


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……





汉语拼音:hǎo cí



  1. This time the door, search not choose to slant was found to have good word is we have to main work.


  2. In writing, we often use the word of some good book, good sentence and life philosophy.


  3. In the nick of time, I can say a sicker rhyme. Cause it's time for change, like a nickel or a dime.


  4. Participants might press one key when they see a Moroccan name or a good word, and press another when they see a French name or a bad word.


  5. And for another -- deciding what words are good and what words are bad is actually not very easy.


  6. It sounds funny. Is it a polite word?


  7. "Hosting" is a good word to use for the capabilities that current CDEs provide.


  8. It mainly leads children to accumulate beautiful sentences and words for writing.


  9. prose is words in the best order : poetry is the best words in best order .


  1. 传染 是一个好词

    Contagious is a good word.

  2. 我说过,传染是个好词

    Like I said, contagious is a good word.

  3. 别叫他“疯子”,这不是个好词。

    Don't call him nutter because it is such a bad term.

  4. 论绝妙好词对词学思想的影响

    On the Influence of The Excellent Ci on the Subject of Ci

  5. 散文是井然有序的文字,诗是井然有序的绝妙好词。

    Prose is words in the best order; poetry is the best words in the best order.

  6. 当然啦,作为一个医生而言,抱歉可不是个好词

    Of course, when you become a doctor, sorry is not a happy word.

  7. 请您重复一遍最后一个词好吗

    What was the last word again please.

  8. 又不是什么不好的词。

    It's not a bad word.

  9. 又不是什么不好的词。

    It's not a bad word.

  10. 爱是一个很好的词。

    So, love is a decent word.

  11. 爱是一个很好得词。

    So, love is a decent word .

  12. 我在想有没有比讨厌更好的词了

    I'm trying to think of a better word than loathing.

  13. 好的词、句、段可以在书上圈圈画画或者摘抄下来。

    A good word, sentence, paragraph could be in the book excerpt on the circle, or draw down.

  14. 玩家们点击最好定义这个词的解释。

    Players click on the one that best defined s the word.

  15. 他们口中吐出的多半是早已拟好的判决词。

    Condemnations pronounced in advance are more likely to be the result.

  16. 你应该把不定词学好。

    You should learn infinitive well.

  17. 英语课上, 老师训练学生直到他们掌握好了这些词为止。

    The teacher drilled the English class until they knew the words well.

  18. 第四,多背诵英文字词及好文章,或朗读名家英语演讲。

    Fourth, recites English glossary and good articles, or reads famous expert's English lectures.

  19. 你能介绍一本好词典吗?

    Can you recommend a good dictionary ?

  20. 好,有多少词能让你压韵婊子

    Yeah, but how many words can you rhyme with bitch.

  21. 你能给我推荐一本好词典吗?

    Can you recommend a good dictionary?

  22. 你能向我介绍一本好词典吗?

    Can you recommend a good dictionary to me?

  23. 句子要短,短小的词比长词好,单音节的词是最佳选择。

    Monosyllabic words are best.

  24. 我们不在乎这个词说起来 好不好听。

    You don't care that the word sounded pretty when it was spoken.

  25. 你最好划掉这些多余的词。

    You'd better scratch through these superfluous words.

  26. 在毕业典礼上致告别词的最好级别的学生。

    The student with the highest academic rank in a class who delivers the valedictory at graduation.

  27. 没有用言语表达, 用于治好那头脑的没有词

    No word, no word for curing that mind

  28. 没有用言语表达,用于治好那头脑得没有词

    No word, no word for curing that mind.

  29. 可我有种不好的预感,这个词没准会流行起来。

    This is as simple as it is gruesome, and I have a nasty feeling it might catch on.

  30. 我所说的这位老人的确让我不好让我用某个词来描述。

    I said the old man did make me bad let me use a word to describe.




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