






1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:ǒu ěr









  1. 亦作“ 偶而 ”。事理上不一定要发生而发生的。

    《宋书·郑鲜之传》:“殿下在 彭城 ,劫盗破诸县,事非偶尔,皆是无赖凶慝。” 唐 孙昌胤 《遇旅鹤》诗:“时因戏祥风,偶尔来中州。” 巴金 《春》十八:“她偶尔抬起头来,正看见自己的船向着 淑华 的那只船冲过去。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·补天》:“大约巨鳌们是并没有懂得 女娲 的话的,那时不过偶而凑巧的点了点头。”

  2. 间或;有时候。

    宋 陆游 《题斋壁》诗:“性懒杯盘常偶尔,地偏鷄犬亦翛然。” 明 刘若愚 《酌中志·忧危竑议后纪》:“时讹言沸兴,街坊酒肆,无敢偶尔夜会者。” 巴金 《探索集·怀念烈文》:“ 雨田 也搞点翻译,偶尔写一两篇小说。” 杨朔 《雪花飘在满洲》:“车里虽然有几个 中国 人,偶而彼此对望一眼,但他们不敢交谈。”



  1. Federal investigators have found a significant error rate because information in the database is sometimes inaccurate or outdated.

  2. The swishing noise was punctuated by an occasional rooster's crow or the bleat of a white goat scrambling up the yellow honeycombed hills.

  3. Insomnia is not harmful if it is only occasional; the body is readily restored by a few hours of extra sleep.

  4. "To break the news" means to announce something or to tell someone something usually, but not always, unpleasant or unexpected.

  5. It has no troops on the ground and is not exchanging fire with hostile forces (unless you count the odd drone strike).

  6. Just two more months before she has her boy. Aside from the occasional bout of morning sickness, it's been smooth sailing for her so far.

  7. The Zetas described roiling seas and occasional tsunami during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, and this seems to be what is happening.

  8. To entrust the management, brand is of course important, however, occasionally have won tenders to be well written as well.

  9. Will you be in the occasional time silently reminded him that reminded him, in the heart, the mouth cape will be slightly warm rise.


  1. 接纳你偶尔的失意。

    Acceptance when you sometimes fail.

  2. 偶尔的饮酒/ 散步/ 度假

    the odd drink/ walk/ holiday

  3. 因为你偶尔的多愁善感。

    Because of your occasional sentimentality.

  4. 症状是持续的,还是偶尔的?

    Have your symptoms been continuous, or occasional

  5. 我可控制偶尔的情绪失控。

    I can handle the occasional temper tantrum.

  6. 爱是容忍他偶尔的胡茬。

    Love is putting up with his occasional stubble.

  7. 能够忍受他偶尔的胡子拉茬。

    Putting up with his occasional stubble.

  8. 她宽恕了他丈夫偶尔的不忠。

    She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities.

  9. 她宽恕了他丈夫偶尔的不忠。

    She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities.

  10. 偶尔的, 断断续续的, 满满的装在你心里。

    Occasional, intermittent, and full of equipment in your heart.

  11. 我所要做的只是偶尔的销售小姐。

    I have to do is occasionally Miss sales.

  12. 没有期望,收获也只能是偶尔的。

    Whithout expectation, gaining comes by chance only.

  13. 偶尔的脆弱, 也早已习惯了深藏。

    Occasionally vulnerability, have become accustomed to deep.

  14. 偶尔的王牌仍然是洋基里面最好的。

    Occasional Ace is still the best Yankees have got.

  15. 偶尔的敌意与真正的友谊不相协调。

    Occasional hostility is inconsistent with true friendship.

  16. 偶尔的一声枪响, 显示了敌人的来临。

    An occasional shot announced the presence of the enemy.

  17. 偶尔的背信者在途径上排列喷雾器。

    The stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.

  18. 有你们偶尔的帮助,我应该可以做到。

    I could have done with a bit of support from you once in a while.

  19. 许多的饥饿会和偶尔的快速杀戮相对抗。

    The starvation of many versus the occasional quick kill.

  20. 偶尔的回忆过去,让我觉得我的人生在退步。

    Occasionally the memories of the past, let me feel my life in.

  21. 赢家接受偶尔的亏损, 认亏, 然后继续努力。

    Winners accept occasional losses, take them, and move on.

  22. 伊恩还是原谅了苏珊 偶尔的不雅。

    Still, Ian had found a way to forgive Susan her occasional lack of grace.

  23. 只是在偶尔的时候,我们会起见事情的不幸。

    It is only at odd moments that we get glimpses of the misery of things.

  24. 约翰发现偶尔的娱乐打破了军营千篇一律的生活。

    John found that makeshift entertainment broke the monotony.

  25. 曼德尔森我来了。原谅偶尔的嘲笑吧。

    MANDELSON I come. Forgive the occasional snigger.

  26. 我觉得习惯是比任何偶尔的兴奋都重要的。

    And habit, to my thinking, is more vital than any occasional excitement.

  27. 轻吻加上偶尔的轻弹绝对会让她疯狂。

    Light kisses and the occasional flick of the tongue will drive her crazy, no doubt. Ah, arousal at its best.

  28. 罗斯说,他对这种偶尔的取笑并不在意。

    Mr. Ross says he doesnt mind the infrequent teasing.

  29. 偶尔的一次发火并未减少我对她的尊敬。

    An occasional outburst didn't diminish my respect for her.

  30. 额外翼载荷可能帮助抵抗坏空气偶尔的团。

    The extra wing loading can help to resist the occasional lump of bad air.


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