


1. 劈 [pī]2. 劈 [pǐ]劈 [pī]用刀斧或强力破开:~杀。~刺。~成两半。雷电击坏或击毙:天打雷~。冲着,正对着:~头盖脑。两个斜面合成的纵截面呈三角形的简单机械,刀、斧、楔子等各种切削工具的刃都属于这一类(亦称“尖劈”)。劈……







汉语拼音:pī pā xiǎng



  1. I spend a bit of the stomach throws ring for a small abacus Bola : themselves?


  1. 我听到车夫把鞭子甩得劈啪响。

    I heard the driver cracking his whip.

  2. 在过桥走到桥中间时, 他的那辆破车劈啪响着熄了火。

    In the middle of the bridge, his old car spluttered out.

  3. 我从一层灰蒙蒙的烟中看到一长串爆竹劈啪炸响。

    Through a cloud of gray smoke, I saw a long line of firecrackers exploding.

  4. 肥油在炸锅里劈啪劈啪地响。

    Fat sputters in the frying pan.

  5. 油炸锅里的食油已经热了。肥油在炸锅里劈啪劈啪地响。

    The fat in the fryer had heated all right. Fat sputters in the frying pan.

  6. 这些烤苹果在烤箱内劈里啪啦地响。

    The baked apples are spluttering in the oven.

  7. 百叶窗在风中劈劈啪啪作响。

    The shutters clattered in the wind.

  8. 蜡烛劈劈啪啪地响了一会儿就熄了。

    The candle spluttered and went out.

  9. 汽车得引擎劈劈啪啪地响了一阵后就熄火了。

    The car's engine sputtered for a moment and then died.

  10. 汽车的引擎劈劈啪啪地响了一阵后就熄火了。

    The car's engine sputtered for a moment and then died.

  11. 鞭子劈啪地响。

    The whip cracked.

  12. 蜡烛劈劈啪啪响了一阵子。

    The candle sputtered for a moment.

  13. 发动机劈劈啪啪响了一阵后便熄火了。

    The engine spluttered and died.

  14. 沙沙作响发出轻柔的劈啪声沙沙作响

    To make a soft, crackling sound rustle.

  15. 劈啪直响, 火星飞迸的火

    a sparking, crackling fire

  16. 汽车突然劈啪一声响, 停了下来。

    Suddenly the car sputtered and stopped.

  17. 我的米糕在碗中劈啪地响。

    My rice krispies crackled in the bowl.

  18. 我的米糕在碗中劈啪地响。

    My rice krispies crackled in the bowl.

  19. 我得米糕在碗中劈啪地响。

    My rice krispies crackled in the bowl.

  20. 在火中木柴燃烧时劈啪啪地响。

    The wood in the fire snapped as it burned.

  21. 发动机发出“劈啪”的声音。

    The engine sounded"crack"!

  22. 木柴燃烧时发出劈啪劈啪声。

    The wood snapped as it burned.

  23. 雨劈啪劈啪地打在窗户上。

    Rain splashed against the window.

  24. 雨水劈啪劈啪地打在窗子上。

    The rain splashed against the window.

  25. 我们听到烟火的劈劈啪啪声响遍了整个村庄。

    We heard fireworks crack all over the village.

  26. 炉火中劈啪劈啪地爆溅出煤渣。

    The fire sputtered cinders.

  27. 母亲劈开一个木箱当柴烧。在火中木柴燃烧时劈啪啪地响。

    Mother broke up a box for firewood The wood in the fire snapped as it burned.

  28. 火劈啪作响。

    The fire crackled.

  29. 劈啪作响的烟火

    sputtering fireworks

  30. 劈啪作响的船横

    And the cracking of timbers.

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