaning look, gesture, etc

  9. 他以超然的神态回答。

    He answered with an air of detachment.

  10. 她有着媚人的神态。

    She has charming manner.

  11. 梅哲全神贯注的排练神态。

    Mazer conducts rehearsals with rapt attention.

  12. 他有一种威严的神态。

    He was invested with an air of dignity.

  13. 那个男人看上去神态自如。

    The man appeared to be in complete command of himself.

  14. 她露出天真愉快的神态。

    She shows a spontaneous gaiety of manner.

  15. 上校多少有点威严的神态。

    The colonel's somewhat magisterial manner.

  16. 但是神态和表情有什么用? ?

    But what availed his expressions or his air ?

  17. 舞出长龙的各种姿势神态。

    Bringing to life the dragons various postures.

  18. 他极力作出彬彬有礼的神态。

    He tried hard to be urbane.

  19. 速记员得神态叫人莫名其妙。

    The stenographer acted very queerly.

  20. 速记员的神态叫人莫名其妙。

    The stenographer acted very queerly.

  21. 带优越感的微笑、样子、神态等

    A superior smile, look, air, etc

  22. 和蔼可亲的神态, 态度, 样子等

    a benevolent air, attitude, manner, etc

  23. 他带着得意的神态说着话。

    He spoke with an air of exultation.

  24. 他带著得意的神态说著话。

    He spoke with an air of exultation.

  25. 兵俑厅神态各异, 形象逼真。

    The expressions and gestures of soldiers are vividly captured in these figures.

  26. 他回答时带着冷漠的神态。

    He answered with an air of detachment.

  27. 刀子露出一幅恼怒的神态。

    Her annoyance, showed itself in her looks.

  28. 妄自尊大的神态没完没了地东拉西扯。

    The young man ramble on with an air of great consequence.

  29. 他竭力表现出和蔼可亲的神态。

    He made an effort to be pleasant.

  30. 那时的玩具机器人,神态安详可亲。

    The toy robots at that time looked perfectly composed and sweet.


  1. 问:神态拼音怎么拼?神态的读音是什么?神态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神态的读音是shéntài,神态翻译成英文是 look

  2. 问:神态从容拼音怎么拼?神态从容的读音是什么?神态从容翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神态从容的读音是shéntàicóngróng,神态从容翻译成英文是 calm manner

  3. 问:神态自若拼音怎么拼?神态自若的读音是什么?神态自若翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神态自若的读音是shéntàizìruò,神态自若翻译成英文是 to seem calm.

  4. 问:神态清醒期拼音怎么拼?神态清醒期的读音是什么?神态清醒期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神态清醒期的读音是shén tài qīng xǐng qī,神态清醒期翻译成英文是 lucid interval




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