






1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……





汉语拼音:qín sè hé míng






  1. na.
  2. The lute and psaltery are in harmony.;felicity of husband and wife;conjugal bliss

  1. 琴瑟和鸣。

    Getting in sync.

  2. 在一位知音的心弦和鸣。

    Ifound again in the heart of a friend.

  3. 此款鸾凤和鸣,牡丹花开,雍荣华贵。

    Cixin sounds and chirping and the peony flowers, the splendor of your yong.

  4. 他们结婚20年来没红过脸,真可谓鸾凤和鸣。

    They haven t quarreled for twenty years,they are really a happy couple.

  5. 他们结婚20年来没红过脸,真可谓鸾凤和鸣。

    They haven't quarreled for twenty years, they are really a happy couple.

  6. 带着犁耙和炼炉,极棒和琴瑟。

    Take the plough and the forge and the mallet and the lute

  7. 音乐会琴瑟和鸣的另一个形式是弦歌。

    Another form for Concert Harmonious Qin and Se is Xuan Ge.

  8. 音远和鸣虫。

    My sounds went far away replying the croking insects.

  9. 盛开的花和鸣叫的鸟

    Passion Flowers and Humming Birds by Martin Johnson Heade

  10. 我发现很难和他取得共鸣。

    I find it very hard to sympathize with him.

  11. 他们夫妻二人结婚以后一直琴瑟和谐。

    They have been living in marital harmony since they got married.

  12. 他们夫妻二人结婚以后一直琴瑟和谐。

    They have been living in marital harmony since they got married.

  13. 大量的胱氨酸,精氨酸,赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出。

    Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted.

  14. 鸾凤和鸣即是比喻婚姻美满, 夫妻和谐。

    Wong and tragic metaphor that is happily married couples harmony.

  15. 刺激鸽脑引起呼吸和鸣叫反应的研究

    Respiratory Failure Studies on the Respiration and Vocalization Evoked by Electrical Stimulation of the Pigeon's Brain

  16. 谷翊群,陈振文,于和鸣,等译。世界卫生组织编。

    Evenson DP, Jost LK, Baer RK, et al.

  17. 记录下物理外部特征和鸣叫声作为辨认的依据。

    Write down physical details and the sounds the birds make as identifying characteristics.

  18. 其他和鸣人一批的忍者在战争中也都有独当一面的能力。

    Wong and a group of other people's ninja in the war also have creative ability.

  19. 人们很容易和预测家产生共鸣。

    It's easy to sympathize with forecasters.

  20. 后期又发表了永别了,武器和丧钟为谁而鸣。

    Later, he published A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls.

  21. 我想世界各地许多人都会和澳大利亚人有着共鸣。

    I think many of us around the world can sympathize with the Australians.

  22. 在三月, 经常有雷鸣和闪电发生。

    There is frequent thunder and lightning in March.

  23. 一提到胡桃夹子,你就联想到钟鸣和雪花。

    Think of The Nutcracker and you imagine chimes and snowflakes.

  24. 那发生了一场大暴风雨, 伴随着雷鸣和闪电。

    There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning.

  25. 鸣沙山和月牙泉

    The Mingsha Mountain and the Crescent Moon Spring

  26. 振鸣声和汽笛声控制系统

    whistle and siren control system

  27. 奏鸣曲式和主题以及主题变奏?

    SonataAllegro and Theme and Variations

  28. 穿越教堂得钟声和车轮得鸣响,

    Ride through the blare of bells and wheels

  29. 和夏季傍晚嗡鸣的飞虫一团。

    The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.

  30. 穿越教堂的钟声和车轮的鸣响。

    Ride through the blare of bells and wheels.



琴瑟和鸣,成语解释:比喻夫妇情笃和好。元 徐琰《青楼十咏 言盟》:“结同心尽了今生,琴瑟和谐,鸾凤和鸣。”明 沈受先《三元记团圆》:“夫妻和顺从今定,这段姻缘夙世成,琴瑟和谐乐万春。”亦作“琴瑟和好”。《聊斋志异孙生》:“孙由是琴瑟和好。生一男两女,十余年从无角口之事。”亦作“琴瑟和同”。《群音类选》:“愿心儿折桂乘龙,怎能勾鱼水相逢,琴瑟和同。”《诗 小雅棠棣》:“妻子好合,如鼓琴瑟。”后用“琴瑟相调”比喻夫妇感情融洽谐乐。元 王子一《误入桃源》四折:“今日也鱼水和谐,燕莺成对,琴瑟相调。”明汪廷讷《狮吼记 抚儿》:“琴瑟相调,芝兰又吐,三迁慈教推贤母。”亦作“琴瑟调和”。《群音类选》:“琴瑟调和,百年相聚。”

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