









汉语拼音:zhī suǒ yǐ



  1. The fact that gossip had published the banns was one of the reasons I had come East.


  2. The reason for the long delay was that from the moment of its discovery electricity was seen primarily as power and not as communication.


  3. Sometimes, as I thought, I was vanquished more by his fluency than by the strength of his reasons.


  4. This discussion is presented with a desire to reinforce the concept of coupling SOA design with a business focus.


  5. Kiyoko Fukuda is said to have married new Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda because he promised that he would never make her a politician's wife.


  6. He had returned home, he said, because his 'master' at Baiyunguan, the Taoist temple in Beijing, suggested it might be a good thing to do.


  7. We said that we were going to be motivated by concerns that were not always or strictly business ones.


  8. I decided to take it down finally, because I considered if I didn't speak it out, it would be a pity and irresponsible for somebody.


  9. This communication is said to be asynchronous because events do not arrive immediately in response to requests, but some time later.


  1. 之所以反对是因为

    object that

  2. 我之所以不吓人

    I think the fact that I'm not intimidating.

  3. 他之所以会在那里

    The reason he was there.

  4. 我之所以能在这儿。

    Part of me being here.

  5. 我之所以没那样做。

    I've been reticent to do so.

  6. 你之所以不敢指认比莉。

    So you being all afraid to pick Billie.

  7. 我之所以会和人打架

    And the only reason I got in a fight in the first place.

  8. 这案子之所以会陷入困境

    This court is troubled.

  9. 结婚时之所以没有通知你

    I got married without you.

  10. 以前之所以能做到这些。

    Ahem, we were able to be all these things.

  11. 人之所以能是因为相信能。

    Man can because of the capability he believes in.

  12. 你们之所以被挑出来参加

    Well, you have been selected to participate.

  13. 小说之所以不真实正在这里。

    Here lies the unreality of fiction.

  14. 之所以如此并不让人讶异

    Their inadequacy is not surprising.

  15. 我之所以选你跟进这个病人

    I specifically chose you for this case.

  16. 她之所以缺席是因为她病了。

    The reason for her absence was that she was ill.

  17. 它们之所以红是因为它们吃虾。

    Their red color comes from their shrimp diet.

  18. 她问之所以发生延误的原因。

    She asked the reason why there was a delay.

  19. 他之所以成功是因为他工作勤奋。

    He achieved because he was a hard worker.

  20. 他之所以光明磊落,是由于他的心。

    That which enlightened this man was his heart.

  21. 她之所以成功,是因为坚持不懈。

    The reason for her success is her unremitting effort.

  22. 他之所以成功, 是因为他凡事尽力。

    He succeeded because he did his very best in everything.

  23. 之所以没有扩散的原因有三个。

    There's three reasons why it didn't spread more.

  24. 索伦托先生之所以来到这个国家

    Only that Mr. Sorrento came to this country.

  25. 人们之所以期望如此,关键还是成本。

    And it's the cost of driving that's making people want to be able to do this.

  26. 我们之所以犯错误是因为我们太粗心。

    The mistake happened because we are careless.

  27. 王之所以如此勤政只是因为他是王。

    Tis so much to be a king, that he only is so by being so.

  28. 他们之所以奉承他们是为了做成买卖。

    The only reason they sucked up to them was for business.

  29. 名牌大学之所以名牌,他们要的人不同。

    Officials at many elite schools excoriate Score Choice.

  30. 之所以这么做他们期待大事件发生

    They're doing it because they are expecting things to happen.


  1. 问:之所以拼音怎么拼?之所以的读音是什么?之所以翻译成英文是什么?

    答:之所以的读音是zhīsuǒyǐ,之所以翻译成英文是 Used in the former clause of a compound sentence...

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